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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by snorkle

Don't get me wrong. My sympathies go out to the families and friends of the victims.

Murders happen everywhere, and I'm thankful that we residents of Puna Makai experience fewer of these crimes than most other parts of the Country. I also have a problem with our police force; not that they are incompetent, but that they are chronically understaffed. We in Puna have always suffered from under representation in most services.

I am saddened by this crime as well as a couple of others mentioned that have occurred in the last twenty years. It's good that our community doesn't have to experience this trauma often.

I am also saddened that this forum has seemingly been taken over by some paranoid and delusional few that can't rest until their baseless and racist theories of conspiracy have infected everyone. Maybe Rob should change the name to Puna Inquirer.

These people's rants are like an infection that's in danger of becoming systemic. I don't advocate shutting this thread down, but if these armchair theorists continue, this forum will become much less significant, and Rational folks will move on to more meaningful venues.

Just sayin.

if it bothers you, I would suggest you stop reading and posting to this thread.. just a thought. anytime people what you to stop asking questions and essentially just accept something is the time you probably should continue asking questions.

So did they have any proof that he was the murderer when they indicted him in December, before they found the body? Seriously wtf, and what's all this about bo being spotted at the airport? Fishy fishy fishy fish.
The "evidence" found with the body seems to be laid out too perfectly to me. Just my opinion
I made sure to wait more the 30 secs., so as to not have these same delusional people think I was not the same individual as the posters I agree with and not using different accounts/user names, but yet the same person. Talk about paranoid, or that it was a concerted effort of a family or group of individuals with the same point of view, what difference does it make!

The Lunatick's here are nothing but "wannabe's" that have no training nor experience in criminal investigation period! What they do have is lots and lots of time, a schoolgirl mentality to spread rumor, conjecture and to "stir it up", and as another poster mentioned, are "armchair" detective's sitting at their houses, unemployed, on welfare with nothing better do to!
Quote: "if it bothers you, I would suggest you stop reading and posting to this thread"(sic)

I'm still reading for now, but a once valuable community resource is becoming less relevant.

Quote: "anytime people what you to stop asking questions and essentially just accept something is the time you probably should continue asking questions." (sic)

"A cigar is sometimes just a cigar"- Freud
[quote]Originally posted by damien007

I made sure to wait more the 30 secs., so as to not have these same delusional people think I was not the same individual as the posters I agrerelevanth and not using different accounts/user names, but yet the same person. Talk about paranoid, or that it was a concerted effort of a family or group of individuals with the same point of view, what difference does it make!

The Lunatick's here are nothing but "wannabe's" that have no training nor experience in criminal investigation period! What they do have is lots and lots of time, a schoolgirl mentality to spread rumor, conjecture and to "stir it up", and as another poster mentioned, are "armchair" detective's sitting at their houses, unemployed, on welfare with nothing better do to!

I guess your excluding yourself from all the "lunaticks" on here. Your post is pointless and completely off topic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you have no valid questions or relevant observations, the real question is why are you still on here? Nothing better to do I assume.
Quote: "if it bothers you, I would suggest you stop reading and posting to this thread." (sic)

By the way; The childish and intolerant attitude displayed by kohaladiver is indicative of declining quality of discourse here. Are differing opinions encouraged here, or not? Have I ever suggested that anyone with a different opinion leave?

Let's act like rational adults here; otherwise rational adults will (voluntarily) seek other venues.
Snorkle. The user (kohala diver) wasn't responding to the mere fact that you have a different opinion. He referred to the fact that you get so "bothered" with it, in which case you generally resort to lashing out replies with a really hostile and defensive tone. I second his opinion, as it is your attitude that is more troubling than the fact that you have your own opinion. You haven't posted on this topic in quite a while, but it's of no coincidence that your past posts had the same hostile attitude. People are here simply discussing possibilities with others, generally in a peaceful collaboration (minus the trolls), and then you burst on to the scene with a condescending and extremely aggressive behavior. That's the point in which it's probably a better idea for you to just uninvolved yourself with a community discussion. Your pure intent is to harass and threaten the moderator to shut down a community discussion simply because others have opinions different than you. Period.

If there is any confusion to who the biological father of the baby is, it could be a crucial part of this case. On the same note, it could have nothing to do with this case. But whether that information has direct involvement with the case, or whether it does not, this would most certainly be considered a relevant piece of information that would be worthy to any form of investigation.

I would also like to point out that the GJ indictment specifically says "brought" a boat to hawaii. This is the first time anyone has heard this, and given that the Johnson family denies this, I would like to see HPD provide evidence to this. If there is no evidence, how could this be used in a Grand Jury indictment?
The Lunatick's here are nothing but "wannabe's" that have no training nor experience in criminal investigation period! What they do have is lots and lots of time, a schoolgirl mentality to spread rumor, conjecture and to "stir it up", and as another poster mentioned, are "armchair" detective's sitting at their houses, unemployed, on welfare with nothing better do to!

Experience in criminal investigation is not needed to question what has happened in this case, it's only critical thinking one needs. The dichotomy of what appears to have been presented to the GJ, verses what became the official version just 3 weeks later, is more than enough for questioning police/prosecutors competence. It is obvious, that from 5/28/13 the police immediately decided what had occurred, that Bo was the perpetrator and his family arrived here to become accomplices. 12/18/13, as the few brief sentences of court minutes STRONGLY suggest, this same theory was presented to the GJ. 1/2/14, Bo is found. 1/17/14, record is unsealed and the story has changed completely.

Britt's Dad has stated that he's seen the evidence, including the suicide note, and is confident of the new official version. Bo's sister, Sarah, has stated the Johnson family has not been given the same courtesy. It has now been confirmed that Bo is also dead and his family did not help him escape, so why are the Johnson's not given the same deference and allowed access to the "evidence"? They have just as much right to closure as the Royal family.

I will bet my life that the GJ transcript will raise more questions about this "investigation" than answers. If anyone on here is interested in purchasing it, I'll publish the ENTIRE transcript.
Bringing Justice to the Islands
Bringing Justice to the Islands
I would buy a copy of the transcript if you do publish it,

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