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damage from wind storm
I saw where makuu222 had some gutters ripped off due to the high winds the other night. We had no real damage. But we have a line of podocarpus trees that are very high. I saw branches that night waving around and getting too close to our power line. So I trimmed them the next night. The trees are actually on my neighbors property.

The lot (in HPP) back to back with ours had an albezia tree snap off at the base in the lot next door and fall onto their lot. The lot the tree fell from is undeveloped and overgrown. I'd say the base of the trunk is about 18" thick. Glad we had a huge one removed right after we moved here a few years back.

My daughter's place on 3rd and Makuu had a problem. She had a bunch of rabbit cages under a vanilla bean tree for shade. The vanilla bean tree uprooted and was laying on top of a 2x4 rabbit cage holding structure. I don't have a chain saw, so took my trusty hand saws down yesterday and had to carefully find way to clean up this mess. The cage holder was supporting the weight of the tree as it fell onto the structure. I had to delimb in the right order so as to take the weight off the cages as I worked my way through it. Got it done with no more damage. Some bent cages and one cage was knocked about 3 feet to the ground when the tree was blown over, but all bunnies are fine.

As we drove through the park I was surprised I didn't see more damage and limbs and downed trees etc. How did everyone else make out?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Two downed ironwoods across the street from me. One was very large (about 60 feet) but caused no damage as it fell across an empty lot. The second was not as big but fell directly across a neighbor's driveway, blocking their egress. They removed it. Part of a rock wall that was not secured with cement fell down at my place. To move rocks, I think the microburst has to have been pretty intense. It was quite a show.
As usual the power was out down here in Kapoho due to a falling tree and the road was blocked near lava tree park by an albezia.
Bo wind here in Volcano. But I got a call this morning from a Kailua (Oahu) number saying that an agent of theirs drove by my house and saw roof damage which of course they can fix.
Based on the wind gusts on Oahu a couple of days ago I expected to find my unsecured tarp carport here in Eden Roc in the top of a tree, but it was right where I left it. Funny.

your daughter is my friend! lol I had no idea you were her Dad. Smile

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Hello, Dayna. That's my girl. My wife and I were at her place this morning and made two more raised bed planters out of old wood they have on hand.

Oops. My wife just pointed out the tree that fell is, or was, an ice cream bean tree, and not a vanilla bean tree. My mistake.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I think I met you at your grand daughters birthday party at your house?

LOL small world.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Well, it was an interesting night for my neighbor 2 lots down. I noticed the internet was out ... And I was about to post something on PunaWeb about the winds... So I look out side and see a branch burning up on the line (smoking really good) and I start switching the power off to the electronics and got it all off before the power went out...

Anyway, so... Now the lines are on the ground and it's making a pretty good fire next to their house. So they call the fire department. The fire trucks come about 15 minutes later and watch the fire for another 20 or so minutes while helco shows up. Helco is out there for about an hour restringing the line ... Great we have power again..

All for about an hour or so... Then another Albezia Big one falls over the road taking everything down... The 480 volt lines as well as cable and phone lines. The cable lines are laying in my nextdoor driveway...

GREAT! When that huge albezia tree fell it pulled my neighbors garage about 6" off of the slab. Not sure how that happened maybe the wind helped it along as well.

We did get power back the next day and the day after that cable and phone company show up to restring the wires. I was amazed I heard about 5 chainsaws going off in the distance. They did a really good job as I figured every subdivision was just as bad as us and came home with ice that we pretty much let sit and melt since the power was back on.
That was me!!

Originally posted by dayna

I think I met you at your grand daughters birthday party at your house?

LOL small world.


Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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