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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Because there are some people who believe Elvis is still alive. some have even seen him recently
Originally posted by microage97

Seems pretty like a simple case to me. Not sure why people just want to believe there is more to it.

The details of the suicide are worthy of investigation. My point is that someone who is openly dismissive of one of the most common methods of suicide (partial suspension hanging) is asking too much when they want to be taken seriously.
I think there was an ad in today's Trib for an "Armchair Investigator" at the Police Department.

Must have extensive experience with television crime drama, and nothing better to do.
There are certain things worthy of strong opinions. The "fishiness" of the details of Bo's hanging possibly months ago is not one of those things.

10 minutes later

The details of the suicide are worthy of investigation.

Contradictory, much?

Paul. We are asking questions about forensic evidence indicating HOW he hung himself, period, end of story. We feel it's worthy of speculation, and we feel it was not answered sufficiently by HPD. They are legitimate concerns, obviously shared by many people.

I know exactly what short-drop suspension hanging is. Apparently you don't know as much about it as you lead on, because short-drop hangings are generally used primarily in indoor situation where proper suspension and ceiling space is limited (jail cell, apartment, office setting, etc). Boaz Johnson was in the middle of a forest with unlimited space, making any assumption of a "short-drop hanging" absolutely irrational.

ya rusty, jus have to wait for that info, then we know more. imho, u think the boy would call his parents, ask for help or $$$...if the boy was hiding and running and happy to talk to locals.....u know?
It's interesting how many of us have/are giving so much of our time to this tragedy, even after the case has been purportedly solved. I've found myself giving incredible amounts of energy toward it on various media, to the detriment of other places that need my energy, and that isn't my norm. Something grabbed me and has held on. These unanswered questions, small intuitions; so much pressure to let it go, so much shaming directed at the questioners... yet the questions burn on.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
O I am furious!
The body language from the pd was ridiculous! Not only that but, that journal really being there for seven months?? I wonder what was written in that journal before?! More like it took whoever that did this to BOTH of them took 7 month to perfect that FAKE suicide note! Bo would NOT have left out HIS PARENTS and his (many) SIBLINGS This all doesn't make sense, but there not going to give up.
Did Terracore answer this key question ? hope he does, there are many people who feel that the AK crowd were part of some false flag operation to exonerate the accused.
Originally posted by bananahead

Originally posted by terracore

I started this thread at the second hand request of a direct family member involved. I went to lock or close it (like you can on some forums) and found out that I can't. But I wish that we can all move on now.

Terracore, in reality you started this thread 2+ days after the body was discovered, the day it hit the news like everyone else saw...., and before the body was Identified through fingerprint and tattoo.... so how DID you know direct family members involved before the body was IDed?

I know you have connections to AK before you moved here and raised rabbits and goats, but DID YOU know the BoazJ family directly beforehand?, or did you misspeak in the above quote??


save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

I do not consider it a key question and as far as I am concerned it's none of our business! If terracore had not posted about the body being found, I would have.

Regardless of the outcome of this tragedy, it still does not change the fact there is a small group of local people, threatening people in Kalapana about trespassing on so-called private property.
Yes I agree the police did appear nervous during the public media release, could we say that it appeared very unscripted. Their line of work is not for a television show, nor based on how few public media releases for murder investigations that I have seen here on the big island in the last 30 years should they be expected to have this level of perfection regarding a 15 minute fact disclosure to such an easily incitable public. The qualities that make for a skilled investigator and detective may not necessarily be the same as those of a professional public speaker. I would suspect that they were probably erring on the side of respect for the family of Boaz Johnson, that they not learn of the fate of their son though the media first with sensitive details and sensitivity also to the presence of Brittany's father and grandfather of her moms side. As they mentioned that the still open investigation comes to a close as the follow up details to this murder investigation for Brittany, one of those would be a separate suicide case deposition to the Johnson family of information and details gathered about their sons death in a closed session meeting for the benefit of the families privacy be upheld and then coordinating the eventual release and transfer of his remains to his family. The fact that they gave a public media release is very positive, it was not required, as is the case in many cases that are not followed so widely by the media.

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