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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Sorry for the confusion Brit's Dad. I was responding to Punatickz's ridicule of my hunch that if it took that long for a body, located in an active search area, to be found, then it was probably not staged/planted. He responded by implying that I was a fool and that the perps handily retrieved a body (presumably Bo's body) from storage and staged/planted it, operating on the theory that the way to reduce their exposure was to carry incriminating evidence onto an active crime scene. I feel so stupid. Goodness knows I keep all MY murder victims for just this reason. As a newbie I used to refrigerate them but of course when simulating a crime scene it is best to let nature take its course at the normal rate. And what with simulating the normal recovery of plant growth under the staged site it is clear that the body was helicoptered in. The low flying tourist and green harvest helicopters provided perfect cover for that.

Of course, I do deserve a swift kick in the okole for being so flippant in the face of your tragedy.
From my understanding Bo felt he was sort of rescuing Brittany from a bad situation she had been experiencing when he brought her back to Alaska in April. He was already dealing with threats and problems about conducting lava tours before they met. When they went back to Hawaii in May Bo was going to close on property. Could her connection to Uncle Roberts and tour operators and people she knew prior to Bo have anything to do with any of this?

She was dating a guy named Leif, I think. He gave a statement and it didn't seem like he had any hostility towards Bo or revengeful feelings towards Brittany or their break-up. Seemed like a pretty grounded guy from his words. I wish I could remember where I read that, it may have been a news link somewhere. Anyone remember? Bo arrived in late January, according to one of his sisters statements, but I'm not sure about Brittany.
Mark, before you take things personally and resort to sarcasm and cynicism, I'll reiterate what I meant:

If Bo's body has been decomposing in a tree in the active search area, in one of the few wooded areas for a body to be, it's reasonable to criticize the so-called search efforts. Where was the dog? I'll tell you where the dog wasn't: in the search warrant, or media reports. If the items would have been Boaz's belongings, wouldn't a search team train a dog in those scents and easily track the smell of a dead body during a typical radial grid search? Speaking of which, was there a radial ground search that was looking for a missing person/suspect, or was it simply an evidence search that focused on a small area (campsite, shoreline, etc)? There is no mention of it in the affidavit, among other vital details that would normally be included in such a document.

As far as planting a body, it's a looooong shot theory, and simply that, a theory. But if this was truly a murder over motives of territory/money, and they were willing to frame a boy by murdering a young pregnant woman, I wouldn't doubt what sort of far-fetched efforts a person of that mentality is willing to do.
In the spirit of meeting half way, etc I agree that a dog should have found that body. It is my understanding that cadaver dogs are a unique subset and don't even need the scent of the individual. They will alert on any cadaver. Fortunately cadavers are relatively few and far between. Nevertheless these are things that I am guessing you and I both don't know the specifics of and when a statement is made particularly vehemently I question how the author can be so confident. Criticism is not far behind. Perhaps it is just your nature but you seem to me to make very vehement statements and your first response to my post was openly critical as well. You were vehemently critical of what I thought was a very impartial statement, meant to be taken only for what it was worth. In its place you suggested something that was at the opposite end of the spectrum in that none of it made sense unless it ALL made sense, unless the whole far fetched theory was competitive.
Originally posted by Ruth Johnson

Here are links to the text conversation between Sarah and I about the your guide.

Did they ask a sketch artist to do a sketch of the person the messages are talking about?

Originally posted by bananahead...

one of the suspects/murderers (Frank Pauline Jr.) involved directly in the Irelend murder, (stupidly) blabbered to authorities that he knew some info on the case to try to win leniency for his relative in jail facing drug charges... some of his blabbering was of evidence/facts NOT known to the general public or media (thats why cops hold back info/evidence in these types of cases)
that was the REAL break in that case.. not a so called private investigator...

Bananahead is right about Pauline, and Dana Ireland case.

I think the families need to start a reward fund for information leading to an arrest and conviction....

Someone will eventually talk for the $$$$$'s or like Pauline for leniency.

I would donate $$'s.
I would donate to a reward fund too.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
in response to Punatickz (again) ....
his quote <<<<<The level of mistrust on the Big Island is a completely different beast, in a far, far more complicated political/cultural environment. Our concerns aren't simply "fuk da police u can't trust them" type of naive mentality you see on the mainland. It's more of a "uhhhh ok I better not stick my nose in this business unless I wanna end up in a puka or in the ocean" sort of mentality, or fearful.
Also when some of us locals read that police started cooperating after you threatened a law suit and/or threatened to bring in outside authorities, that pretty much makes sense to us and doesn't surprise locals at all really.>>>>>>

Speek for yourself please... the mistrust of Police by 'locals' is unfounded (dont prejudge, or at least use your OWN personal experience), please dont speak for other who ALSO live in PUNA... I usually dont like cops myself (living in NorCal for a while too), but the ones Ive met and dealt with here have been 100% professional, and the last two I talked to (only 2 months ago) could have easily became my friend if I met them out of uniform at a beach or somewhere... just regular kine people...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
neither you or punatics speak for a majority of people, so lets get that clear. When people speak of this its from the experience of friends, peers, and family. also stop pretending as if everyone on this island worships the reputation of the police, because as a local, you know that a large amount of locals dont have trust in the cops.I'd like to see someone walk down a sidewalk in Puna or Kau, ask local citizens about their level of trust in it would actually be a funny youtube video if the fact of the matter wasnt so sad!!
When this case first started after Brittany's body was found and the police were looking for Bo, I found an old unregistered truck in a fairly remote area where I walk 3-4 times a week. It was unusual as the back was filled with 5 gallon containers of water, empty gas cans, and a few articles of clothing in the front seat. No fishing or camping gear which would be the normal situation in that area. After the truck didn't move for 3 days (also unusual, as fisherman & campers only stay a day or two) I called the police as I thought it possible it might be Bo.

The police arrived in about 2-3 hours, we walked down a long bumpy 4 wheel drive lava path, the officers in their street shoes, with rain clouds in the sky. When we arrived, the truck was gone, but they interviewed a fisherman who was near where the truck had been parked.

It was probably just a guy who ran out of gas, and took a few days to walk out and walk back in, but the police showed up and made as thorough a search as was possible. I'm pretty sure they would have preferred to not walk down there, but they did it, and wrote down all of the information as you would expect competent officers would do.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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