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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I ask questions about this noteboo because My husband used compo books for his notes for work. I find them barely readable after being left in a truck cab for months. I have had to scan pages to save the integrity even in the middle of the book. His I have seen get rained on for an hour, and all that is left on a page is 1/4 where the water didnt soak into...

Because he has used them for years and I have fought the degradation factor, this part of the story continues to makes me curious.

Now that the Johnson family hasn't physically seen the book, just read the letter over the phone.... just adds to the mystery.

If the note was only read to the parents, how did they compare his writing? Did they have other samples of his hand writing besides that of the book entries?

I also find the prosecutor adding the fleeing in a boat part odd. Did the prosecutor get the rumor from somewhere that was provable and what was the proof? or was it just a rumor that the prosecutor believed without proof?

My earlier post about the note, is why I said it is critical your family see the notebook and read, the confession/suicide letter, you know Bo, look at the way it was written, were certain words misspelled.
Was it new, or did the notebook belong to Brittany or Bo? Brittany used to write poetry, did it have her notes/poems written in it.
Ruth when you were staying with Bo, did he keep a notebook to write in, did he like to write?

From what you just posted, having heard what the suicide note said, you do not believe Bo wrote it.
I believe Bo did write it, I think when you see the original notebook and letter, then you can make that determination if you believe the confession was coerced. The suicide note could have been dictated or written down for Bo to copy into the notebook.

Bo and Brittany came back from the mainland May 11? then started camping out. The photo of the tent, showed houses in the back. I think you said that photo was from an earlier location, but it was confirmed there was another tent. Did the police check around the area, to see if anyone heard arguing or screaming that night, sound travels.

Perhaps the notebook was contained in a ziplock bag, thus keeping it protected from the elements. Bo lived in Southeast Alaska, the rain belt region of state. He would have been accustomed to protecting items from the elements by keeping them bagged.

There will always be many questions unanswered, unwillingness to accept. At least one family has gained closure and acceptance of the evidence presented, I am thankful the Royal family can now truly put this to rest as justice served for Brittney.

Bo too is now gone. I had wondered briefly while catching up on the 10+ pages of bickering that posted since yesterday, if Bo had only been identified by assumption of connection to the notebook suicide note. Then I did read through one of the links posted that DNA and dental records were used to ID. I do wonder if the Johnson family has confirmed the deceased ID as positiviely Bo?

Terrecore original post was regarding the woman's body found - Brittney. Most of the posts there after were centered around speculation about her murder - mine included. The Royal family did a good job of keeping the story alive here and through the Justice for Brittney Facebook page. Now that the Royal family has accepted the evidence as truth, the original posts story has come to a conclusion.

The continued speculation and bickering regarding Bo can be carried into a separate post on Punaweb by whomever chooses to do so, and kept alive by Bo's family or others who seek answers on Bo's behalf. Rob Tucker can we please let Brittney's family have a rest from this thread by discontinuing it?

FYI - I do not personally know either family and I have no connections even remotely to any of them. I was born and raised in SE Alaska and I had visited Puna on a discovery mission to perhaps move there. I visited Puna prior to Brittneys death. I love Alaska and Hawaii, this is what drew me to this tragedy.

The human mind is an amazing thing. Someone can snap who under normal circumstances would never do so.
Has justice been served for Bo?
There are a variety of points I want to make here.

1. You can bet that the police will present a very clear and defensible explanation for the weathering (or lack of weathering) of the notebook. Will it be just another fabrication by someone other than Bo? Of course. But it will explain the weathering.

2. There has always been something extremely strange about the Royals behavior. They let the original body be cremated very quickly which in itself would be grounds for throwing the entire case out of court (go look it up yourself) because the "defense" would have no way to counter-examine the evidence. I think they know a lot of information about a lot of strange stuff that had been going on prior to this murder that they have not revealed to the public. I don't know whether they told the police or not, but for whatever reason they do not want this information made public and have even been willing to wishfully believe the police want to find the actual murderer so much so they would rather believe a fantasy than openly share the truth of what they know was going on.

a. Who were the last people who admit to seeing Bo and Brittany alive?
b. Who was staying in the other tent?
c. What other relationships had Brittany had in Hawaii?
d. Specifically, what interactions had Brittany had with people in Kalapana?

3. As for the Johnson family, their stupid mistake was after they had been threatened, they still let their son and brother proceed living in a tent in an area where people get threatened and beat up and killed all the time.

4. As for the Hawaii government, they have been falsifying crime statistics for Hawaii County for years. IMO that makes them partly responsible for what happened here.

5. The police and actual murderers have been reading and commenting and will contiunue to read and comment here in this forum. Those of you who are using your real identities, you are very courageous. Luckily for you, you won't figure out any proof of the actual murderer or any proof of the police incompetence so it won't be worth anyone's while to stop you or punish you.

6. A police force that is dominated by "local hires" of people who grew up and will stay in the place where they work will often have the kind of problem you see here. For them, there's no risk to just saying "it was a murder-suicide" because the 2 people are dead anyway. The big risk would be for them to say anything else, because the actual murderer they might identify could easily kill them any time.

