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Thanks, Bananahead for the link and his name, I had forgotten it, and yes my daughter and I spoke to him at length actually, as we ourselves raise silkies. He is a delight to talk with and we even bought some of his eggs [

]. Like I said this kind of commraderie is what I love about Puna!
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Actually, when I lived in California, I had goats and no truck. Had to transport them in my Toyota car when needed. Also hauled hay in that versatile vehicle. So it isn't only on the BI .
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Obviously, this person is not the one and only person who has ever transported sheep and goats in a car. I was just trying for a cute topic title for a post that was purely intended to make people smile, not aiming for 100% historical accuracy!
The woman trying to get the big sheep out of the front seat so she could drive was the funniest thing about it for me, I always have to do that with my dogs, they want to drive and I guess sheep do too.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
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I had just moved from Alaska with three unhappy t(w)eens, sitting in car at Main Post Office in Hilo, wondering whether I made the right choice, waiting for kids to check box and generally feeling overwhelmed. A man walked up to my window holding a big green ball saying, "Here. I think your kids will like this" I took his kindness as a sign and have had many more of these random acts of generosity since. I have lived all over the globe and have relied on the kindness of strangers once in a while, but never the number and frequency as here. Really incredible.
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Quote from Kelena "I remain completely disoriented after two years on the island "
really? only 2 years???? must have thought about it long and hard prior to your actual move based on your years of postings and your contribution !
You are definitely a part of the richness of this neighborhood.
Love your postings even before I started speaking out... If I am correct in assuming who you are, .love the class you displayed in our neighborhood, the way you announced your pet's passing ( We hurt for you and have the same concerns for our baby).......and love the style of your, inviting... reminds me of a Don Blanding poem. In the spirit of Mele Kalikimaka..if I am correct, .just thought I'd pass it on to you!
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Aloha, reni,
Mahalo nui for your kind words. No. I have only been here 2 years but it was love at first sight and I do feel like it has been one poem after another since first I saw Hawai'i. It has always moved right through me and out the other side in a way that is exquisite and painful.
I do miss my girl very much and it is kind of you to mention her memorial. That came about quickly and straight from the heart as the best expressions do. I will replace her memorial with a pink vireya when the time is right. I miss her feminine presence very much but have been distracted since her death in a way that it is very merciful.
As for the sheep, now that I think of it, I had one in a car, too. I had been working in a airplane part factory and got "kissing disease" or mononucleosis (scandalous at the time!. I was young but got so sick I had to move in with parents again. They lived on a farm in a rural area of California. I loved it there and loved being taken care of by my parents. I got into the farming life and found myself at an livestock auction. I bought a sheep and put him in my mom's Buick and drove back to the farm. His name was Bernie. He had lots of character.
Still, although cars do transport sheep, I have to agree with csgray that in the aggregate you see more odd things like that here than most other places and all of that contributes to that sense of irreality.
I have never lived in a place where I felt like I had to take a vacation to get AWAY from romance or a place that gave me the sense that I need to retreat into sleep so that I can dream of more mundane things like rotating my tires because in my waking hours all I see is ocean, sky, greenery and goddesses.