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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Sorry, the mouse's story does not sound credible to me.

"My story is not a unique story"
Actually, I think it is...

i have had a few encounters with people claiming to be from kalapana, that are similar though not as severe, which allows me to believe such things have happened.

i think the police are fully aware that these people exist and behave this way. i think it is difficult to catch them and pin them for anything as it all gets too close to the native hawaiian movement - where there are much emotions running very high.

i think it's important for the police to hold these people accountable for their actions - it will not hurt the hawaiian movement, and in fact i think it will help it - as the hawaiians deserve their respect - but it doesn't need to come via bullying, scare tactics and violence.
I have not heard if the Kalapana people in question are being forthcoming and as helpful as they can in this investigation if they are guilt free. Have you? and now, without getting distracted, I can't help wondering, what really caused Bo Losoff's death? He was doing lava tours, wasn't he?
I drove by the entrance to Leilani just as the Fire/rescue crew was arriving. Bo was killed instantly when an SUV turned in front of him.

It wasn't a Kalapana Hawaiian driving. Really.
Snorkle, What are you talking about? Explain yourself.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
A different Bo.
I was responding to Minnette;

"I can't help wondering, what really caused Bo Losoff's death? He was doing lava tours, wasn't he?"
Those are all great questions. Why isn't there a manhunt for someone considered dangerous and at large? Why haven't the individuals in question, considered the pillars of society, come forward with statements? Why haven't the tour companies contributed what they know about the people camping on the fields? They are out there nearly every night. Why haven't Puna's political leaders stepped up? And why haven't I been questioned, or even contacted?

My opinion: There is not an investigation going on.

Snorkle, that is the plan, to get as many people as possible involved.
check all your 'facts'

Gypsy quote above (1st line even).... """Now that time has gone by, the search for Bo really has not produced much"""".
how do YOU know this as fact Gypsy??? are you married to an officer? do you work with their investigation team daily?

got to call BS on much of your multiple long posts every time I read them... I try not to because you supposedly have lived here a long time per your words (born and raised here? like me?), but you often dont seem so as well... IMO
I dont know who you are Gypsy, but I should have ran into you somewhere maybe I do?? (some here do know me personally) ... Im assuming Gypsy you a 44/45 year old haole dude who doesnt know many locals well enough to not be so scared of them... over protective of your kids to keep them away from Kehena Beach if I remember right from previous posts?? Did you go to a local public school here as a youth Gypsy? have you ever met anyone in person and 'talked story' w/ from the large Kalapana family noted here (not using names because they dont need to be brought into this thread again... thus no need for a slander lawsuit threat against people posting here and this site)

now IMO (again)
theyve prob exhausted the manhunt months ago, they and local news agencies are still bringing this crime up w/ wanted man bulletins of Boaz often, what more can they do w/o more real info/leads, its an island, even though its large at 4,028 sq miles, 50% of the land is not livable... IMO he is offisland now, not alot of places to hide out for many months (weeks yes, months no) its very easy to get off this island, but not so easy to get out of the state... may be on another island where this story is not so well known, and he can shave grow hair out and blend in w/ other haole tourists/wwoofers and nearly 800,000+ other people...

gypsy... also please point this out to me w/ links please... """The multiple threats"""
"""The multiple threats that came from certain individuals from Kalapana were very serious with grave intent. Because those threats were made in advance of this murder or murders, those who made them should also be SUSPECTS."""
and is the poster (original complaintee) of this info (threats) credible?, and did they go straight to the police and file a police report we can see (info noted from) as well???

""The dragging and throwing off a cliff idea has long been a local idea"" wtf? lol
""Maybe some words were exchanged between Bo and these guides"" maybe not too?
""for the set up of Bo?"" makes absolutely no sense to me why they would need to do this (thus leaving more chance to be caught trying to 'set someone up' ie phone call Bo picked up also being a 'set up' lol and thus Bo would have also been murdered so why set him up, what for?? your thought process is twisted at the least if you actually believe this fluff you write and rewrite.. ... ??? all IMO

the lava tours are NOT out there every night, there is no coastal lava flow right now near Kalapana, and hasnt been for a while now... the Co. does other tours they also offer (not only active lava)
PS if you actually didnt exaggerate and did actually called the local cops 20X and got no response... try for call the right phone number ... Ive called one time in last year and they picked up fine....

PS FYI my real name is Kealoha, I am haole born here ('bananahead' is my cats name)
so now more of you may know me...
a hui hou

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Im a LOCAL person of mixed race born and raised here 53 years ago. Its really sad how the word LOCALS has been used in a couple of threads lately. None of us know who did this too these two people. Until the truth comes out,lets not assume that LOCALS are involved,theres bad apples IN ALL RACES!

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