7. There is 1 poster posting on another form who has already been quoted here in punaweb as hypothesizing that (in his suggestion) the real murderer might be found hanging from a tree from "suicide". Did he come up with that on his own or did he hear it from someone else? That person presumably won't talk now due to his life being in danger but any competent investigation would follow up with him. He may have heard this from someone who knew what had actually happened.

8. Based on the press conference & Sarah Johnson's listening to the "note" - both make it sound extraordinarily unlikely that Bo wrote the note. So, is there any evidence that he was murdered? Yes, there's a dead body and a clearly faked note. There is a history of threats and violence both generally and specifically against Bo. Almost certainly there is a lot more than that, but we are not privy to it.

9. The federal government will never step in. Barack Obama is from Hawaii, do you think he gives a crap about some white guy who came to his turf? If you think there is a remote possibility he or Eric Holder would ever authorize any federal investigation (other than a glossing of the cover-up), you are smoking the same thing as Obama.

10. The local police and prosecutors will certainly never reveal the real murderer. They won't even attempt to figure out who is responsible. They wouldn't have the courage to even start. That was made blatantly obvious with their incompetent original work. Their entire case is based on the word of person X who claims to have talked on the phone to Bo (then person X fled Hawaii).

11. So watch out for yourself in Hawaii and especially in Puna. Puna has a high rate of violence. If you get threatened, take it seriously and don't push your luck.

Do you write for "American Jungle"? Haven't seen it yet, but hear great things!
A lot of activity on this thread since Boaz was found.
Newbies all over the place.

I don't believe this will ever be solved to anyone's satisfaction.
Such a bumbled case. The cloud still looms over Kalapana.

Perhaps a better Media venue other than Dateline would be Unsolved Mysteries. Whatever happened only two people know for sure and they are both gone. If anyone else knows anything they are really good at keeping a secret.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
My Father used to say "Guilty Conscious Pricks the Mind" this may explain all the posts in defense of the accused murderer, let me say in the words of Shakespeare in the Tragedy of Macbeth "What Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”
Are you basing this solely because his name has the word "Pono" in it? For that matter, perhaps the person that wrote our state motto was involved with writing the letter. "Pono" is one of the most popular words of the Hawaiian language. I personally see the word everyday, if not multiple times a day.

I referenced the Gambsky case as an example of police incompetency. If you read more than just the link you provided, you would understand more.

Gambsky was found buried 4 feet underground in her husbands backyard, and police released an official statement saying that suicide had not been ruled out. It took more than a year for the police to finally rule it as a homicide, and took 4 more years to arrest the most obvious suspect in the world: her husband.

Back to Bo and Brittany:

Could anyone clarify why the tent described at the crime scene is different from the tent Bo and Brittany were using in early May?

The tent described in the search warrant was an orange tent, measuring 6x6ft. However the tent they used in early May was a yellow and gray tent that was much bigger, measuring 8x9. I also recall Ted Royal saying that he bought the larger tent for Brittany and Boaz as a gift.

Did this larger tent get damaged or stolen, forcing them to downgrade to a cheaper and much smaller tent in late May?

I still don't think Boaz Johnson had any reason to store the notebook in a plastic bag. The only reason he would decide to do that is if he assumed his body wouldn't be found for several weeks or several months. Given that cops were a few hundred meters away, Bo surely knew about their presence and would have likely assumed he would be found very soon, whether dead or alive.

On the contrary, if Boaz was murdered, putting the notebook in a plastic bag would make much more sense. In order to frame Boaz, you would want to take precautionary methods to ensure that the notebook would be preserved for later evidence. As the killer, you would also likely assume the body wouldn't be found for an extended amount of time, being that the killer possibly knew the immediate area very well, knowing where cops would likely search or likely not. In short, the killer would have more advantage of preserving evidence in plastic as opposed to a suicide victim. After all, it's the notebook that is being used as evidence of suicide, and it's the notebook that gives evidence he killed Brittany Royal. Keep in mind that the notebook also, according to police, basically contained merely his confessions and intents, which are conveniently the only statements one would need to frame him of guilt.
I have been an avid outdoors/camping person most of my adult life. One of the best lessons I learned is to keep **everything** in plastic bags. Clothes, food, paper goods, toiletries.... if it goes in my pack, it goes in a ziplock first. Tents leak, waterproofing wears out, luggage gets left on the tarmac during a deluge (thanks ITO!), liquids get knocked over, rain-tarps blow out in a wind gust, centipedes hang out in your clean underwear, travel shampoo leaks in your ruck sack. Plastic bags mitigate these common camping/hiking headaches. Given that Bo was an outdoorsman and long-term camping on the flow, I would expect he was keeping valuable items bagged. The book being found in a plastic bag didn't surprise me at all. just my $.02 and perspective that plastic-bagging is not out of the ordinary for experienced campers.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

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