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I am being bumped off shifts by a retiree
I understand that the retiree has the right to do what they did, and might need the money although it doesn't sound like it. I think the point UJ is trying to make could be better described by a situation here where I live which is similar and which, although not wrong in the general sense, bothers me for similar reasons. It is as such:
I know a successful lawyer who makes well in excess of 150k / year. His wife went out and took a full time well paying job (60-80k) in the same small community where there is a lot of financial need among the under 50 set who have families to support. They have a nice house here, as well as one in Florida. They are both in their late 50's. She used her husband's "connections" in the community to get this position.
My point is that she is taking another person's ability to nicely support his family by having that job just so they can have more of the finer things in life. Multiply this by thousands, or more, across the country. It is part of the problem, the wealthy feeling entitled to even more than they already have. They obviously have the right to go take those jobs, but they don't NEED it, others do. From the sound of UJ's comments, she knows this person doesn't need it either, but just wants "something to do" and takes hours from someone who does need it. It bothers me seeing so many in need of a decent job when others who have plenty go take one from them for "something to do" (Usually using their connections) They could volunteer lots of places for "something to do", but greed makes them decide to get a job to avert their boredom that another person could use to avert their hunger pangs. Doing this is wrong in my eyes.
I think this is the gist of what UJ means.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
Or an attitude thing
Julie, Since you have a lot of free time the next 2 weeks, there are many organizations that could use your volunteered skills, and keep you from spending more time than you would like on the internet...

(and if anyone wants a bunch of avocado logs, that would keep me from checking on the site to see if anyone wants them ;~)
So snarky Carey... And yes, I already do volunteer plenty.
Anyhow, when I was supervisor we used "self-scheduling" and I do really like that system - although it's a bit of a race to get the "new schedule" and to fill in the slots. It also leaves the "fairness" ideal to all of the "fill-ins" collectively. There were a few fulltime employees of course- on a more "permanent shift rotation".
Are those logs dry or green? if they are dry, I will take them all. Do you ship to Illinois?

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
Differences of opinion aside, just want to make the observation that this topic (or "vent" if you will) would seem more appropriate to discuss with close friends who, whether they agree with you or not, will show sympathy and together you can blow off steam while cursing that wretched retiree who bumped you. (Or not, depending how brutally honest your friends are.) But posting this on a public forum, while it's certainly your right, seems like an exercise in futility. What will be accomplished? It's clear that UKJ has some sympathizers, but as many, if not more, detractors. Here's how I would summarize the conversation so far: Julie (like most people) would like it very much for life to be fair, and is encouraging people to be benevolent toward others less fortunate, a wonderful sentiment. Her detractors say that life isn't fair, no one owes you anything so quit whining and put your energy toward something you can control. In this sense I understand the points being made on all sides. Just don't understand the purpose of posting this on a public forum. What am I missing here?

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
I would like to inform people of what's going on. Some are in denial for instance, and some like to "blame" the "young benefit receivers". And if I keep even one retiree from collecting SS (by choice) or taking a unnecessary job- then I will think I've at least done some helpful community service for someone. I agree it is now time to get busy focusing on something else.
Well said punafish. I think the only thing left out is that generally if life is 'fair' to one person, it probably is 'unfair' to another. I'm sure if we could ask the bored, retiree if they thought the seniority system was fair, they would say "of course it is!"
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Well Julie, based on the responses I'd have to say you didn't accomplish what you set out to do. Seems to me the thread generated even more "blaming of the young benefit receivers" and had a polarizing effect. So you're right, it's probably a good time to move on.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
No such thing as "Fair" lol. Anybody telling you that it can be fair is a dictator trying to **** you over.
Julie you need to figure out the full circle of your political and economic beliefs, cause you are doing it to yourself. There is no free benefits, no efficient "compassionate" system other then the individual. If you believe in getting something easy or for nothing, you will be in for a rude awakening, thats not how the universe works. Life is tough, but we can make it easier by all working together at it as individuals, non-violently, each assuring their own happiness and giving charity when they feel like it. I believe the individual knows right and wrong when it is seen clearly and will make the right choices with Aloha. Gotta have faith in ourselves, cause otherwise it gets really bloody and wasteful.

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