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Woman's body found off Kalapana
It is not surprising to me that different members of a family torn by such a tragedy would see things differently. I take it as a given that until this case is genuinely solved there is a huge potential for loved ones to attribute a lack of a resolution to whatever makes them feel best at the moment. If family members came out stating that it was space aliens I would on some level understand even as I disagreed. I think it is ridiculous to ask the Royal family to explain themselves. It is probably because they are on some level crazy. I would be.

The conviction behind some of the opinions I read here is out of proportion to how much any of us are in a position to know. I stated in another thread that the recently found body seemed like a real suicide if only because leaving a murdered body hanging would most likely be done as a message and would be left where easily found, whereas a suicide would more likely be done in a very private place. This body, whoever it is, was not easily found. I may very well be wrong. I am not really in a position to know. I am shooting my mouth off in a public forum where there is really no consequence for getting things wrong, as we all are. Free advice and worth every penny.
"I think it is ridiculous to ask the Royal family to explain themselves. It is probably because they are on some level crazy. I would be."


For the sake of both families and the entire community, it's a fair question to ask about the level of police cooperation involving family members. Given that both families have previously shown willingness to talk about their cooperation (or lack thereof) with local authorities, I don't think anyone is "hurting" them by asking reasonable questions that have been asked before. We simply need clarification, because recent statements seem to be contradicting or misconstrued somehow.

As for as the Royals or Johnsons going crazy, I imagine they have already "been there, done that".

Both families seem to be way past the hysteria phase, and seem to be seriously investigating critical issues that differ from "official" reports. Both families also seem to be dealing with this quite productively, and also seemingly aware of local issues that are sensitive to the area. These families are way stronger than most people think.
I have no problem explaining my original, past, and current position. Originally I thought Bo was murdered along with Brit and to this day part of me still believes that. During the course of the investigation I had serious doubts about a fair investigation. I felt at the time that there might be critical conflicts of interest (that I wont explain here as this case is still ongoing) and I went so far as to threaten a law suit against the state and PD if this case was found to have had these conflicts and nothing was done about it. I even went so far as to file a complaint with the FBI and I even went as high as calling the State of Hawaii Attorney Generals office. All I wanted and still do for that matter was a fair investigation. This was my way of making sure pressure of a big lawsuit gave our family a fair investigation. That was a few months ago and you can see my comments publicly if you chose to look them up on this forum and BIC as well. The PD took my concerns seriously as well as the prosecutor locally and they assigned an Assistant Chief to deal directly with us. He addressed my concerns to my satisfaction a while back. Since then they have been super responsive to our calls and have given us what they can regarding information. Which again isn't much. But they do let us in now to more information that isn't reported or in print. And we will not under any circumstances reveal private conversations until the time is right. That time is not now. I hope this explains things a bit. And one last time, that report where I am only quoted as saying if Bo did it and he committed suicide then it is over and justice has been served is only one quote in the interview. I also said he could have been murdered too. I said as well that it may not even be him. They didn't print those two comments.. I have this very sentiment on my facebook page as well. This is a roller coaster of events, not to mention emotions. It is as I have said over and over and will continue to say a very sad event for both families and I too feel for the Johnson's. No outcome is good for them.
Finally, I cannot explain why the authorities will talk to us and not the Johnsons. Maybe because of their positon about Bo. The Prosecutor will represent our families side in court as we are the victims family no matter who they bring to justice..if they ever do arrest someone. At some point in time I am sure the authorities will give their side of things. But only when the time is right. And since this case is still ongoing to expect them to explain publically anything is not reasonable for obvious reasons. So that's my original, past, and current position. I am going to sit back and see what transpires with the findings of the body like you all before I change my position, if I do at all. I have that right. Thank you all for caring, sharing, and hopefully this tragic event gets solved one way or the other. As for me I can't wait to put this part of this miserable journey behind me so I can spend more time remembering the good times with Brittany and not focus on this time. No more questions for me please at least until we learn more. Thank you.

ted royal
ted royal
Brits Dad my sincere condolence to you, yours and Bo’s family as a father of 3 girls I cannot even comprehend what my reaction would be if I were in your shoes. You are the only voice of reason from all the other posts I have read, I commend you for being level headed under such duress , it’s insulting to the victims, family members and the community in Puna with all the wild speculation and innuendo’s that some of the posts suggest, yes we have the freedom of speech in this country, we have to understand that provocative finger pointing with no evidence can be counterproductive , let the law take its course and let justice prevail, until such time let the Aloha spirit Live with fine people of Puna and if anyone out there has any concrete information please have the courage to do your civic duty.
I would like to address a few things. 1st of all Ted and I are divorced, have been for many years. However we work together very closely to help with the end result which is finding out who killed Brittany (and possibly Bo). We play different roles: I deal mostly with the press/Facebook page/PR etc. Ted deals with the authorities, attorneys, the legal stuff. With that being said I am always in the loop with him and the Asst. Chief Tavares on calls etc. When the media said that we have been given little to no information regarding this case, that is true. However that does not mean that I implied they have been uncooperative. As Ted mentioned in the beginning we were frustrated with lack of follow up and after Ted worked his way up to Tavares things changed. When we call, he answers. When we email, he emails back. That doesn't mean they tell us stuff regarding the investigation, they can't! That is what was meant by "they have given us little to no information."

