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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Plenty of suicides happen within confinement such as jail where there is controlled entry and little or no doubt of foul play.

Some murder-suicides are found almost immediately.

Others are found with notes that talk about the emotions and feelings of the person who was driven to that end. BoÔs note had none of that, per the Asst. Chief.

With hangings, forensic examination is key for determining whether it was suicide, but eight months later the tissues have degraded. That should not be hard to understand.

My point is not that all suicides or even most are witnessed. The point is that there is no certainty from that source of direct observation, and the other evidence is not rock solid. He could have been coerced into writing the note, and it cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt that it did not happen that way.

However, if it could be proven in some fashion other than the confession that Bo murdered Brittany, I think most including me would concede that he committed suicide, because that is a clear intense motive.

The problem here is that her murder by Bo is being "proven" with the confession/suicide, and the confession/suicide is going unquestioned because he supposedly murdered her.

So there is a circular reasoning, with each unproven event resting on the other to support the conclusion.
Please consider the possibility that there could have been an argument either over an impending land purchase or some other very personal matter and Bo just lost control, he did not mean or planned to take her life but it just happened, now in this scenario do you expect him to call people to witness ??? Brittany was not part of the land purchase maybe she did not like the idea of spending her pregnancy duration in a hot Lava field, she probably wanted something more comfortable , its just motherly instinct to protect the baby, I can assure you if it was my wife in this scenario she would have definitely thrown me to sharks. JMO
The police obtain a search warrant, searched the camp site and took photos.
Would they have collected any evidence showing that Bo and Brittany had stayed there that night or the previous night?
Was there any garbage bag found, any evidence that would show what they ate, or if they had company?
Bo, did he have a pen with the journal, was there pens at the campsite and in his backpack?
Did they match any of the pens, ink color, to what was written in the suicide confession note.
I knew none of the people involved in this case.
Just because I'm a "newbie" here doesn't mean that I just got off a jet from Califrisco and my thoughts regarding this situation are invalid.

That said, I apologize if any of my posts have had a "snarky" tone, I was merely pointing out some perceived inconsistencies in some of the posited conjecture.

E kala mai au

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Delta9r, I think the point of conjecture i.e. putting forth a hypothesis is to examine it for inconsistencies.

Thus there is no need for snark when one finds inconsistencies. For example, I very clearly and civilly asked people to provide points of inconsistency and error in my hypothesis. That is how a hypothesis gets tested. I donÔt understand why it canÔt be a civil process.

I appreciate what you said just now.

btw, someone on another site referenced this topic and said I should have checked my moon chart before saying Bo would need a flashlight at night, because bright moonlight is sufficient to hike. That is a fair point about moonlight.

I did check my moon chart. It was the last day before the New Moon. The moonlight would have been slim to none.
The Moon on May 28th
Punababa, thanks, looks like I got the moon phase wrong, will recheck later.

Originally posted by Punababa

Please consider the possibility that there could have been an argument either over an impending land purchase or some other very personal matter and Bo just lost control, he did not mean or planned to take her life but it just happened
I do consider the possible scenario of a domestic dispute, of course. I already said so in an earlier post. I believe it is possible but not proven, and not the only possibility. The standard for proof of murder is beyond reasonable doubt, not itÔs a possibility.

There is a problem with your scenario that he did not mean to take her life. All the evidence points to her strangulation occurring, as I pointed out, a football field away from the tent, where the drag marks to the cliff started. The tent showed no signs of any argument, per the police affidavit.

If they got into an argument out on the lava away from camp, then if he had a sudden terrible rage he would have to use his hands for it to happen in the moment. The fact that a rope was used means he would have had to go get the rope and would have had time to think about it.

Or if she ran out there and he pursued her, again he would have needed to grab the rope, and that involves an intent to kill her. No one (not into S&M) would go after a girlfriend with a rope without the intent to cause serious harm or death.

His sister Sarah talked about this in her post, that she cannot imagine him losing touch with what he was doing long enough to get a rope and use it.

If they had been fighting in the tent and he had become enraged and there was rope right there at hand, that would work with a crime of sudden passion where he got carried away.

It is still possible that he killed her, but with the crime scene evidence we have right now, I think you might adjust your theory of his state of mind to something much more out of sync with the person people thought he was.

now in this scenario do you expect him to call people to witness ??? ,
YouÔre making a straw man argument. I never said I expected any such thing, but you are using an example that is ludicrous that is made up by you to discredit my point.

I never said that there should have been witnesses or suggested it was likely in these circumstances. I was pointing out the lack of positive proof to support the assumptions and conclusions. Certain kinds of proof may not be likely to exist, I grant, but that does not invalidate the need for proof before a conclusion is solid.
If it turns out there is no proof, for whatever reason, then it is not proven. It is unsolved.
Brittany was not part of the land purchase maybe she did not like the idea of spending her pregnancy duration in a hot Lava field, she probably wanted something more comfortable , its just motherly instinct to protect the baby
As far as BrittanyÔs state of mind, we do not know what it was like in her very last moments, but her mother posted to this topic that Brittany loved being out on the lava. Also she was not going to spend her pregnancy out there. Bo had already located a rental in the vicinity, which he was going to secure for her greater physical comfort. BrittanyÔs mother also made the point that Brittany was not like those of us who would find the lifestyle too harsh.

Brittany was not involved in the land purchase as a buyer or contributor of funds, but she had told her parents she intended to live there and had certain plans that excited her. Sure the plans may seem impractical to us, but Brittany was an optimist who believed she could manifest her dreams despite obstacles.

Yes, they may have indeed have had a terrible fight that ended tragically, but the reasons you put forth do not jibe with what her family has told us about the coupleÔs attitude towards camping on the lava. YouÔre projecting how YOUR wife would feel about it.
The problem here is that her murder by Bo is being "proven" with the confession/suicide, and the confession/suicide is going unquestioned because he supposedly murdered her. - KathyH

I think you would even agree that this is not an accurate statement. The confession of itself is not the sole piece of evidence to prove her murder! Think again on this, and as you do realize that currently this is only the available info. but even if it was found to be the only known evidence. You fail to mention the circumstantial evidence such as the phone call and DNA from Johnson found. To be accurate is to be clear!

Now realize the high potential for evidence/infor. not released yet. Police are in inquisitive like you and me, they follow the known evidence, but must consider the unknown as well. I think you underestimate their intelligence.
Thanks Kathy - At this point I would not get into any over analysis as I do not have the data the police have , will wait till all the evidence is in the public Domain otherwise I will feel like a dog chasing its own tail and have paralysis by analysis. My assumption was broad and you are correct was thinking of how my wife would feel. I can safely say the vast majority of women would feel the same, fully understand the admirable free spirit of the young lady, there was talk that she was unhappy with set up, speaking for myself as a man would never ever put any pregnant lady in that predicament, that is just me and I hope the same would be of any father to be.
As I understand it from both family members, Boaz never put or forced Brittany into any predicament. It was both of their choices
to live a wild life on the lava. According to both families that had spoken to both Boaz and Brittany recently before their disappearance confirmed they were both really happy, and looking forward to buying the land.

Speaking of the land, let's go ahead and lay this out there for those that don't know:

Boaz and Brittany were not the first people to be threatened or bullied when it came to purchasing that particular lot. Realtors have admitted that other potential buyers were threatened to the point that they backed out completely, never to return. Boaz obviously didn't back down like others, given that he was going to close on the deal the very next day.


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