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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Sorry for the delay. I go through a few protocols before logging in to protect my identity, and I've also been rather busy.

I'm not going to go into long debate with Snorkle/Bananahead/Etc about specifics. From reading a bit of both of your past comments, it seems uncanny that every single time your comments are aimed at defending the person/company accused, or defending how amazing of a job the Hilo Police are doing.

I log on for a short period of time to help protect my location, and it's not going to be spent arguing with people who have proven on multiple instances to be critical of anyone asking questions that are relevant to certain suspects. If I don't recall correctly, at the beginning of this forum, you were the very ones that were so adamant that Bo was the killer, warning everyone he's a dangerous killer on the run. Go figure.

Also, it's utterly offensive that a near-death experience I personally endured is belittled to a fiction movie. You have no reason to question what I went through, as you don't even know who I am. An apology would be nice, but it's not expected.

Furthermore, if you can't figure out why someone wouldn't go to the police over violence pertaining to local politics, then wake up and get real. Tell me, should I bring my own rope and shovel with me? Your suggestion to anyone that's even vaguely familiar with that area and the violence surrounding it would find that recommendation laughable, if only it wasn't so tragic. I have no intentions of contacting local authorities about my prior circumstances, or the current circumstances pertaining to Boaz and Brittany.

One other thing I would like to note is this: If you think my situation was like a movie, in all due respect, you must watch some pretty bland movies. Violence on the lava flow and throughout the Lower Puna area is a well-known fact, and it's existed for quite a while. Anyone on the island, especially those of us in Puna, will confirm this without the slightest hesitation. We all know it, and it's time we deal with it. It's sad to see it escalate so far as to kill a pregnant woman and her husband, as this is probably the worst it has ever been.

To clarify about the KCT group, at the time I was doing these tours (2008), the group was simply known as "the local guide". That was just what me and a few other tour guides called him, and I cant confirm what he officially called himself at the time. I can confirm that I know tour guides to this very day that still openly refer to him as "the local guide", and have relayed RECENT stories to me concerning his bullying and threats. I referred to the local group as KCT because that is what they are officially licensed and named today, that is what they are referred to on this forum topic, and it was used for the sake of relevance.

I can validate my testimony with friends and local peers that witnessed the results of my beating, witnessed my lava flow tours, and witnessed my complaints about being threatened by the local guide. If there comes a critical time when that information can be securely relayed to OUTSIDE investigators, I will gladly do so. As for right now, its your choice whether you believe me or not. I will add that I have absolutely nothing to gain by giving fake testimony to the grieving family members of dead victims.

I have contact with one of the family members involved, and any ongoing participation by me will made through those channels, as opposed to this forum. Good luck everyone and I hope more people come forth on this forum with other similar stories. Aloha

If "anony mouse" has contacted a "family member," I think that WE who are troubled by this sad incident will soon find anony mouse's story confirmed -- (or not, of course) -- through the families directly involved through a posting on this board.

(It's no fun for me and others I'm sure to post on this thread regarding this incident in Puna -- but it's looks like a lot of fun for some to post unnecessarily hurtful words.)
This is a blog and like many other blogs people like to say hurtful things, whether they know it or not. For me, I can choose what to look at and what not to look at and read, that is the beauty of this. Anytime something like this goes public and especially nationally, it brings out all the f'ing crazies with ludicrous opinions. WHATEVER! All I know for a FACT is that on May 28, 2013 my daughter, Brittany Jane Royal and her unborn child were murdered. She was strangled around the neck, dragged across the sharp lava, tossed and discarded like trash over the 30 ft. cliff, left to be eaten by sharks and never be found again. This is the sad, ****ed up reality about what happened to my daughter! By the grace of God, she was recovered and we brought her home to us, gave her a proper memorial and now look for answers as to who did this. Will answers make it better, will there be closure? NO, not really. Nothing will ever ease the pain of losing a child and grandchild in a heinous manner such as this. IF a trial ever happens we will have to live the horrific details of what happened. However, the person or person responsible for her murder MUST pay for what they did. As of now a murderer is walking free. How free though, I wonder? Do they think about what they did to Brittany? Do they care that they took her life? Do they care that her family aches for her on a daily basis? I wonder? I somehow doubt it................... I would hope they are living in their own personal hell over this. But who knows.

I have said from day 1, someone knows what happened. I continue to pray daily that answers will come, sooner than later. Until then................................
Peace and Love

I firmly believe that more than one person knows what happened. With all the exposure this terrible crime is receiving I hope that those responsible are thinking about what they did. I hope they are thinking about it and worrying about it. Maybe more than two people know, maybe more than 5 people know. It will come out and for the families, I also hope it is sooner than later. I don't feel I can wish the grieving families a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year, it just doesn't sound right when I know they are hurting beyond my imagination. I hope and pray that the New Year brings answers.
7 months! Sad
I wish 2013 could be a do over.
Julie, I am so sorry for your loss. I have been following this case since I first heard about it, as a daughter the same age as Brittany. The effort that you have put forth to get coverage for your daughter is remarkable. I can't say enough how amazed I am of you endless devotion to seeking justice. Last night I randomly remembered an old interview I heard with a remarkable detective and prosecutor promoting their new show "Cold Justice" on TNT. I haven't seen the show, but their website says they are taking cases. I'm not sure if you have recommended your case to them, but I though I would mention the idea. It appears that they're focused on cold cases that are a few years old, but with the national attention you have gotten for Brittany perhaps your case would be of special interest. I hope justice will come this year and you're in my thoughts.
Police find decomposed body on the lavaflow near Bo and Brittany's campsite:

I saw that today, have been following. Will have to wait for the body to be identified through DNA or dental records. Sad

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