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Woman's body found off Kalapana
anony mouse's long "testimony" is very credible. (And BananaHead should realize that it's not saying "they did it," but just saying, "this is what happened to me and that this area needs investigation.")

And ... anony mouse is also saying, in his opinion, that he's has little confidence in the local police doing anything about the murders. (Which doesn't give me any hope that the crimes will ever be solved.)
Anony mouse - would you be willing to email me privately?
I would appreciate it
And thank you for telling what happened. This seems to be all too common.
Thank you for having the courage to post your testimony. I encourage you to write an affidavit explaining those circumstances, even if you don't turn it in to the HPD. This is what happened to Bo and me at the house we were renting in Kalapana before he found the land he wanted to buy and moved there. We were threatened by what sounds like the same man, working for the same company, even brazen enough to wear his red work shirt while trespassing on our rented property. It is scary and perhaps even foolish to tell the HPD about this, but there are other outlets that would protect your anonymity until they are behind bars, as I fully believe they will be. The more people with similar stories about this man, the more believable they are, and the more we can publicly establish his true character. There is no doubt that some corruption is going on, and at the very, very least, some extremely poor investigation, and here is one reason why: I attempted to contact the police just shy of 20 times over the course of a few weeks about the threats made to us both by a lava tour guide, and they have never even spoken to me, let alone ask for any details about Bo or the man who threatened to kill him. If it sounds like a cover-up, that's because it is. I have no doubts about that. Thank you all for your continuing support.
anonymouse gives a lengthy and detailed account of events in Kalapana.
It just doesn't ring true however, on several different levels.

1. KCT (Kalapana Cultural Tours) didn't even exist in 2007-2008.

2. There is no "Hawaiian Mafia", especially in Kalapana.

3. If there is any "cover-up" of the case; YOU are a big part of it by not reporting it to the police. If you somehow think the police are involved, you should have contacted another Law Enforcement Agency(DLNR, FBI).

4. If there was a shred of truth to your story, one of the witnesses on your tour would surely have spoken out.

5. The car chase and escape&evade in the jungle sound more like a story plot than real life.

I am a Hao'le, have lived in Kalapana for 28 years and know all the local Hawaiian families. I've worked, surfed and paddled with; socialized with and gotten to know quite a few of them. They don't deserve the dark and unsubstantiated accusations you have subjected them to.

In my opinion;
This wasn't the work of a non existant local gang. There has been a proliferation of new residents in the area who are more shady than the families that have been there for generations. Many of them had started running lava tours also. It was the work of one or two individuals, not an organized campaign.

Mouse; until you step up and talk to the authorities as a witness, you should probably just be quiet because any credibility is non existent. This despicable crime will be solved when people start to come forward with credible information and not just autonomous internet posts.


Shane Kobayoshi's death didn't have anything to do with testifying against Dana's murderers. He was well known in the area as a drug ripper/thug and had many enemies. Several years ago Government Road in Pahoa was closed off in front of his house while Army EOD personnel disarmed a hand grenade that an associate had thrown at him in his driveway. No conspiracy, just business as usual between two individual low lifes.
I have a simple question- why have the HPD not talked with ruth johnson after she called them 20 times?
anony_mouse, I just want to thank you for coming forward with your story. I am too thankful for the fact that you are still alive. I hope you inspire courage for all the others who have similar experiences to also tell their stories. It is the time for change. It is the time for justice.
like just mentioned a few posts above
RainyJim etc...
Shayne Kobayashi was found dead 13 years after he testified, and well over 20 years after the Ireland murder he was a key witness to. It WASNT retaliation in that case, he had many enemies... as mentioned above by someone who knows what he is talking about...
it was just a twist in a solved case from Upper Puna 1 year ago near where I live (Dante murder, solved) , thats why I brought it up... the media easily could have left that info out connecting him with that other crime 23 years ago...

the point of the post is that the cops do solve murders in Puna... give it time...

PS lots of pseudo-newbies w/under 5 posts showing up in this thread... again .... no need make a new screen name every week... use your previous one please, so we know who you are and can read into your farfetched posts accordingly

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
And how do you respond to the fact that the police have not contacted me? Coming forward as a witness, as you say, has led me, and who knows how many others, to nowhere. It is a grave error on the side of the HPD. They should be ashamed of their "investigating", for whatever happened on that day, it is an ignorant move. Any investigator with a slice of gray matter left in their head would have contacted each and every one of our family members, and especially the ones that have been in Hawaii, and lived with their suspect there.
Mouse, You have converted into a lion! This story of yours is amazing and I am happy you are ALIVE!
Gypsy, again, you are right on. You need to study criminal law.
To the Johnsons and the Royals, this will NOT go away. Keep this stream going. More will come forward. (again, I grieve for you all for the loss of your loved ones)
Banana Head, what would it take for you to believe the possibility there are those who do not have the aloha?

Wake up people. Wake up LEO's....get the FBI involved. This is really looking like a hate crime to me. Hmmm, federal offense and that means FBI!!

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Please stop commending mouse for "coming forward". All he has done is submit an anonymous post on the internet. Coming forward is presenting your testimony to the police or other law enforcement agencies.

Ruth, have you tried the FBI?

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