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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I spent one pregnancy working as the weekend manager for an emergency shelter for abused women and children and freshly released mental patients, it was one of the most stressful periods of my life ever, in spite of the comfortable furnished apartment that came with the job. At that time in my life, camping on the lava with someone I loved would have been a far less stressful experience, and far more soul satisfying. I don't think any of us who didn't know Brittany could possibly know what was, and wasn't, stressful for her. I do know that doing something hard, like camping on the lava, can be a very positive experience if you are doing it because you want to. If circumstances forced you into it, the experience could be the exact opposite. I had friends who had their babies in tipis in Montana, a houseboat in the Everglades, and in a tree house in the Oregon coast range in January. They were all very happy and stress free, because they were starting their families the way they wanted to, I picture Brittany as having that same strong pioneer earth mama adventuresome spirit.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Brittany and Bo only camped on the lava for 2 weeks. That is is, 2 weeks. They both lived in houses prior to visiting the mainland in April and May. This was a choice they made, Brittany loved nature and being outdoors. It was not uncommon for her to pitch her hammock while traveling. She was a true "pioneer mama adventuresome spirit."
Apologies to the family for having to read some of this dreck. And to my fellow Punatics out there... for once, just once, try to pretend that this isn't about you. Sympathy.
my heavens people. Why would you print such graphic "speculation"???? knowing that both families are reading this thread??????????????? Have you never lost someone? We've lost someone we deeply loved to murder..... right here on this beautiful Island. It does unfortunately happen .
Like I said, squatting on the rocks is a common way many people start their lives here. 2 weeks is a cakewalk for those that have a good attitude. I have a neighbor that has been squatting in a tent twice as small as Bo ad Brits and he has been there for a year preparing his house and property. Like the sister said earlier, it's part of the pioneering spirit that people bring to Puna and Big Island, and it looks like Britt and Bo knew what they were getting into.

We don't know if it's the Bo boys body, but even if it is, that boy didn't hang himself in that little patch of woods. If you see a body hanging from a tree in lower puna, somebody put it there. The two families should stick together, just like Bo and Britt stuck together during difficult times
Originally posted by Adam-I-Am

Originally posted by Rene

The Police work on facts. They don't make up the facts in the case, they follow where they lead them and investigate leads.

There are thousands of cases where facts were made up or covered up by the police. Just one:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Rampart Division in the late 1990s. More than 70 police officers were implicated in some form of misconduct. The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of false evidence, framing of suspects, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and the covering up of evidence of these activities.

Someone very close to me was with LAPD at this time and was pulled into special duty with AI to help deal with this specific issue. To this day, my SVC gets threats every once in awhile for being a stand-up person.

I do not know if HPD is messing with the facts but something is not copacetic in this investigation.

Here's how I see it:

The two kids, Brit & Boaz were happy and ready to start a new life. They were ready to buy land the day they went missing. Boaz's parents talked to him the day before and he was excited about everything, Brit, the baby, buying the land, etc. So, therefore, it seems suicide is not only out but ridiculous!

The killing of Brit was almost staged! The evidence of her being dragged and thrown over the cliff, the cell phone, the backpack, the cut clothes line, etc. Boaz is missing so the whole thing can be pinned on him. This even sounds staged to me. He obviously wasn't harmed in the same place as Brit or there would be blood evidence or some other evidence. It all looks like there were two carefully staged murders. Boaz will probably never be found and this will make it hard for the case to ever be solved.

The last person to speak to Boaz was ------ or ------. He has said so in his own words. He went to the police station and told them that he had talked to Boaz on the phone and Boaz claimed that He and Brit were elsewhere, while her body was being found. I can't see any reason why ------ would be calling Boaz. By the sounds of it, they were hardly friends. Totally unbelievable! Just another staging of the scene.

If you want to find your murderer, look at ------. For some reason, he placed himself right smack in the middle of this murder. Why?? Staging???? One other person that seems suspicious is the woman who claimed Boaz had hid out at her lodge. This turned out to be fictitious and almost seemed like a ploy to send Police off in another direction. Does she have any connection to ------?? Was she put up to this by him?

