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Woman's body found off Kalapana
why dont u jus message him or email him or somethin if u gotta problem with other peeps opinions instead of u using the comments section for it, deputy????? the punatic was talkin to both the families not u!
I am going to try again to bring this topic back into relevance. I'm not too happy that people didn't take the hint earlier that this topic is not about them. I don't like hijacking.

The five post average rule will be enforced at this time. Punatickz is suspended for the number of days it will take to bring the average below five. Kapohololo is just over the line and gets a warning. Its not personal it is just my mechanism for moderating.

It seems that when the quantity of posts increases beyond a point the quality goes down proportionally.

If anyone wishes to comment or discuss my decision - start a new topic.

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I know that a lot of people are going to have there own opinions on this story. My opinions strictly come from knowing what kind of person Bo is and knowing it DOESN'T fit the profile at all! And the lack of information and communication the local HPD has had with the Johnson family. Why's that??
Maybe the HPD has been cooperative with the ROYALYS but certainly not the JOHNSON'S! It seems like all they've done is truly divide the families apart, when they need to come together and fight for the truth. I feel like they have swayed the royals one way and completely shut out the Johnson's. WHY would that be?? I TRULY beileve this case will get solved by Family,friends,pressure of media, fundraiser for private investagtor??PRESSURE!! Ect.ect. This is the way my friend Bo and his family will get justice. (No disrespect) BUT I can't sit around and put my faith in to the local PD to help the Johnson's get the justice they deserve AS WELL. When there hasn't been anything new or helpful for them thus far. There NOT willing to help them, there making things worse by pinning it on Bo( when he is know where to be found AND THAT HAS BEEN CLEAR) and not looking into any OTHER SUSpECTS. if I have to go door to door for donations for a private investigator then SO BE IT!!
Its awesome the royals have put a stand to get there daughters murder solved! Thats ALL the Johnson's want too, is justice for Bo! Bo has many siblings and his parents, that are searching for the truth and answers. I do know that it is VERY hard for them, not knowing where there son/brother is, that doesn't even come close to describing the pain there going through. Not only do they think Bo was hurt, but having it totally dis regarded by the PD, must be the hardest and most painful thing to experience, That is sad and truly a nightmare. ALL I want it justice for both families. But I truly PRAY for the Johnson's to have answers(real answers) and closure <3
Whoever said this earlier in the forum your right!! The PERSON(s) who did this, went WaY to far! And will be caught! JUST A MATTER oF TIME!!!! I know us, in Alaska WILL NEVER give up. THE Family and friends here are relentless!! Much Love
I have been reading this thread from the beginning, I thought a forum was a place for people in a particular area to discuss a topic ie. express concerns, theories, fears, solutions, etc. When did this become the Royals place to seek information and find answers to their daughters murder? They came on here about 30 days in and hijacked the whole discussion to meet their rules, demands and means. I am not insensitive to their situation. I am very familiar with loss. They put themselves here.
Agree with you, hereandthere. Although in the recent past I have ridiculed Bananahead for his/her posts in defense of Bo, this whole discussion is pointless if people don't speak their minds fully. That is the reason for this forum, to freely express your opinions. No further apologies or condolences are needed, as far as I'm concerned. Just open discussion without fear of ridicule or censorship. I certainly hope that the direction this thread has taken does not hinder further discussion, as it previously has brought many things to mind I would not have otherwise thought of. Keep posting, keep talking, stop arguing.
My first post. I've lived here 12 years in retirement. I am in my 70's. Whenever there is lava ocean entry I try monthly to hike out to see it pre-dawn. Just before the Bo and Brittany incident I had gone with a friend at 4:30 AM. We were flagged down, a guy stood in the street by the first barracade at the end of the road and he aggressively told us we could not go without a guide. Tried to explain that we were familiar and locals. He became agitated and insisted it was private property, no guide no go. We had to circumvent him and his group and drive onward. When we got to the flow he soon arrived with a group and they went dangerously out on the bench putting his "clients" in danger. Soon after Brittany was found we decided in daytime to go on a hike across the graben to Fox's landing. Not looking for anything, just a hike. We parked at the road entrance to Kalapana Gardens and started walking. An older man in a pickup drove up and told us it was a private road, where were we going. We said to the graben and to Fox's landing. He said stay out of my property; I'm watching you; you can't tresspass here. Fox's landing is pau. We ignored him and walked, he drove back and forth glaring at us. This made us speculate before even hearing any of the other possibilities when we heard of Bo and Brittany that these aggressive, underground off grid locals were likely responsible. Similar groups hang often at the parking area near Kehena. It made no sense that Bo would have been the perpetrator. I am curious since there is question raised here re: Bo being the father of the unborn baby. Was there ever a check done on the fetus after the recovery to discern the parentage? Also, I leave very near the house on 37th where the body (Dawn) was found in the back yard and the husband not arrested for over 5 years. I used to see him gayly driving around in his red car. There is a very wierd culture here among some reminiscent of the Applalacia. I love it here but ideas that certain people have rights to our Aina over others makes me sad. My sympathy and compassion to both families.
Its too bad you feel that way about the LOCAL population,of which im one of them,born and raised here,and proud of it!!!
Amrita, I also know of someone who had an experience like yours, they were told they were trespassing, followed and threatened with violence. This person is scared, will not report it, just said they are not going back to Kalapana.
If the lava tour groups had no involvement in this tragedy, they have to be aware that a small minority of locals are threatening people and help put a stop to it, before it gets even uglier!
AMRITA,i dont know you and after what you said in your post,i dont want too know you. [deleted by moderator - poster suspended] Its comments like that you made is what perpetuates the problems between local natives and the newcomers too the islands. I hope you feel proud of yourself!
deserteagle50ae, You are a quarter inch away from being suspended. Edit your post, take out the invective or you will be read only on this site.

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