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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Everyone should get off the idea that Bo did it! We the family of Brittany no longer think he did. You should be looking locally for the killers. NOT KILLER.....

ted royal
ted royal
I believe with all my heart that Bo did not kill his partner, he is a victim just like Brittany, and what's worse for his family is that he, most likely, will never be found. I can't imagine the pain... My heart goes out to them as well as to Brittany's family. I sure hope the police, and hopefully the FBI is taking a close look at some of the Kalapana locals... just saying. I know it is an overturned stone already.
The sad part Minette, that stone may not have been overturned yet! That is why we are pressing harder than ever for the feds to get involved.....

ted royal
ted royal
I would also like to add my 2 cents that I also do NOT believe Bo did it. And yes Minette, some Kalapana locals DO need to be looked at. The scenario that has been painted of Bo doing it doesn't add up. If he is alive and possibly off the island why haven't the US Marshalls been called in?????? Food for thought. And sadly, if Bo was killed his body will probably never be recovered. My heart aches for the Johnson family.
Not to mention that way back in June Brittany's parents were told an arrest warrant would be issued for Bo very soon. The murder(s) are now nearly 5 months old and still no arrest warrant! Is there not enough evidence for an arrest warrant? That seems to be the case.
TruthSeeker11, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt they don't have enough evidence or that would be the first thing they would do. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. The state and detectives go round and round on this issue with us. Beyond frustrating. But only if you think Bo did it. Now we aren't so sure and that might be the reason they to date haven't come up with one. Only the authorities know for sure. They are getting other leads and they have to track all leads down. That also is something to consider. Lots going on in this case. The local PD has to turn the case over to the state and they have to turn it over to the FBI. If that doesn't happen then we have to make it happen. I would guess that the Johnson's would be hot on that trail too with the PD and the state since they obviously think their son was murdered with our daughter. We havent heard from them on these blogs now for a long time so maybe they have been pursuing that all along. I know I would be if I was Bo's family.

ted royal
ted royal

A few posters have been spotted in Pahoa and Leilani Estates
My heart breaks for all families involved, closure is needed....the hurry up and wait syndrome is brutal! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

Blessings, Dot
Cops named Bo #1 suspect for a reason, they werent forced to... think about it

If a local (someone who lived here) killed them (both), what did they benefit from it? $$$ HellNo! thats the first question... Its not like they got robbed or carjacked for a nice ride, they were living in a tent, who would take the chance of life in prison no parole to just go around killing 2 people for fun, out in the open lava field ...with a garrote from tent site I may add, why didnt they bring their own weapon ie gun knife??? ...and I would think it would take 2 or more people to detain and kill 2 people in the dark on uneven ground (w/garrote), ....and again, what kind of murderer drags a body many hundred yards to dump it, a (stranger) murderer would kill and run away fast... not stay with the evidence and possibly leaving trace evidence or getting some on them doing so... (Bo would need to get rid of body to play the "she up and left me" story)

PS. there is no way in hell their so called (maybe) startup tour co. was a threat to the 'other' well known Tour Co. come on there is only one real tour company in Kalapana and everyone looking to see lava upclose knows it... they (Brit and Bo) would have only got occasional walkbys, if that... so IMO that is NOT a motive to kill 2 people

it may take some time.... it took many years for the D.Ireland case to be solved

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
First I would like to say to both families hurting so bad from this very sad tragic Crime that took place here on our island. There has not been a day go by since, that my wife and I don't think about Bo, Britt, Family, and what happened. We use to frequent the Kalapana area weekly if not almost daily. The sunrises, and sets were like no other. Now our feelings down there are so different we don't really like the vibe. I cant help but think this was another uneducated, animalistic, murder here on our coastline.
My feelings are the same as they were with Dana Ireland, and the Vargas girl. Probably three locals or more who knew this kalapana area Very well. They are probably off this island by now? A private detective and the U.S marshalls should be actively pursuing this case. I would also like to know what the police have done down there in Rural Kalapana to make it more safe? Even before this tragic crime took place, there were many reports of threats, harrassments, Even beat downs in kalapana. I suppose over who's land, or who was suppose to take lava tours?. The only police I saw down there was around 1:30 A.M to write out a few parking tickets. With all the prior reports called in was there any state or county negligence? Who was selling this raw, rural land? Why? So many questions still few answers. We are very sorry for your loss as well as Kalapanas loss.


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