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Obama at Merrie Monarch **Not a joke**
President Obama and the first lady spotted at Merrie monarch tonight. A lot of hassle due to the entire security process. Part of the roads were blocked off.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Nice try, but I am not falling for any more jokes today.
Oh no this is no joke. I had tickets with friends tonight and we could not get their in time. Got there late only to see that the hold up was because of him. He was sitting in the first row. Although it was frustrating to wait it was well worth sneaking a glimpse of him and Michelle! He was there for about an hours time and quietly left. Super exciting!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
O.K I'll bite, very cool shoreresident. Sounds like the tickets were well worth the money, gotta love lasting memories.

Not sure when they came it ... But Helicopters circling Airport non-stop earlier in the week. I wondered who was coming in.


ETA ... Walking in the Parade tomorrow next to Billy ?
Yes I too noticed the choppers. Glad I got to seem them, even if it was just for a bit!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
I was always told as a child it was bad luck to play an April Fool's joke after noon on April 1st, and the joker could then be told they were the April Fool.
The President has his schedule printed for everyone to see. Obama was in Washington D.C. Hosting a Nuclear summit. Unless he flew in one of the retired space shuttles, it was just a random black guy enjoying some hula.
Thank you, Rene, my faith in critical thinking is restored. Obama gave a closing speech at that conference which ended at around 10am our time. For him to get here from Washington DC in time for to watch the Merrie Monarch Festival this evening takes some doing.

I'm all for jokes, but this was just stupid.
Posted by Shoreresident: "we could not get their in time"

This spelling Nazi reminds you: there, their, they're. You will have more credibility if you use the correct one.
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