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Molasses Spill
It is from Maui, and they intake 1,600-2,00 tons a week...Matson has no spill response plan for a molasses spill, and the spill was from a pipe they didn't know existed.... and the CWA fines alone are $25,000/day... plus they are technically responsible for ANY monetary damages...but that is a whole 'nother evasion potential...
News link:
Great [Sad] Honolulu made the national news for the "worst environmental damage ever in Hawaii". That it may draw more sharks, predators & increased levels of bacteria & viruses. . . Jeeze - not good for tourism, not good for the other critters. When they first ran the story, it was like nothing & it would be gone the next day.

"This is the worst environmental damage to sea life that I have come across, and it's fair to say that this is a biggie, if not the biggest, that we've had to confront in the state of Hawaii," Deputy Director Gary Gill
I still find it inconceivable that nearly a quarter of a million gallons was spilled. How long would that take????

Tonight, KITV said it was from Maui, stored on Oahu for further shipment.


Ninole Resident
Please visit
Ninole Resident
This is bad. Video at link.

Originally posted by rainyjim

It almost reads as if you are validating their actions macuu222. I hope thats not the case.

Kelena, I don't believe it is produced in hawaii, although it can be made from sugarcane. I did however come across a list of uses for molasses, many of which I did not know...perhaps it could explain why there was so much.

Molasses can be used as:

The principal ingredient in the distillation of rum
In stouts or Porters
An additive in tobacco smoked in a hookah, shisha, or narghile (found in the brands Mazaya, Al-Fakher, Nakhla, Tangiers and Salloum)
An additive in livestock feeds
An ingredient in fishing groundbait
A source for yeast production.
An iron supplement
The main ingredient in the production of Citric acid
The carbon source for in situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Blended with magnesium chloride and used for de-icing.
A stock for ethanol fermentation to produce an alternative fuel for motor vehicles[7]
As a chelating agent to remove rust[8]
As a minor component of mortar for brickwork[9]
Mixed with glue to case ink rollers on early printing presses
As a soil additive to promote microbial activity[10]

I didn't know molasses was usable for all that. I don't think he was defending their actions, only pointing out that whenever a corporation gets fined, it doesn't REALLY hurt them because their customers, that means me and you end up paying the fine in higher prices. Their workers, the corporation and especially their corporate officers will still make what they always have, it will not harm them personally. Only the customers pay the price whenever any corporation gets sued or has an accident. (I know, their insurance will cover certain things, but then their rates go up and we the people still pay.)
In our sue happy country we must accept some blame ourselves for rising prices

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
Per the morning "news", Matson apparently had no contingency plans for this spill, nor can anyone find any maintenance/inspection records for the pipeline.

If ever anyone needed an example of how "laws are for the little people", this one is pretty good.
classic case of - the persons pumping the product were not in contact with the persons receiving the product...pumper to receiver...I show 10,000 gallons pumped from my end, how much have you received? receiver to pumper...I show NO product received on my end, when did you begin the transfer operation? jeeezzus!
Originally posted by Frank

classic case of - the persons pumping the product were not in contact with the persons receiving the product...pumper to receiver...I show 233,000 gallons pumped from my end, how much have you received? receiver to pumper...I show NO product received on my end, when did you begin the transfer operation? jeeezzus!

and so it goes...

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