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Woman's body found off Kalapana
"This is when you side-tracked the topic by saying that..."
What? Are you on drugs?

And Bulgarian police? What are you talking about? It was in Greece, can't you read.
I posted that link as requested by you so you would stop going on about a completely unrelated case.
But obviously that was a waste of time.

Bo Johnson hanged himself from a tree. What is your problem with that.
Paul, you sidetracked the topic by suggesting Boaz hung himself from a short drop. You did state this specific while other users were simply inquiring upon the insufficient answers given by HPD. I am not on any drugs . Please re-read your past comments if you need to catch up.

Ah, I stand corrected, and all apologies. To clarify , everyone, it was a Bulgarian man in Greece that may or may not have committed suicide by hanging himself in his own vehicle.

Keep in mind that Greece has a government and police corruption rate similar to countries in Southeast Asia or Eastern Africa. Thanks for the latest credible link involving a corrupted police force in a country past the brink of political and economic collapse. Good job.

Paul, are you interested in family members and local citizens getting accrurate answers about forensic details concerning the suicide/murder of Boaz Johnson, or are you going to repeatedly say anything you can to derail others from forming and sharing their own opinions with others? It seems that whenever anyone else on this topic is simply asking questions that are contradictive to police reports, you have the exact same answer: stop investigating; police are doing a great job; boaz is guilty; speculation is bad; alternative theories are unhealthy; etc, etc.

Well Paul, too bad. I'm likely one of your neighbors, and guess what, I have a very different opinion than you. I do not trust HPD, nor do most of the people in Puna. I'm not the only Puna neighbor that shares a different opinion than you, and many of us know the actual history of investigative reporting (or lack thereof) when it comes to crimes like this in Lower Puna.
sheeeez! first time I read paulw comment, he talkin about roman soldiers committing suicide or whatever i he tellin us to click a link for some italian or whatever crime???

anybody ever find our where the body was found ? there r plenty small kipukas on the old flow
Has anyone been outside today? What a beautiful day in Hawai'i Nei.
I tend to get sucked into technical discussions/arguments and forget the emotional side. What keeps pulling me back to this thread are the arguments over clues and evidence. When I hear a statement that I disagree with on technical grounds it is difficult not to respond. In that respect I am a little like a dog that keeps chasing a ball thrown into a river till I drown.

On the one hand the Royals and the Johnsons deserve such a degree of our compassion that we might all consider just shutting up. On the other hand this forum is essentially recreational and as such we have the right to keep talking about whatever we want within the limits set by the moderator. The Royals and Johnsons took a chance when they reached out to the general public in forums like this in that they might attract the attention of those with a high drive for gratification and a low sense of decorum and that is unavoidable. I hope that on the whole they found our input worthwhile.

I have admitted above that I am close to falling in that category that is pursuing this topic for my own gratification and without perhaps sufficient attention to the feelings of the loved ones of the victims. I am now reexamining my motives for my input. I find that my posts have degenerated into mere rebuttals of Punatickz's posts. I don't feel that I have been particularly insulting on the whole. I have been sarcastic at times but not insulting. On the other hand I feel that I have been almost directly insulted on a personal level. I might continue to respond, limiting myself to the technical merits of each argument but looking at the big picture, I would be responding to Punatickz almost exclusively. I don't see that being productive on either a personal level or in terms of promoting useful dialog among the Puna community.

Also it was me that mentioned the Roman soldiers. I was attempting to make the point that Bo knowingly allowing his family to suffer while he hid was similar to the whole "decimation" thing, that it was a recognized phenomenon with historical precedent that would explain his initially attempting to continue on with life but eventually deciding to give up. I still feel it was relevant.
Clarify one point, Bo did not hide out and attempt to continue on with life, the police said he died 1-2 days after Brittany's death.
[quote]Originally posted by hikatz

Clarify one point, Bo did not hide out and attempt to continue on with life, the police said died 1-2 days after Brittany's death.

This also raises a red flag in my opinion. Can they really pinpoint the exact dod on a body that has been decomposing for months?
Okay, I understand now, you hate police everywhere.
You have a major problem with reading comprehension. You imagined details that didn't exist in the link I posted
and I have never said anything about short-drop hangings.

You're just an attention-seeking weirdo, Punatickz.

I'm done with this thread. Rest in peace.
I think it is past time to stop the bickering over attitudes and details.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
First, Mr. Royal, I commend you on your remarks regarding forgiveness. I know that I have the hardest time forgiving myself for my own shortcomings, but once I could forgive myself it was easy to forgive others. My heart goes out to you and your loved ones.

To the Johnson family, you have my condolences as well, as this latest news is a difficult thing to accept.

Now, for more speculation:
Regarding Bo's time of death, I imagine that the composition notebook contained a date reflecting Bo's last writings.

As for why this tragedy occurred? I don't know about you, but the idea of camping on the lava flow seems far from idyllic.
Start a farm on bare Pahoehoe? You'd need to rip & roll with a bulldozer, bring in cinder and mulch, as well as setup some form of water catchment/storage system, all of which are not impossible, yet are quite costly.

I'm not sure how long the couple had been living in the tent, but I can see tempers flaring under such circumstances, especially if alcohol were involved.

The fact that the evidence shows that Bo actually did, in fact, sit around and agonize over what he had done, for at least a day or two, shows that Bo must have tried to process the events until reaching his final conclusion. While this is far from carrying on with his life it does illustrate that Bo did "hide out," as the amount of time it took to find his remains added to his "hiding out," there are many questions which will, more than likely, go unanswered.

Finally, as for any alleged "dark" forces at play in the Kalapana area, perhaps this perception is subjective, as I've always felt a raw sense of primal energy at Kalapana. Nothing evil exists outside the hearts of men.
From the old days at Drainpipes & Harry K. Brown, with all the bikers and the Hawaiians playing music in the pavilion, to my latest forays onto the flow to see the ocean entries, I've never had any problems there.

My apologies to any who are offended by my conjecture, and my sincere condolences to all who have been negatively affected by this unfortunate turn of events.


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"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."

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