In the end, I feel that both Brit & Boaz are gone. I don't mean to upset the families, but this is how I feel. The killer or killers are trying to pin this on Boaz, who will probably never be found, and they will get away with it.

Motives I feel were money and the buying of the land! Don't know if Boaz had any money, if so, they took it. They probably were not welcomed in the area and the Lava business there sounds downright ruthless.

This is just my opinion from following the case. I have no knowledge of what really went on, but I do believe that people are making it harder than it has to be. Two kids were probably killed for money, greed or just plain craziness. Tent living just isn't safe anywhere in this country anymore. I know that Hawaii is beautiful, but everyone needs to live behind locked windows and doors when they sleep!

Rest in Peace, Brittany! May your killer/killers pay in the end

Moderator: I have deleted names from this newbie's post. I do not allow such accusations to be made in so casual a manner against people who are not here to defend themselves.

To vcarris: You are new here. Your speculation is just that, speculation. If you continue to post felonious accusations you will promptly be banned from this site.
I agree. The whole investigation and evidence has been an absolute disaster. There are so many wide open holes, and that is what leads to all of this speculation. But if our community isn't doing the speculating, who will? Other than the haphazard job done by the police, this forum is basically all the families have for any speculation or clues at all.

I have a few questions also! Why wasn't there any mention of the "other boat" in the police search warrant when they found Brittany's body? I heard that one boat found her, and they dropped the dead body off to another boat to give to police. Why would someone drop a body off with another boat and run? And if it's true, why didn't police write that down in the search warrant?

Also, there's something fishy about the way her body was recovered. If her body was floating like witnesses said, how can a fishermen put his line down or drag his net next to a swarm of sharks and a floating body? Wouldn't a trained local fishermen see a swarm of sharks circling a floating body as he is trolling or dragging his nets or line out or trolling it back in? How could that body be "accidentally" tangled in his lines? I've been out with local boats and fishermen plenty times, and that scenario seems unlikely. Also. I know SOME sharks don't like the taste of people much, and just bite and run, but if there was an entire swarm of sharks it would have been a bloody feeding frenzy! The boat that found her.claimed he had to literally fight off all the sharks feeding on the victims body. They would have torn every piece of flesh within a few minutes, if not less! I guess the "unknown fisherman" arrived JUST in time to stop a feeding frenzy, which is miraculous timing, then decide it's best to dump the body with a local lava tour boat, and sail away? Doesn't make sense at all!

And what about the anonymous letter that "coincidentally" named the exact person(s) that have been suspects already. DNA evidence on the back of the stamp? Fingerprints on the letter inside the envelope? Etc? So far, no investigation into that, go figure!

Also, if the Bo boy did it, why leave behind his cell phone and ID card readily available for police to find? Doesn't make sense!

And like vcarris said, ------ (edit: the "person" that called police and claimed they had cell phone contact with Boaz the morning that police found Brittany's body) story isn't making any sense either. It's also funny how it was ------ that actually ASSISTED the police in finding Bo and Britts tent. It's strange how he volunteered to lead and help in the very START of the "investigation " of the murder.

What about all the stories about bullying and bribes and violence on the lava flow, and why do they all lead back "coincidentally" to one particular person/business.

We locals and haoles that have lived here for a long time will tell you this may be the worst murder and investigation in a looooooooong time. This isn't new to us, but this case is even worst than the rest!

(Edit: Sorry to the moderator, as I also carelessly mentioned names. I apologize for giving names, and respect your decision to edit the names out. Much respect for allowing this forum to be a path of hope for the family members.)
Someone should give credit to Bo's family also! Not only is their son dead, but they have the added drama of having their son/brother accused of such disgusting acts! Brittany's family is going through a lot already, more than any family should, but can you imagine the trauma that the Bo boys family is going through? Guessing where your sons body is while having to explain to the other family that he isn't a killer? That's a nightmare. It's just sad. It's good that he has sisters and parents to defend his reputation, and I hope they keep fighting this
A few posts ago I asked if the police had been in touch with both families about the latest discovery of a body in the general area. The reason I asked is because I hoped they would be spared finding out the news from the media or from places like this. Please, folks, the speculation is understandable but some of it is over the top, the families are reading this site. Please think how they are feeling right now and how you would feel if you were in their position.

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