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So let me get this straight, because you got sick at one point I can't have my own opinion or voice it? I hope you aren't a bunch of hypocrites when your own first ammendment rights are violated.

FYI, none of you know any of my personal life so kudos on your assumption making abilities or lack there of.

Guess what.. your issue is the cost of healthcare. Not me hating insurance. Get your **** straight.
If you are young and ride a murdercycle, health insurance is advisable. Getting health insurance is also the patriotic thing to do. Take public schools as an analogy. I have no children I am aware of, and yet part of my taxes goes to support public schools. If I, and others like me, were permitted to "opt out" because I have no children then the burden on others would be greater. The Affordable Care Act will work most efficiently with the highest possible participation as that spreads the risk around and, theoretically at least, reduces the contribution of any individual participant. If more Americans have health insurance, we all benefit as a society, just as we all benefit, including me, when American children have equal access to an education.

The choice about whether to enroll in a particular health insurance plan is made a little easier if you remember this is not just about you. It is about the kind of society we want to live. Do want to live in the kind of society where we have to hold a pancake breakfast every time some little uninsured kid down the block gets leukemia? Do we want to hold bake sales and fundraisers for the uninsured musician faced with mounting medical bills over a debilitating illness? They have no such fundraisers in England, Denmark, Canada, France or Japan, just to name a few countries. They don't have to. That is because all participate and share the risk because they don't want to live in a society where some have health care and others do not.

In short, if you believe that every man is an island, you may just want to take the nominal penalty. But if you believe, as I do, that we all live on an island together and have a mutual responsibility to one another, it is your patriotic duty to enroll. You will be living in a nation that acts like a nation, rather than a loose conglomeration of craven jackals. As a side benefit, you will have health insurance.

It should be pointed out, by the way, that they didn't make it easy to opt in. The Hawaii Health Care Connector fell very short and was not ready to go on day one. The guy in charge of that failed enterprise said "We will use October for learning". (What about using Jan-Sept for learning?). He also said something to the effect that he didn't think people would want to sign up right away anyway.

See above: I would have insurance today if it were affordable. I've been going without every since I lost my "job".

The ACA (and our local HHC "learning exercise") haven't fixed that problem.

I see nothing here that in any way is violating your First Amendment rights. People who have had different life experiences than you are just pointing out that they think the advice you are giving is really bad, and could cost someone dearly if they follow your path and then have a serious health problem, like cancer, or a debilitating and difficult to treat disease.

Personally I wish single payer had been on the table, instead of this mandated insurance system. As a person who was self employed for 25 years before I became a teacher, and who could not buy insurance on the open market during that time, who was turned away at the emergency room when my child had a serious bleeding head wound because we did not have the cash up front (Thank you Sacred Wallet hospital of Eugene, Oregon) this system would have made a world of difference for our family. It is far from perfect, but at least it gives people a chance to get coverage.

Many people who would like to start small businesses have been unable to do so because of the health insurance issue, an unintended positive consequence of the ACA may be an increase in small scale entrepreneurship, which is exactly what places like Puna need for economic development.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by rainyjim

So let me get this straight, because you got sick at one point I can't have my own opinion or voice it? I hope you aren't a bunch of hypocrites when your own first ammendment rights are violated.

FYI, none of you know any of my personal life so kudos on your assumption making abilities or lack there of.

Guess what.. your issue is the cost of healthcare. Not me hating insurance. Get your **** straight.

Rainyjim, Don't post if you do not want opposing views. If you do post, don't complain about opposing views. Somehow I missed anyone telling you you can't have your opinion or voice it. You appear to be making things up.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
That sounds nice Kelena, but in my reality we (americans) choose to spend our money on planes, guns, bombs, and bullet-proof checkpoints. Not healthcare. Thats why it is now mandated - the money is running out. Lets not forget why we now have a gun to our head being forced participate in another (central banks, insurance, fuel surcharge tax) government run mafia scheme of 'protection' and extortion.
Rob and Carol,

Try these on for size:
Originally posted by lattelady49

Stop slamming it.

Originally posted by Cheerio
Until your life has been struck by a random genetic fluke that you could not have prevented, or something crazy like rat-lung-worm from your garden bed, cast not the first stone, rainyjim, mmkay?

I take people telling me what I can say OR can't say as telling me I can't have an opinion or voice it. Are they not synonymous?

I don't mind opposing views. I welcome them. Maybe you should re-read the thread it seems you are confused about who doesn't like opposing views.
Ahem: I'm one of those who isn't starting a small business -- not for lack of insurance, but because I can't afford either the County "Special Use Permit" process nor the extra "Shipman Tax" for a County-blessed "commercial" location.

If someone can explain how the ACA will "fix" that, I'm listening.
We need Medicare for all- (single payer).
ACA should be called "HICRA" the "Health Insurance Company Relief Act".
It is a Federally enacted protection racket passed for benefit of private insurers.
You don't seem to understand the "first ammendment" (sic) - it does not apply to Internet forums run by someone else.
I hope you ARE a hypocrite when you finally figure out that insurance is a good idea, hopefully before you have an accident.

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