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Highest Level Of Initial Fukushima Fallout Directly On HI
Reading the revised numbers:

In July tepco raised reading by a factor of X (10 or 100 depending on source}

yesterday - they raised them again by a factor of 5

so are the readings 5X, 50X or 500 times the initial amounts?

tricky little bas..... what can we believe?
I'm guessing that despite all the scaremongering, still nobody has been worried enough to buy a geiger counter. Or, they have bought one and it's not detecting anything. Must be broken, or part of the big conspiracy.
You can maybe believe this.

And this

Why would the EPA not tell us if there was an issue ????
After all this time looks like Hawaii is taking action:

I still think impounding a shipment of toyotas due to "revised figures" may be a better plan - grin

"Jeff Eckard, Indoor and Radiological Health Branch, Department of Health: We have equipment that is so sensitive so we can detect it as miniscule levels that is far, far below any public health concern. But the fact we can detect it throws fear into individuals [...]

Cruz: The state is also regularly testing our air, rain, milk and drinking water. And says levels of any radiation found in fish have been extremely low. [...]

Senator Josh Green: I had a difficult time finding it and the latest update was seven or eight months ago. [...]

Eckard: We are still at normal background radiation levels. We are considering posting the results because of the requests we have been getting from the public. [...]"

World Nuclear Association, Feb. 7, 2014: [...] Different computer models have been used by Tepco and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency to analyse the positions of the cores, coming to the same conclusion for unit 1. Both models predict that all 77 tonnes of the fuel from unit 1 melted and passed from the reactor vessel to the drywell area immediately below. [...] Tepco also noted that the steel structures below the reactor vessel are very complex. Each vessel also has up to 200 penetrations [...] An extra difficulty is the need to seal the containment, which was compromised during the accident. Tepco has not yet been able to find the points from which water injected to cool the cores escapes [...]
"But the fact we can detect it throws fear into individuals"

He means you.

So, bought that geiger counter yet? Waste of money? Darn thing won't work?
Have an issue with me or the news Paul - 'dont think weve ever met ....

edison used to take his new hires out to breakfast - if they salted their eggs before tasting - he'd fire them - prejudgement having no place in analytical beings.....
Here is a link to what the state of Hawaii has already been doing:

There are even pictures of them using Geiger counters !
You really need to quit using scaremongering sites to back up your theory that we are all going to die.

FYI-Most Japanese cars are built in the United States !!
Obie - see note to Paul ....geiger counters dont do water testing ..... and the good toyotas being built in japan at the Hilux plant - grin

meanwhile I do worry about government appendages not publishing public data -last I checked they were working for us taxpayers

great quote from Orwell (from the other post ) The greatest lie is omission - sums up the state of affairs in my opinion - grin

Ignorance indeed being bliss, or as they use to call keeping ones head in the sand - kinda like the folks dumping their sewage in the ocean on this Hawaii Island - out of sight out of mind

met another person who picked up flesh eating bacteria over there (high density and water table) ..... certainly we should track that as well - reporting by dr's a good first step. Then lets clean that mess up as well

edits - eating over the keyboard again.... 3rd this year......sneeze and its over.......grin
Yes, great quote, except Orwell never said it or wrote it.
Not everything you think you know is actually true - especially since you seem to prefer reading junk websites that confirm your bias.
Look for spelling mistakes, they often give the game away.

I have no problem with you, just your apparent enjoyment in trying to scare people needlessly.
It's now 3 years later and there's still no threat to Hawaii. There most likely never will be, Japan is a long long way away.

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