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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Dateline isn't scared, it's the family (according to the HawaiiNewsNow story).

Anyone can write an anonymous letter. It doesn't fit with the facts (as far as I know them) of a body being dragged over the lava.
Without knowing what the police know it would be hard to say exactly why they have him as a suspect. During investigations there can be many tips to a case. If there are other people involved its usually a matter of time before there is something that breaks. Doesn't help the families of the victims come to closure but I think the police will be making it a number one priority to find the killer or killers.

I surely hope they find the perpetrator. If it is some kind of organized crime syndicate on the island things have a tendency to work out in the big Karma wheel. Most intelligent people wont put up with with threats of payola, Of course on an island with such restrictive gun laws it might be a paradise for extortion.

My name is Sarah, sister to Boaz Johnson. I am always available and interested in bouncing around possible scenarios. You can email me at or call me personally (309)716-9771.

That goes for anyone and everyone that may have useful information. I don't care how minimal the information is. I would also like to talk to anyone who knew Bo over there. Just so I could paint a picture of what life was like over there for them.

Originally posted by gypsy69

Thank you for your answers to my very trying questions. Now if someone had some information that may? or may not be helpful? What would be the best way you would like to be contacted? It has been very difficult with the police so certain that they have their suspect. Hard to think of other possible suspects when the police are so convinced it was Bo. PEACE AND LOVE. gypsy

This morning (oct 23) the story aired on KITV local news twice. They mentioned a letter that indicated Bo was murderd too .but said police still considered Boaz the #1 suspect. Doesn't make sense. No one has seen or heard anything from him since day 1.
Somebody knows what happened but they aren't talking.
The scenario in the letter seems plausible.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Manaolo everyone for your comments and caring. We know that the letter and even the signs that went up around town last week prove nothing. They are certainly interesting, provocative, and worth questioning. I would imagine hanging posters like that could anger or provoke someone, so it seems like a risky thing for someone to do. Whoever hung the posters felt compelled to do so. And, no bones about it, the letter is an alarming read. I agree that most people would not speak or write in such an exaggerated pidgin form, but that doesn’t mean it is fake. I have received private messages and such over the past few months from people who do seem to mirror that style when they write me. All kinds of people…male, female. So, I don’t know. Is the letter a false attempt to implicate innocent people or is it relating the truth? But someone took the time to write the letter and send it to Tiffany Edwards Hunt. Whoever wrote the letter wanted it published for all to see, or why else send it to Tiffany at the Big Island Chronicle? Someone implicated people in the letter—called out specific names. Why? That is the question. Could be the writer doesn’t like these people and wants to call them out and get them in trouble. Or maybe the person knows what really happened and who did it and wants everyone to know. The letter is important and so Tiffany did the right thing and gave it to the police. She also alerted our family about the letter. Many people have attested both to me privately and publicly that they have tried to give information to the police—tips, leads, etc., and either their tips and leads have been dismissed as bogus or they have not heard back from the police or even got through to the police to provide information. Leads came in as early as days after the murder that were dismissed as bogus. One person told me about waiting at the Hilo police department for two hours to provide info and then finally left after no one came to take the information. So perhaps the writer of the letter and the posters of the signs feel going to the police is useless. I honestly don’t know. Maybe they already tried to provide their information and it was discounted. The only reason I don’t completely discount the letter is because we have heard very similar information from many other people for a long time now. Some of the things we have heard from reliable and respected sources are downright chilling. We are, however, still trusting of the police to solve this case. They have one person they have publically called a suspect. As for other suspects, those names have not been made public. We are not afraid to visit the island. We are not afraid of the people of Hawaii or anyone in particular. But we are concerned about a few things. Our concern has nothing to do with the wonderful people on the island. The people of Hawaii have been supportive and kind and they do seem to really care about justice for Brittany and justice in their communities. Our reason for not returning this November has to do with something else we have been told over and over again. It is something that we think is a legitimate concern. And it's not about any one person in particular!!! Until we can either validate these concerns or debunk them, we are waiting to return. Most likely we should know more soon and my sister and I plan to go to the Big Island in the next few months.

Peace and Love! Julie

You have a beautiful soul.
I wish nothing but peace for you and your family.
I must admit this has all been very unsettling to us living here, and continues to be haunting.
Never give up hope, and keep pressing. This seems to be the only way things get done on this island.
This island is paradise, but evil lurks in the darkness.

Much Aloha to you and yours. <3
I am glad to hear that Brittany's family is not ready to fully believe these sorts of "tips" or what I've read of the anonymous letter. While I know you must be desperate for leads and for justice, sadly, there are some people in our community who either for reasons of getting attention, personal vendettas or mental illness, would mislead you.

This letter saddens me because I think it smacks of racism. I'm not saying there is not racial tension and hatred here (like everywhere else) but I do not see that level of it happening here. I don't.

To me it seems the person who wrote that letter must have been anything but local. Here's why: First, a seat in a boat when the lava was flowing was worth money. Anyone who had a boat that could make it out there could earn cash - which is hard to do here. It's a long, bumpy trip and there are not many boats that did it. Why take 2 people for free just to mess with them?

Second, there is a strong current in the deeper waters just offshore that every fisherman or boater here knows about. If you wanted to throw something over and have it not come back to shore you'd just need to go out a little ways - like fisherman often do when they clean fish.

The lava flow is a few miles west and the boat ramp is 10 or 15 miles east. The boat ramp at Pohoiki about 30-40 minutes drive away is the only place to launch anywhere near here. That's a pretty big area of ocean. So then why in the world would she be found so close to where they were living? It just seems like too much of a coincidence.

I don't believe the claims made in the letter are legit.
I sincerely hope that justice will be served in this case. It is deeply troubling for all of us here. My heart goes out to the family.

Pilgrim, all good points. There are holes in both sides of this story. But too much to discuss here. Needless to say we want a fair investigation. That is all we can hope for. We have done what we can behind the scenes to make sure that is taking place. From my personal standpoint at this point all I can do is press for fair and impartial investigations. I think that is happening. The State prosecutor has his direction from the state attorney general. They are driving the detectives in what they need to go find and investigate. If they aren't happy with the findings they send them back out again. I know this because I talk to them all on a regular basis. I know DNA is forthcoming soon. I know polygragh tests have been taken and continue to be taken. I know tips are being followed up on. And I also know cases can take years to solve and some never get solved. Unfortunately for our family we can't rest or let off the gas pedal until we know someone is behind bars. So we sit and chime in from time to time on blogs and try to keep the interest up and hopefully someone someday will come forth with the truth. I don't think racism is a part of this case at all though. There are white folks who live on the lava and are welcome there. We met some while we were there to get Brit's remains. They are just as much a part of that world as other native Hawaiians. We know we are Haoles to some whatever that means but we know we are supported by many native Hawaiians. We get the aloha every day on blogs and facebook. I cant wait to come visit again. Hopefully one day in better circumstances. But for now we cant wait to come and face our daughters killer in court. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I try to remember that every day. It's not always an easy thing to do when you get information. Thanks for caring and sharing..Ted

ted royal
ted royal
Besides the Royal family, HPD, and Tiffany Edwards Hunt has anyone on here read the actual full text of the "anonymous" letter?

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