As far as wavering back and forth with anything....................this is obviously very emotional. NO ONE can imagine how stressful and emotionally challenging this can be. The day to day stuff takes a toll. One day it is one emotion, the next day it's another. So please, I ask you to cut us some slack.

One thing is very obvious through this blog: people care about Brittany and Bo, they care about their community, they care to try and help solve this. I am very grateful for this. Most of you don't know us, didn't know Brittany or Bo, but yet you have all supported us through this. Personally I encourage the talking (just with some ego restraint please). Yes, most of what is said is just opinions, speculation and possibly hearsay, but it all adds up. I welcome any personal emails which are confidential ( The goal here is to find out the truth (VERITAS) and the real/whole truth.

I thank you all for you love and kindness. Maybe one day justice will be served, but until then I will not give up the fight for my daughter and her baby!

Peace and Love,
Originally posted by brits dad

I have no problem explaining my original, past, and current position. Originally I thought Bo was murdered along with Brit and to this day part of me still believes that. During the course of the investigation I had serious doubts about a fair investigation. I felt at the time that there might be critical conflicts of interest (that I wont explain here as this case is still ongoing) and I went so far as to threaten a law suit against the state and PD if this case was found to have had these conflicts and nothing was done about it. I even went so far as to file a complaint with the FBI and I even went as high as calling the State of Hawaii Attorney Generals office. All I wanted and still do for that matter was a fair investigation. This was my way of making sure pressure of a big lawsuit gave our family a fair investigation. That was a few months ago and you can see my comments publicly if you chose to look them up on this forum and BIC as well. The PD took my concerns seriously as well as the prosecutor locally and they assigned an Assistant Chief to deal directly with us. He addressed my concerns to my satisfaction a while back. Since then they have been super responsive to our calls and have given us what they can regarding information. Which again isn't much. But they do let us in now to more information that isn't reported or in print. And we will not under any circumstances reveal private conversations until the time is right. That time is not now. I hope this explains things a bit. And one last time, that report where I am only quoted as saying if Bo did it and he committed suicide then it is over and justice has been served is only one quote in the interview. I also said he could have been murdered too. I said as well that it may not even be him. They didn't print those two comments.. I have this very sentiment on my facebook page as well. This is a roller coaster of events, not to mention emotions. It is as I have said over and over and will continue to say a very sad event for both families and I too feel for the Johnson's. No outcome is good for them.
Finally, I cannot explain why the authorities will talk to us and not the Johnsons. Maybe because of their positon about Bo. The Prosecutor will represent our families side in court as we are the victims family no matter who they bring to justice..if they ever do arrest someone. At some point in time I am sure the authorities will give their side of things. But only when the time is right. And since this case is still ongoing to expect them to explain publically anything is not reasonable for obvious reasons. So that's my original, past, and current position. I am going to sit back and see what transpires with the findings of the body like you all before I change my position, if I do at all. I have that right. Thank you all for caring, sharing, and hopefully this tragic event gets solved one way or the other. As for me I can't wait to put this part of this miserable journey behind me so I can spend more time remembering the good times with Brittany and not focus on this time. No more questions for me please at least until we learn more. Thank you.

ted royal

A reasonable explanation, but only further proves my point. I too may have change my opinions on the HPD if they treated and informed us the way have informed you. I mostly got from that post that the only reason you are being informed is because of the lawsuit you have threatened them with. It's outrageous that you even needed to do that to get their attention. It should have already been expected of them as public servants to give you this info. Instead you had to threaten them with loss of money and public exposure of possible corruption. ????
Yeah sad that he had to start calling the FBI and state attorneys to put pressure on HPD. I think one of the reasons a lot of cases go unsolved here is because not many have dared to put so much pressure on them.

Like I said, I think they underestimated both families. Kudos to Ted for putting the pressure on investigators, kudos to Julie for hitting mainstream media, and kudos to the Johnson girls that haven't swayed from day one during all these twists and turns. This entire thing is like a NCIS episode gone wrong...
I hope with all the media exposure, it lights a fire under their butts! Im really curious on why it has been such a hassle with the HPD???
I really do beileve that we NEED to keep this STORY ALIVE so it doesn't get swept under the rug, like lots of other victims that HAVNT got justice! I want justice for my friend Bo, and his family! As well as the Royals.
I wonder how far they did look into the hung up fliers or that anyonmous letter??? I would hope, they would be! It sounds like a cry for HELP if you ask me! (I know no one did) It just really does frustrate me that, their not even trying to look, at any other possible suspects??Thats what I gathered, and I really think they SHOULD before it's too late!! This is just sad, and my heart hurts everyday for the families! <3 <3 much love
The autopsy on the found person was supposed to be performed yesterday... I don't suppose there is any news? Sorry for your loss to any family involved.
Still wondering who was the fisherman who found Brittany's body and left it with the lava boat, and why he wasn't reported in the search warrant.

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