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So it turns out that the girl from Oahu who reported an attempted rape at UHH last week was full of it. Early accounts on facebook and damon tuckers blog point to her failing her classes and not wanting to tell her parents the truth, so she fabricated this story.
As someone who has female friends and family attending UHH, I am very pissed off that someone could be so selfish.

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FYI: Update from Big Island Chronicle (another "blog", with an editor that is a bona fide journalist. Not defending Damon Tucker either, however, it ends up he was correct. Hope it's OK to
drag BIC over here when it pertains to issues discussed.
FYI: (*Snipped - more at link)
A 19-year-old University of Hawaii student lied when she told police and the media that she was attacked at knifepoint in the bathroom of the Geology Building Tuesday.
“We are trying to unweave this wicked web of hers that spiraled out of control,” the student’s mother said Saturday.
A police detective who met with the student Friday “figured out something was not right,” the student’s mother said. He had the student call her mother in Ewa Beach to confess to lying. False reporting charges won’t be filed against the student, her mother said.
“I was pleasantly surprised at how much empathy the detective had, even when he got her to tell the truth,” the student’s mother said.
She expressed remorse to BIC and the media as a whole, to police, to campus security, and to university officials who she hounded for not being more swift about putting out an alert to other students about the alleged attack. University officials issued an email alert a couple of days after the false report was made.
“I’m sorry, I want to make amends,” the student told BIC. ”I didn’t know how big it was going to get.”
WOW. This child certainly has some issues. JMO.
Oh, and the mall
was on lock down the other night due to a report to police of a potential gun in the mall. Only posted in case anyone had family there. JMO.
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What a bunch of crap - children like this will only learn if they have to pay for their mistakes. At least some community service is in order. According to my niece, the campus has been paralyzed since the news of a rapist on the loose! Empathy is something that the judge and jury can choose to employ but I would expect the prosecutors office to press charges on something as serious as this.
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Not just this case, but I think anyone that falsely reports a crime should be subject to the same penalty.
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Ninole Resident
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Charge her, let her plead guilty and withhold adjudication pending completion of community service and probation.
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Originally posted by oink
Charge her, let her plead guilty and withhold adjudication pending completion of community service and probation.
Big Islander to be.
And...(pregnant pause) We have a winner! Sir. Spot on. JMO.
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and retribution will accomplish? - besides ruining an very very young life?
From the read i gather she is fessing up - showing humility and apologizing all around - no harm no foul Besides - sounded like Mom was on it.....
How many "adults" do we all know - that would still be scheming ...... back peddle ing
none of us forked up when we were 18?
I say one pass .... then drop the hammer if needed - take away her Ipod......
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Originally posted by Bullwinkle
- no harm no foul -
While I agree she has done the right thing to admit she made up the story, we have a lot of discussion on this board about the lack of police, and police resources in East Hawaii - - and this certainly tied up some of those resources as the investigation proceeded.
Also, it creates a "boy who cried wolf" scenario for the next time a real rape may occur. It's possible the police may not take the next report seriously.
(edited to clarify initial post, which was written with very low Sunday morning BCL*)
blood caffeine level
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police resources .....
It was our choice to move to the boonies - part of the equation was very slow response time .... nothing new to some of us - imagine living where there were no police resources .... this is an upgrade.
I spent some time in west maui - no response time issues at the aston ... tax rates different as well
I call apples and oranges - grin