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Senate committee passes GMO bill in 3-0 vote
Maui Council: Please Protect Hawaii Farmers and Ranchers from Anti-GMO Hype Campaign

January 27, 2014

TO: Maui Council PIA Committee

RE: PIA 58

FR: Keli’i Akina, Ph.D.

President/CEO, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

Aloha Council Committee Members,

Fact – There is no conclusive scientific evidence that human beings have been harmed by the genetic modification of food crops. Moreover, anti-GMO activists have failed to produce even one peer-reviewed, scientifically accepted study demonstrating any health risk from GMOs.

In spite of these facts, Hawaii agriculture is being forced through a gauntlet of wild-eyed accusations. Anti-GMO leaders have threatened farmers and, in Big Island papaya fields, it appears that some may have acted on those threats. Now these same activists are demanding that Maui County require farmers to submit reams of triplicative (Federal, State, County) pesticide paperwork on pain of thousands of dollars in daily fines levied against any who fall short.

Maui County Council is being asked to pass a bill copied almost word-for-word from an ordinance enacted November 16, 2013 by veto override vote of the Kauai Council. The Kauai ordinance has already landed Kauai County in court. The legislature is now considering HB2506 and SB3058 to strip counties of any authority they may imagine they have over pesticide use and GMO crop production. A lengthy legal opinion drafted by the Kauai County Attorney and released October 31, 2013, outlines the flaws in their bill–yet in both the original and amended versions, the Maui Council is being asked to follow the same ineffectual path towards triple-regulation of agriculture.


In a December 31, 2013 column, former Honolulu Advertiser reporter Joan Conrow describes a conversation with anti-GMO Kauai Councilmember Gary Hooser in which he gives the answer:

“…the movement was orchestrated by mainland groups that funneled in money, expertise, activists and infiltrators, playing Kauai as a pawn in a bigger battle. That’s why Gary told me it didn’t matter if the bill was never enforced — all that mattered was getting it passed.”

This so-called protest movement is really a new kind of ad campaign. Instead of buying ad time on TV, ‘organic’ and ‘natural supplements’ industry leaders abuse the democratic process for their money-making scheme. They are paying local mis-leaders hundreds of thousands of dollars to generate protest hype as an advertising tool to herd consumers into overpriced ‘organic’ stores.

The Star-Advertiser, January 13, 2014 reports Hawaii anti-GMO activists have received over $373,000 in Mainland funding.

Forbes Magazine, October 2, 2013, points out tens of thousands of dollars of illegal mainland political contributions to anti-GMO leader Walter Ritte’s failed 2012 OHA campaign. The article is aptly titled: “Hawaii anti-GMO activists rely on Mainland Millionaires for ‘Grassroots’ campaign.”

How much organic marketing hype is out there? The January 4, 2014 New York Times requires 5,500 words to tell the story of Hawaii County Councilman Greggor Ilagan as he struggles to investigate anti-GMO claims. One-by-one, every single claim is debunked.

Does this ad campaign work? Anti-GMO State Senator Russell Ruderman of Puna, himself the owner of a so-called natural foods store, in a January 22, 2014 Civil Beat column admits: “Today, the biggest driver of organic food’s growth is the desire to avoid GMOs.”
Originally posted by Obie

Maui Council: Please Protect Hawaii Farmers and Ranchers from Anti-GMO Hype Campaign

Organic is NOW evil and only RoundUp will save America. Can't you hear the Sarah Palinites already: "We must JOIN FORCES with the true patriots at Monsanto and squash those pagan and polytheistic health food stores ASAP!"
LOL... yeah, because not holding patents and allowing for natural seeds to be present and reducing toxins is so much more maniacally oriented.
So a business plan that is set up to control all the seeds by patent and charge tech fees, etc and to control the whole process including herbicides and insecticides of farming is so innocent. I'm gullible enough to buy Obie's parroted multi billion dollar backed propaganda scheme. Now they attack natural food proponents... lmao. How utterly pathetic.
That's right Obie, you keep towing around that majestically awe inspiring Trojan horse. Drink, party and be merry!

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

I as a consumer have the right to buy naturally bred foods and if a GE bred food is masquerading amongst all the naturally bred foods... I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW.

Actually, you don't, according to the court case from the 90s which struck down Vermon't rBGH labelling law.

There is no compelling public interest, no rational imperative to label GMO foods, because there is no credible scientific evidence they are unsafe to consumers.

The term GMO has been unfairly demonized, and demanding the label be attached to foods without credible scientific evidence would inevitably hurt sales, for no good reason, and would violate the food producers' Constitutional rights.

The current anti-GMO hysteria is running on emotion and misinformation. Laws should not be passed on this basis.
Oh yeah because biotech companies lobbied for legislation in California no one anywhere in the world actually wants GMO's labeled - you have to keep up with this logic Wao ; )
Originally posted by OpenD

Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

I as a consumer have the right to buy naturally bred foods and if a GE bred food is masquerading amongst all the naturally bred foods... I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW.

Actually, you don't, according to the court case from the 90s which struck down Vermon't rBGH labelling law.

There is no compelling public interest, no rational imperative to label GMO foods, because there is no credible scientific evidence they are unsafe to consumers.

The term GMO has been unfairly demonized, and demanding the label be attached to foods without credible scientific evidence would inevitably hurt sales, for no good reason, and would violate the food producers' Constitutional rights.

The current anti-GMO hysteria is running on emotion and misinformation. Laws should not be passed on this basis.

One case that was not based on the individual right to know is not a proof that we don't have the right to know. Nice try.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
thesleuthjournal Really ?

I started to read the link and then noticed the left side of the page had links to 911 being an inside job,people dying from smart meters ,agenda 21 and Bob's favorite Chemtrails.

You need to start finding better sources.

Try here:
Originally posted by Adam-I-Am

Organic is NOW evil and only RoundUp will save America. Can't you hear the Sarah Palinites already: "We must JOIN FORCES with the true patriots at Monsanto and squash those pagan and polytheistic health food stores ASAP!"

Way more people have died eating "Organic" "Natural" foods than have died from consuming GMO foods. WAY MORE...

So Yeah, "Organic" "Natural" food hype is a con job on you the credulous consumer... and con jobs are evil.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

If a GE crop carries a patent, it legally separate's that product apart from all others in nature. Therefore it is not legally recognized as a natural product and thus has no rightful claim to be marketed as such and therefore must be labeled appropriately by virtue of its legally recognized patent.
What about when non-GE crops carry a patent? Do you feel the same way about those as well? Because that would include literally almost everything commercially grown today. Most hybrid crops are patented, GMO or not.
Geochem said: "Way more people have died eating "Organic" "Natural" foods than have died from consuming GMO foods. WAY MORE...
Proof, please. And NOT some cut and paste job with imbecilic nonsense. Cite the journal, please.

Where is this info from? Can you tell us? No?

We need rates along with numbers. (Not from Monsanto and friends of Monsanto.)

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations." Thomas Jefferson


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