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Grim Reaper to Welcome "Doomsday Plane" to Hilo
and cockroaches will inherit the earth ---- first one of many to expound on this - pretty old school stuff really .......

Book Description
Publication Date: October 22, 2002
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was first published in three serialized excerpts in the New Yorker in June of 1962. The book appeared in September of that year and the outcry that followed its publication forced the banning of DDT and spurred revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air, land, and water. Carson’s passionate concern for the future of our planet reverberated powerfully throughout the world, and her eloquent book was instrumental in launching the environmental movement. It is without question one of the landmark books of the twentieth century.
In 2012 we invite you to join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of this great work.

And even more temporary was the planes' visit...

So now we can all get back to 'normal'
Just announced.

He's coming back.

On the ground at Hickam by 5AM or so.

"Doomsday Plane" in tow of course!

The "Doomsday Plane" is back at the Hilo Airport while Obama vacations in Hawaii. Makes quite a Christmas card.
"Air Force One" is the call sign of any plane transporting POTUS regardless of if were a Cessna caravan or a 747.
Thank you, terracore - that is very cool to know.
Originally posted by terracore

"Air Force One" is the call sign of any plane transporting POTUS regardless of if were a Cessna caravan or a 747.

This is not true.

The call sign is the name of the branch of service caring him - such as Air Force, Marine, Army, Navy and Coast Guard - followed by ONE.

If he, as Nixon once did, flies on a commercial jet, it becomes Executive One.

As for the plane parked at Hilo - lots of misinformation. It IS NOT the second Air Force One. It is the communications jet. About the only time the President would be on that plane is if we went into a major war - while he was traveling. The jet parked at Hilo would either fly to the President or he would be flown to it and then - and only then would it be called Air Force One.

Perhaps maybe if the mad man in North Korea starts something, we may see it actually become Air Force One!
Originally posted by Ken...

As for the plane parked at Hilo - lots of misinformation. It IS NOT the second Air Force One. It is the communications jet. About the only time the President would be on that plane is if we went into a major war - while he was traveling. The jet parked at Hilo would either fly to the President or he would be flown to it and then - and only then would it be called Air Force One...

I think this is the one in Hilo now -

"the E-4B which is an airborne command post. It is also a blue and white 747 that has United States of America on the side but it has a different paint scheme and a large dorsal radome. It shadows the President wherever he goes but doesn't usually land at the same place. "

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