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Nice try Bullwinkle, but radon doesn't settle out of the atmosphere any more than CO2 or any other gas does... and I was referring to radon daughter products, not radon. The radon daughter products are not gases; they electrostatically attach themselves to smoke or dust particles in the air; those particles preferentially impact and stick to lung tissue at certain locations in the lungs. Once stuck to the lung tissue, they continue to decay and irradiate the tissues in those preferred locations with alpha and beta emissions. The radon gas doesn't spend sufficient time in the lung, compared to its half life, to produce significant damage.
A quick google - using my filter bubble returns this very good read on Radon from a local source .... supports my gut feeling as well ....

"So ... this is it. We're all going to die."
I thought of Nevil Shute's novel "On the Beach".

If our lives are going to change forever, what better place to be than here?

If our lives are going to change forever, what better place to be than here?

yup - agreed

the only constant, being change it seems .....
BBC News reported that TEPCO's radiation measuring devices only measured up to 100 milliseiverts per hour as of 2 weeks ago. THAT's why TEPCO's readings were only 100 millisieverts per hour. After changing those radiation measuring devices it's actually been found that areas around Fukushima have readings of 1,800 millisieverts an hour. Enough to kill a worker in four hours. So ... lots of workers have probably already gotten lethal doses. But, for TEPCO these workers, day laborers, are expendable. (By the way, this news was NOT reported on NHK news at all.)

It's later than you think, and this report is about California, however Hawaii is in real jeopardy, and I would discontinue eating sea food now, if not already.
Their is a scripture about many getting grevious sores on their body that don't heal - slow acculmalation of raditation may express itself in just that way.
Big bummer , sorry about that

As well their is this:CNN:" The Pacific has seen its fair share of weird recently"

um, they sure are careful to avoid any mention of the word "radiation".

And This: 70-75 US Sailors on USS Ronald Reagan Crew File Suit for Fukushima Radiation Illnesses
CNN:" The Pacific has seen its fair share of weird recently"

Would that be anything like a sudden increase in the number of shark attacks?

Radiation is perfectly safe, so the problem must either be sunspots, or the sharks are working with the Republicans to influence the mid-term elections in a longer-term bid to unseat Abercrombie.

Not sure which.
Shark attacks on the rise....WELL NO WONDER, when there is little for them to eat.

Here's some video of the fuel rod removal

Fukushima Day 995 - Korean & Chinese Gov. release Fukushima...

Not trying to down play it, just quoting what was said in the below article.

"The results are shown as animation. Calculation shows that Cs 137 in surface waters of the Pacific Ocean will reach the US coast after 4-5 years however, the levels will be low (<2 Bq/m3)."


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