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So what are you going to do about it ??

Move to a cave in the southern hemisphere and stock your cave with enough food to last a lifetime ?

Why keep posting links that are mostly nonsense and try to get everyone else to believe your nonsense ?
its about truth, fact and non hysterical discussion . I reduce my fish of unknown source (Japan has decreased the allowable radiation in domestically sold fish - 3x lower than the FDA says is ok ....

So who buys the not for sale japan fish.... the US

I cant dodge the bullet - but I wont be manipulated by the self serving industry and media either.

Those who prefer denial - be my guest

Each his own.... kinda like me owning rental real estate in Florida - even though I wont live there, preffering "racist" Hawaii / Puna over the crackers - grin

the business climate for rentals works...... ..... We pays our money and takes our chances...for me the socioeconomic doesn't

each his own
Actually the radioactive fish is being made in to fish meal fertilizer and it is being shipped to organic farmers in Hawaii.

If you leave the organic tomatoes on the counter for a few days,they cook themselves.

You heard it here first !!!
Originally posted by Obie

So what are you going to do about it ??

Move to a cave in the southern hemisphere and stock your cave with enough food to last a lifetime ?

Why keep posting links that are mostly nonsense and try to get everyone else to believe your nonsense ?

So , what I am thinking is that Russel ought a get involved and get some new, (recent local) testing done in (Puna)and put that footage of the actual testing on u tube,or a local community channel). I want to see the actual testing of areas, to see what the heck is actually going on, here on the ground, in water,on beaches,and in the air, and food, fish esp , etc.
As it stands, an effort of that sort might alleviate some concerns
from inquiring Puna/Hawaii, residents.
When you are told all your life about the dangers of radiation, and bio-accumulation, it makes sense that what appears to be one of the worst ongoing nuclear accidents should have reliable full disclosure available.
Hawaii has s very large amount of cesium already in our soil. It will be there until man is extent. This is a result of the atomic testing in the Pacific during the 1950s. Cesium is one of the mast dangerous radioactive materials. There are traces in everything we eat from here including food from the ocean.
Originally posted by jackson

Hawaii has s very large amount of cesium already in our soil. It will be there until man is extent. This is a result of the atomic testing in the Pacific during the 1950s. Cesium is one of the mast dangerous radioactive materials. There are traces in everything we eat from here including food from the ocean.

AND the traces of cesium-137 that are there, in all the oceans and on all the land, are measurable with sophisticated instruments, but are at very low levels which are not dangerous.

If you look at Map #3 of Dr. Martini's article in Deep Sea News, you can see the distribution of Cesium-137 across the Pacific from the Fukushima site to the West Coast. Alarming, isn't it, that huge patch of red in the middle of the Pacific? But you need to stop and read the legend and think about what it means. That red coloring actually means that the Cesium-137 level there has already been diluted to 1/10,000 the strength that Fukushima emitted. And the light blue, by the West Coast? That shows a dilution of 1/millionth what it started out as.
cesium and strontium (binds with calcium in the bones - its the real threat) still leaking at the rate of 300 tons a day into the pacific

we just dont test for the strontium 90...... cesium is more readily measurable and they extrapolate from there to determine strontium contamination that remains unseen and un reported.

as of 2011 "This study measures the concentrations of the main strontium radioisotopes (90Sr and 89Sr) released into the sea over the three months following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The researchers took part in an oceanographic campaign led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in June, 2011. They analysed samples of water from the surface and from up to 200 metres in depth in an area between 30 and 600 kilometres off the eastern coast of Japan. This work was carried out in collaboration with the University of Seville.
The concentrations found were up to 85 Bq·m-3 (becquerels per cubic metre) for strontium 90 and 265 Bq·m-3 for strontium 89. These findings point to an increase of up to two orders of magnitude -- a hundredfold- in concentrations of strontium-90 in the sea, with respect to the background values for this part of the Pacific before the Fukushima accident, which were 1.2 Bq·m-3. The presence of strontium-89, with a half-life of only 50 days, was further proof of a recent release. The highest concentrations of radioactive strontium were found 130 kilometres from the coast, in the eddies that form at the meeting point between the Kuroshio and Oyashi ocean currents.
The levels of strontium-90 were compared with those of caesium 137, collected in the same survey. This allows researchers to estimate that between March and June 2011 the nuclear accident led to a release into the sea of between 90 and 900 Tbq of Sr-90."
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

cesium and strontium (binds with calcium in the bones - its the real threat) still leaking at the rate of 300 tons a day into the pacific

300 tons of metal a day? 600,000 pounds of metal? Per day? I seriously doubt that. Let me check...

Ahhhh, I see.... 300 tons of WATER a day... that's half the size of an Olympic size swimming pool, containing a tiny proportion of Cesium-137. Ounces, perhaps? And that's being diluted into the enormous Pacific Ocean!

Now do you see why Dr. Martini says it's not the "sky is falling" issue some would like us to believe?

300 tons of water are splashed on the core to keep it from melting down - then released into the water (ocean)

that is per day / 24 hrs .... when the clock goes twice around passing the 12 twice .... for almost 4 years .... 1200 days at 300 tons a day all headed our way.

hope this helps with your understanding - lots of good info besides puna web out there in the ether

How does strontium-90 change in the environment?

As strontium-90 decays, it releases radiation and forms yttrium-90 (Y-90), which in turn decays to stable zirconium. The half-life of Sr-90 is 29.1 years, and that of Yttrium-90 is 64 hours. Sr-90 emits moderate energy beta particles, and Y-90 emits very strong (energetic) beta particles. Strontium-90 can form many chemical compounds, including halides, oxides, and sulfides, and moves easily through the environment.

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

300 tons of water are splashed on the core to keep it from melting down - then released into the water (ocean)
that is per day / 24 hrs .... when the clock goes twice around passing the 12 twice
hope this helps with your understanding - lots of good info besides puna web out there in the ether

Well, >>I<< know that, but that was not what you said, and what you said was misleading, and it wasn't clear at all that you knew that what you said was a mistake.

Like Dr. Martini said, it's really not enough to be worried about.

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