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Mr Carey told me that "they are using chipseal per the prior agreement". I think this is what Wes quit over. I can totally see his point, but I dont know enough about this. If anyone knows more details, or explanations, please let us know! The meeting is March 1st at about 8:30am- at the church in HPP - from what I understand.
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There's actually a subdivision road hu-hu going on, and it's not HPP? Now that's a surprise.
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Looks like to me it's paving. Here's a quote form Wes's site.
The BOD takes a stance that this $200,000 chip seal replacement is simply "repair", and denies that 100% replacement of the road with exactly the same material as used in the Paving Plan in the past 10+ years is "replacement" at all. In all the past years "repair" of chip seal has meant using cold patch, NEVER, not even once was it asphalt.
I wouldn't trust anything Mr Carey says. It seems he has his own agenda to stop paving of Pohaku
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My understanding is that the paving project the Board wants to do is paving of Orchidland Drive below 37th. This was originally done in chipseal and has deteriorated to the point where much of the road is more patch than pavement. Every time we get a heavy rain, more potholes appear, and numerous residents have complained about damage to theior cars from hitting these hidden potholes; when filled with water, it's difficult to tell whether they are 1/2" deep or 6" deep.
The Board has also been told by contractors that this section of road needs to be totally redone, it can't just be chipsealed over. Their feeling is that it makes sense to fix Orchidland Drive the right way once and for all and be done with it, rather than continually spending money to patch holes. And since this is a major thoroughfare that most residents on 37th and above need to use to access their properties, I tend to agree. (Full Disclosure: I own property on both the paved section of Orchidland Drive and the barely maintained gravel 37th Ave.)
I think Wes has valid concerns, but he loses credibility with me with his "I'm going to take my marbles and go home" attitude when things don't go his way.
I'm also concerned that the Board would give Wes an electronic copy of the property owner's mailing list for his postcard mailing. This list should only be used to official Orchidland business. Yes, the information is in the public domain, so you could argue that there was no breach of privacy. But who decides who gets access to the list and who doesn't? I think the Board has just perched themselves at the top of another slippery slope...
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To add to what KeaauRich said, it is more cost effective long term to repair the chip sealed roads before they are entirely ruined. But there is also an argument to be made to finish the paving plan, then do the repairs. Which is what I think Wes is arguing.
One big point of disagreement: can you spend money collected for paving to re-pave chipped sealed roads? Or is that money to only be spent on new paving, not "repairs?" I don't see that there is a right or wrong here, only different opinions.
As for insinuations that money is collected and somehow misused (in the criminal sense) is totally false. Meetings are public, financial records are public.
Finally, for anyone that uses Laniuma, a group of us will be gathering Monday at 10:00 am Laniuma and 35th. to fill potholes. OLCA is providing material, we are providing labor. Bring a shovel.
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Kalakoa, my point is, whats the the best use and greater good. Is it better to serve three people? Or 50 people? How can the most people benefit from any paving project? That's my point. You don't bow down to one person just because they scream the loudest. You look to make the most impact on the entire community with the limited funds available.
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Rene, Wes's property is at the top of Pohaku. Pohaku has more than 3 residents on it, and accessed by many many more.
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I must agree with Pahoated's comment earlier about people buying into Orchidland with preconceived ideas about the roads .
Everyone who has mentioned wanting to have the access from Hwy 11 improved has to realize that all commuters who want to avoid the construction on Hwy 130 will use this route, not just Orchidland residents, and we will ALL be liable, as owners of the roads, for any accidents.
For any who are unfamiliar with the volume of water that crosses 40th during heavy rains, please look at some of the photos on the OLCA website, or talk to people who have seen it first hand. There is no possibility of using 40th as an evacuation route during any heavy rain event.
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Lots of people use that intersection of Pohaku and 40th. I lived only one lot from that corner when I first moved here. The noise is horrendous from trucks going over those hills. The intersection corner is at the apex of two hills coming up from both sides so gravel gets thrown out as soon as it's put down and ruts form almost immediately. Someone should do a traffic count there. There were cars and trucks constantly when I lived there bottoming out and making excessive noise just to navigate that section. When I was shopping for a 3 acre lot I thought..No way I'd buy anything even close to that. I'd never sleep at night. People in opposition to paving that section use the arguement that there would be lots more traffic because it would provide an alternative route to hwy 11.
Well, even if traffic increased at least people living there in the immediate vicinity won't be able to hear it so what's the problem? Seems to me that everybody wins. So that's a poor excuse. The fact is that it's already heavily used and there is a big problem there that needs to be addressed.....ASAP
Also the liability has been addressed by the signage recently added. It's more a liability due to the neglected state it's in now than if it was fixed.
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In response to Kimo Wires: " So what's the problem?"
Two cars meeting at the crest of that hill going 20 mph on unpaved roads is very different from two cars meeting at 40-45mph on pavement. Again, we are ALL liable if any one, resident or not, gets hurt on our roads. If a lawsuit is brought, no one can buy or sell a lot, or get a building permit, until the suit is settled. There are several lots that are owned by what can be considered 'deep pockets', creating incentives for such a lawsuit. Again, you can live miles away from that intersection, and still be liable as a lot owner in Orchidland.