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Woman's body found off Kalapana

Just thinking about Britt, Bo and baby through the holidays. Our hearts and prayers are with you, as we are anxiously waiting for justice to prevail.
Once again, thank you Gypsy and to all who have loved and cared about us and Justice for Brittany. Peace and Love!
Has anyone heard any word on the street? Any new talk?
Thank you gypsy! Yes, it was 6 months on the 28th, but of course they cant tell us what they have for evidence, which I understand, they cant jeopordize the case. So its anyone's guess as to what evidence points to BO. I cant and dont want to publicly comment on anything else. Sorry.
Feeling a bit frustrated, but remaining optimistic for the TRUTH for all. People are scared to talk about what really happened, maybe in time this will change, lets hope and pray so.
You are doing good keeping this post alive. Many of us are following, much more than people think. I come here daily to check and see if anything new is posted. Something is bound to come out.
There are many who want answers. Only a few who don't want the truth reveled. Thank you for following and carrying.
The holidays are here now, yet the days are longer and the nights are sleepless. Still really praying for the truth to come so we can start the healing process.
Back in our younger days we spent a lot of mother's days, and father's days, even birthdays there at what we called FOXES black sand beach. We also still have a dog named Prince from a house that burned from the lava a few years back. The 10 acres Bo and Britt were camping on and wanting to purchase was either the land I tried saving with a friends garden hose before the lava took it. OR the ten acres that had burned first across the street that we tried to block off. Any way we have had many great memories from that part of the island, That seem to be being replaced by one of the sadest tragedies and loss of precious life we have ever known. So as you all can see this Christmas is almost here now, though the spirit may not be until we have Justice and can set those souls free. Faith, Hope, and Love are some good things. But Justice should be for ALL. Peace and love.
I agree Gypsy. Many, many people are waiting for justice on this horrible, dark event.

Also, a number of people I've talked with have soured on the energy down there.

Is it true that people are being charged to park on state land now? By what right?
get real, the small parking fee is fairly recent and ONLY to encourage more people to walk in or car pool, there is way too many cars down there now because it (wed night market) is now Too Popular!! and remember the event is FREE!

and please ONCE AGAIN stop pointing fingers! Leave Uncle Roberts out of this discussion... he nor his ohana are not connected to this case at all! They have worked hard over the years and are the best thing going in lower Puna ...very well deserving of their great success! aloha

and please all give this some time, you have no witness except Bo, and he cant be found. what the #%@& do you expect the cops to solve this in a year??? get real you have a large crime scene, no known witnesses, rain and weather deterioration most if any evidence, let alone lack of fingerprint evidence mostlikely....

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
this thread is useful for actual NEW crime INFO
but the last dozen pages are repeated fluff (mostly repeated posts from newbie fear mongering Puna residents) and WILL turn some people in Puna against this thread and those behind it (ie ME)... especially with all the pointing of fingers at locals!

IMO... please give the thread a rest, until you actually have something concrete and new to add ... you can find it again, it wont be hard
ya Im 100% Haole if ya want to know... aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

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