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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I'm actually asking because it could have came up as a topic of dispute. A dispute worth killing someone over wasnt merely an argument over who ate the last piece of pizza.

Also, it seems like the Johnson family would at least have the right to know. The question can be ignored, and I certainly am not doing under the pretense of trying tarnish anyone's reputation.

I do get where you're coming from Hikatz, and I won't ask again. Hope you understand where I was coming from by asking.

Edit: thanks for answering Julie. I just pray that information is shared with the Johnson family, whether Boaz is guilty or not. Apologies for any offence taken, it certainly was not intended.
Some of you are a real trip. The cloud has already been lifted from Kalapana. The "cloud" didn't belong there in the first place, it came from somewhere else.
As far as the police- where do you thick you live? The last I hear there were seven police per shift for an area larger than Oahu. Personally I'm very happy with the level of police protection here, basically little to none. I like paying low taxes. So how does a tiny department first of all respond to calls than can be an hour away and second have time to Mainland style forensics. But all that said, the case was solved. Anything else is conspiratorial heresy with no basis other than extremely loose consequential evidence.
So everyone's made their points it's all rehashing now and keeping the "cloud" overhead. Leave Kalapana alone.
*sirens start blarin*

hush hush shhhhh shhhhhhhhh everyone it's Officer Hush-Hush!! nobody say nothin that is risky or investigating!!!! nothin to see here everybody move along move along!!!
I do hope that this forum topic remains. If those who wish it be shut down on the reasoning that the Royal family is satisfied and that is the end of it, I would like to remind you that there is another family who is also waiting to be satisfied with the end results. There is another family here that has put countless hours, energy, and passion into finding out the truth of what happened for which we deserve some satisfaction as well, if you can even call it satisfaction. There is another family who has lost a loved one and will not give up until we have the truth and full understanding of what led to his death. Until we have seen the evidence of the hanging, the confession letter, any other material that has steered the case this direction, and until the case is officially closed, can you really blame us for waiting for their proof and continuing discussing this case? Even once this case has closed why should the discussion end? Anyone who does not want to take part in the discussion does not have to log onto this particular forum topic. I still wish to discuss this and read other comments.
I haven't posted on this in a long time. I've always tried to be compassionate and sympathetic towards both families. I notice there has been a huge influx of new posters to this long-lived post.
I still doubt that justice has prevailed. It does not "feel" right to me. I hate using the "gut feeling" spin but that's what I feel.

I hope the Johnson family pursues justice for their son! Who came to his defense? Why is he guilty of murder without a fair trial? I have NEVER heard of such "justice". This is NOT over. Where is his attorney? This brings up so many more questions.

Justice for Bo, due process of the law.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Sarah Johnson,
I' was wondering if you could clear a few things up? I have a few questions for you if I may?

1. Was there any money missing from BO? either cash or from a bank account? related to this real estate deal?

2. Did your Dad really bring a "large boat" to hawaii and what was the purpose of that boat if he did?

3. Has your family been given the DNA test results of the unborn child? and if so could you directly put this issue to rest for us by providing a direct answer?
Rene, here are my answers to your questions.

1) Whatever cash Bo was carrying was for his everyday purchases. The money for the land purchase would have been wired the day that the land deal was going to be finalized. Bo never made it to the realtor appointment where the deal was set to be finalized and the money wired for payment.

2) No, my father never "brought large boat" to Hawaii. My father has a sailboat in Alaska. Since he purchased the vessel, it hasn't left the nearby waters for more than a day trip. Our harbor has an advanced monitoring/video surveillance system that can vouch for what I just stated. It would take weeks to sail from where we live in Alaska to Hawaii.

3) No, our family has not received the DNA test results of the unborn child. No offense meant to the Royals or Brittany, but if the child Brittany was carrying was Bo's, we have a right to know this as well. That child would have been my niece or nephew. It would be a blood relative and this information should have been released to both families. This is my opinion only, I do not know Hawaiian law on the matter. Since Julie has previously posted that she "will not comment on the DNA results" of the fetus and "would appreciate it not being brought up again," it has made me think that it must not have been Bo's child. If it was his child why keep it from us? Don't we have the right to know? Apparently not OR apparently not yet. Do we have the right to know the identity of the father, if not Bo? No, I don't think so, but the least that could be done was letting us know if the child was Bo's or not. However, I could understand her not wanting to put this sensitive info on a public forum. I could not put this issue at rest for you. No disrespect meant. It's a touchy subject for everyone.
So are we to assume the part about him being on video going through TSA is also incorrect? Since police believe he died 2 days after the "crime" was committed? the other thing that seems bizarre is they say the crime was committed between May 20-28th. that's a fairly large gap.. I thought I read that there were eyewitnesses that saw them in pahoa a day or two before brittany was found.. I agree the Johnson family should know if the child was or was not Bo's. It would also be a fairly important piece of the puzzle.

When it comes down to it, the police didn't really bring anything new to the table. They only followed up on others' discoveries. Somewhat poorly and haphazardly it seems.
Don't get me wrong. My sympathies go out to the families and friends of the victims.

Murders happen everywhere, and I'm thankful that we residents of Puna Makai experience fewer of these crimes than most other parts of the Country. I also have a problem with our police force; not that they are incompetent, but that they are chronically understaffed. We in Puna have always suffered from under representation in most services.

I am saddened by this crime as well as a couple of others mentioned that have occurred in the last twenty years. It's good that our community doesn't have to experience this trauma often.

I am also saddened that this forum has seemingly been taken over by some paranoid and delusional few that can't rest until their baseless and racist theories of conspiracy have infected everyone. Maybe Rob should change the name to Puna Inquirer.

These people's rants are like an infection that's in danger of becoming systemic. I don't advocate shutting this thread down, but if these armchair theorists continue, this forum will become much less significant, and Rational folks will move on to more meaningful venues.

Just sayin.


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