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NEW living wage??
This Thursday there will be over 100 cities across America who will be striking. This is one of the more important issues we have today, And for our next generation could mean survival. Being that Hawaii has such a high cost of living compared to the rest of the nation. We as a community should also be demanding a higher minimum wage. If not for ourselves , for our children's behalf. As I have pointed out on other threads folks are turning to the welfare forms for several reasons. This strike could lead to the largest wage increase EVER, This wage needs to double from 7.25 AN Hour to $15.00 an hour. This way both parents only have to work 50 hours a week and not the current 100 hour weeks just to get by. I know most of you on this site are pretty well off, as you have moved to Hawaii and bought places. But most who are from here and worked here for the last 25 years have not been able to save much on 7.25 an hour. SO this is very important to many here now, most importantly the next generation can see things may be worth working for instead of welfare and drugs. Let's all rise, write, and speak out this Thursday to support our great nation. STRIKE FOR HIGHER MINIMUM WAGES, WE NEED $15.00 AN HOUR. This should include all of our farmers out there who have not been getting there fair share.
There are two economies right now. I don't think the small business owners can afford to pay the 15 and hour, and I also don't think they are the ones typically "getting rich" off of other's labor. On the other hand, the huge corporations just might be- and should give back some to the workers. Possibly, the wage could be based on a companies profits somehow? I know the accountants can "cook the books", but it's a start at least. Things right now are just such a mess...
great points Julie, If this wage is granted across the nation then the big business can handle the pay difference while the smaller businesses will fall. A companies profit should be taken in to account when this pay increase happens. Most of the jobs that have come into Pahoa lately though are big business like Subway, burger king, longs, malama, LOAN company, police. Now there may be other's soon like Mcdonalds and foodland. All these businesses will need to hire( hopefully local) And should pay more now, that all there products being sold have doubled or tripled. This area either needs more jobs for the folks who need 4 jobs to make ends meet, Or you double the wage so you only have to work 2 jobs. Let's be honest $15.00 an hour times 40 is $400 a week take home after taxes. This is only $1600 a month, so most will still need a second job to just get buy or make ends meet. The current situation is really a mess, and like I said before some of these folks walking around right now able bodied and not working are also smarter than most with educations. Hard to convince yourself to drive to hilo from Kapoho everyday for $7.25 an hour as an example. 5 gallons of gas a day cost half of what you clear daily, through in car payment and ins and you get nowhere.
No, as others on this forum have pointed out, you have only yourself to blame -- anyone can "just get a college degree" and start earning the big bucks, right?

For what it's worth:

- It takes about $11.50/hour to break the poverty line;

- if Walmart paid that wage and passed it to the consumer, the average shopping trip would increase by $0.61.

- Do not equate "land ownership" with "wealth", especially in Puna.
Yet to own your land or home may save most from that 3rd or 4th job in this current economy. Walmart may be able to pay more and survive, but what about OUR MOM AND POP SHOPS, can they handle the higher pay scale?. Will the Black-rocks and Luquins type places be able to pay higher wages and stay open?. Or are we going to start seeing $20.00 burgers and $10.00 taco's?.
Remember La'au on Molokai? Want the same thing for the Big Island?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Minimum wage needs to raised, absolutely. People also need to stop shopping at walmart, the most profitable business in the world that pays slave wages. Recently in Ohio, Walmart had a food drive to help feed it's own workers on thanksgiving. That is despicable and should be illegal in this country. They have to pay a real living wage and should not be asking customer to donate food that their own employees can't afford while they make profit hand over fist. Sam's club and Walmart need to be shutdown they are the downfall of anything positive left in our society. If they are allowed to exist in this country then the government needs to be shutdown because they don't have our back like they are supposed to.
my 2 cents - want to raise the minimum wage? - I'm in agreement - as long as we raise the minimum standards for workers graduating from school..... being an employer I have seen a steady erosion in basic skills over the last few years

I dont think its my place to train employees to not use internet devices for entertainment during work hours for example - just one of many challenges we face these days as employers

- before the rancor starts - we pay about triple the minimum wage for experienced help on average
Befor every one rants and raves about Wages! Try to run a business and face the REAL world, See how mutch
your year end $ make. Walmart was not wanted in Hilo! Why is the Parking Lot FULL???
I'm a sole proprietor; even without employees, the real-world costs are ridiculous.

Side effect? After paying off State and County, all I can afford is Walmart...

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