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ARC of Hilo lost the recycling contract to a different organization when it went to bid. Still not county workers, and nobody is getting fat retirements off the recycling program, although I wish every worker was going to get a decent retirement when they get too old to work. I don't know what is going to happen when we have a whole generation of minimum wage workers who are too old to work and have to retire without ever having earned enough to save for retirement.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
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The current "recycling" isn't helping; it would be far more useful if all that plastic were melted down into feedstock that could be used to make things we need. Sending the "recycled plastic" off-island while importing different "plastic products" means paying for gas both ways; a solar-powered plastic foundry would be a far better use of resources.
There's nothing inherently wrong with plastic, and there's no shortage of the stuff (as in "no need make more").
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Here is a recycling idea that would actually generate some revenue:
My son is starting a business that requires glass jars. Like anything in Hawaii the shipping costs as much as the item and so a new16 oz. glass jar without the lid costs almost $2 by the time it arrives. All day long people are tossing out or recycling glass jars at the landfill. Those jars could be separated, so that the ones that have logos embossed in the glass go one direction and the plain jars go another direction. The plain jars get sorted by shape and size and sold to the local producers for honey, jam etc. A clean jar could be sold for 50 cents and everybody would be happy.
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IDEAS Shape our future???'s an idea for our future and our kids futures as well...convince the dept. of education to install a system such as described in this article in EVERY school on the island
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Originally posted by kalakoa
The current "recycling" isn't helping; it would be far more useful if all that plastic were melted down into feedstock that could be used to make things we need. Sending the "recycled plastic" off-island while importing different "plastic products" means paying for gas both ways; a solar-powered plastic foundry would be a far better use of resources.
There's nothing inherently wrong with plastic, and there's no shortage of the stuff (as in "no need make more").
My decks (lanai's) are made from recycled grocery bags !!
That source was shut off by a county ordinance !!!
Just think,we could be using all of those bags and make recycled lumber using the heat from Madam Pele.
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Pyramids have been built, but not before someone had an IDEA.
Wait, weren't the pyramids massive monuments to megalomaniacs convinced they were gods? Huge structures utterly without practical purpose which were painstakingly built over a period of several years by slave labor?
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The conventional wisdom now is pointing to the idea they weren't slaves at and it was considered an honor to work on the pyramids.
To bring it back to Hawaii, what idea started the heiau?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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bringing it back to hilo .... do a search on "Makery" locally - this guy should be getting a whole lot more coverage than he is imho
on the one hand we have the frackers getting all the
on the other we have some one on his own dime without fanfare installing 3d printers for the public use and good.
making us all potential heart device pioneers and prototypers.....
I dont know if anyone has had recent dental work - I happened to see a 3 d printer print out a crown the other day - brave new world....
meanwhile back at the ranch we forging ahead (rolling the dice) with 1800's technology to make steam with all the attendant risk.... not to mention selling out to Monsanto....
There are better options to base a industrial base on ..... starts by raising the level of education - and stopping the infighting.....imho,hilo&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=_NGPUpTrL5PqoASPjIL4Cg&ved=0CD4QsAQ&biw=1241&bih=566#facrc=_&
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Originally posted by seekir
Wait, weren't the pyramids massive monuments to megalomaniacs convinced they were gods? Huge structures utterly without practical purpose which were painstakingly built over a period of several years by slave labor?
They seem to be pretty great as far as tourism goes
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The local "makery" is awesome ... until someone 3D-prints a replacement part, and the manufacturer sues for "theft" of their "intellectual property".