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I am being bumped off shifts by a retiree
I am doing what I can to preserve assets and not go an assistance. (vacant land is not a farm!) Strange that anyone would have a problem with that... Mainland is worse than here for us economically.
I will help all my kids build houses with in-law suites- and I will be there helping them raise their kids. I won't have a dime saved, when all is said and done. I have a great ex-husband. He is still supporting us, but he will retire soon himself- and the kids are still fairly young. There will be a number of years coming up where it will fall onto me, and if I cannot work much- then that is a problem. I will only draw SS and medicaid if I need it. Otherwise, I will just pay for things out of pocket (or my kids will pay it). I am a very personally responsible person, and it is odd to me that I get bashed on this board for doing my part to try and point our how everyone else can be responsible for our society also. Yes, I agree that the welfare/food stamp people are taking out more than they put in, but if it is because they are "getting bumped off shifts" or their jobs are being "taken by wealthier people"- then what exactly are they supposed to do? I would prefer to see them working for some kind of decent wage, and have those that "can take it easy- then take it easy".
8 pages of text and not a mention how hand outs effect pride and self respect.

one can always get the community to carry the load - at a price

elephant in the room - 300 lb employees and demands for a better chair - grin

so happy Im done being the "employer"

surprising Hi lets one keep assets while dispensing hand outs - most states requiring a threshold of no money or assets that can be sold least for old folks - grin
@afw...The rest of you old SS farts voted for this shame and have only yourself to blame for the ****ty economy, outrageous costs and horrible SS retirement, along with the rest of the big government scam.

when did voting have anything to do with these situations?...last i remember, the majority of us old gassers in this country didn't want to go to war, didn't want to bail out the to big to fail, didn't want the ss fund looted, didn't want nafta, didn't want jobs shipped off shore...i voted for ross and was 100% for ron...
So I'm wondering about something.....

How many "retirees" live in Hawaii? Puna?

Do they spend money?

Maybe in *some very small way* UKJ's job is dependent on some of this spending. Maybe not, I don't know.

Re. S.S.: FDR Started it. I would have voted against it if I was alive at the time but, I'm 55 now and have been paying (as well as my employers!) into it since I was 14. Should I not get *some* of it back? Maybe I can take some of that money, buy some chocolate covered mac nuts at Hilo Hattie's and help a couple people with their employement.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
"Should I not get *some* of it back?"

You will. It's called the full faith and credit of the United States.
when did voting have anything to do with these situations?

Good one -- too bad it wasn't intended as a joke.
(vacant land is not a farm!)

So put it on the market, maybe raise money for your "real" needs?

I can find other things to do with my time- other than work

...and this forum is living proof -- too bad it's not "properly monetized".
Your property is zoned as agricultural, taxed as agricultural... IS AGRICULTURAL (if you do not know that is farm...welll... )

Vacant farm land is STILL farmland...

productive farmland is only due to the work of the landowner or their designee....

you are the land owner of argricultural land

others nearby your agricultural land (FARM LAND) have turned their land productive

You have time now with no part time work, as you have complained about.

YOUR CHOICE, use it productively or continue to berate your fellow co-workers for their work choice on a forum that is not productive.


Anyone here, currently "farming" 2 acres of land in puna and making a good "profit" after subtracting the capitol expenditures necessary to begin such a business venture? If you are, then by all means please enlighten me, and while you're at it- don't forget to subtract my gas, while I travel to and from Hilo regularly to "tend to the farm".
Wow this has gotten ugly.

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