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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by anony_mouse

But if neither officer can even recall if it was empty or full, it leads me to ask if this bottle was properly documented.
I'm just guessing, but the scene was probably photographed extensively, and the police could easily look through that evidence to see if the bottle was empty or full. It was most likely a detail that they couldn't immediately recall at the press conference.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thank you hikatz and oceangirl for not "shunning" me for asking questions and continuing the dialogue.

I was initially pretty sure that Bo wasn't responsible for Brittney's death; at least until his body and the notebook were found. I did suspect local "lava guides", but not the Hawaiians.

There are plenty of shady new Haole residents down there that had been leading illegal tours; And there were plenty of real "tresspassing" issues that affected the local Hawaiians. There was no doubt some yelling and bad feelings. I know this for a fact because I was close to the County's Civil Defense Ocean entry crew. (Which was mainly comprised of the major Hawaiian families of the area).

Having said that; I seriously doubt that any of the local people (Hawaiian, Ha'ole, legal, illegal) would have the criminal expertise (or motive) to pull off a sophisticated murder conspiracy that includes police, prosecutors, independent investigators, and local residents of Kalapana. All without leaving any clues.

The murderer no doubt never expected Brittney's body to be found and when it was, wouldn't have had the time or resources to work out a complicated criminal operation.

With the absence of any real physical evidence, I feel that the probable scenario is the one most obvious; That Bo killed Brittney, then hung himself out of grief and fear.

I think people that are quick to blame the Kalapana Hawaiians are acting out of spite, and racial insecurity.

This unusual crime has certainly had an impact on the area, but the talk of a "cloud" hanging over the area, or the idea that it happens often is absurd. This isn't South Central LA with racially oriented gangs seen daily.

Sorry to not buy into the conspiracy thing; but my mind remains open, and when some tangible evidence is brought to light I may change my mind. Until then, theorize all you want, but it means nothing.

Incorrect = ha'ole
Correct = haole

There is no 'okina in the word haole.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
I have never suggested the police are involved in this coverup, I just know they have made mistakes in the past, and I am sure mistakes will be made in the future.

But I do sometimes question the integrity of certain officers. Remember Damon and his run in with the two police officers stationed in Pahoa, the officer used unnecessary force, then both tried to cover it up, the officer in question was fired. more information google
Hawaii County, blogger settles case against police. April 2013

Strange, probably just a coincidence, but Damien007 style of writing reminded me of that blogger and this case.
I think it's mostly incompetence, and not simply because they are understaffed.

I'd also agree that there has been proven corruption with HPD many times, even according to its own officers.

To what degree of incompetence vs corruption is prevalent in the investigation of Boaz Johnson is yet to be determined.

A private forensic laboratory confirmed the identity by comparing DNA from the body with a known sample of Johnson’s DNA. Johnson’s identity was also confirmed using dental records. - See more at:

"known sample of Johnson's DNA"

Which tent was the liquor bottle supposedly found at? Were the tent and the belongings from the first tent site search returned to the owners? As others have asked, who were these people? Their tent was excluded so I presume everything was returned to them-except the clothes line, rope from inside their tent and the blood samples from the tent and clothing, since those things from the excluded site were used as evidence?

I have confidence in our police. The Puna patrol serves an area the size of Oahu with six or eight officers per shift(correct me if I'm wrong)

Every barrel is going to have a bad apple or two, but just the fact that Damon's cop was fired tells me that there's an acceptable level of behavior (And no cover up).

Are there other unreported instances of corruption/incompetence?

Probably; but to assume that this is the norm is cynical, inaccurate, and an insult to the rest of the force.
Originally posted by snorkle

Are there other unreported instances of corruption/incompetence?

Just a couple examples of HPD and Pahoa Police corruption/incompetence...

Let's keep the topic about Brittany and Bo, not about proving how corrupt or incompetent HPD is. It's been covered on this forum already if you want to go back and review it.

Remember, there are "minor follow-ups" to be conducted, before handing this case over to prosecution. I have a feeling they are going to need quite a few bottles of White-Out, from judging both the warrant and and the GJ indictment. -anony_mouse.

Sir what are you referring to in the Indictment or the Warrant that needs to by "white'd out". It's a one page document charging Mr. Johnson with 2nd Degree Murder, under the appropriate Hawaii Revised Statute, signed by the GJ Foreman and the Prosecutor. The Bench (arrest) Warrant is a standard form, stating the Statute, to be executed by authorized by LEO's and specifying "No Bail" All other documents provided by HawaiiCorruption are not part(s) of the Indictment or Bench Warrant.

The Motion To Seal docs and the court minutes of the discussion between the Prosecutor and the Judge is what follows We went over this earlier, I believe! Perhaps HawaiiCorruption can verify, as he/she was the individual that acquired and posted them.

Question: Was Mr. Johnson ever in the military, if so, the DNA comparison may have come from there!
Originally posted by snorkle

I have confidence in our police. The Puna patrol serves an area the size of Oahu with six or eight officers per shift(correct me if I'm wrong)

Every barrel is going to have a bad apple or two, but just the fact that Damon's cop was fired tells me that there's an acceptable level of behavior (And no cover up).

Are there other unreported instances of corruption/incompetence?

Probably; but to assume that this is the norm is cynical, inaccurate, and an insult to the rest of the force.
how many relatives do you have in the BIG ISLAND police department? better yet, are you a police officer or retired police officer?


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