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One would think that three years on the amount of radiation headed to Hawaii's waters would be declining...... not the case

(Reuters) - The operator of Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant knew about record high measurements of a dangerous isotope in groundwater at the plant for five months before telling the country's nuclear watchdog, a regulatory official told Reuters.

Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said late on Wednesday it detected 5 million becquerels per liter of radioactive strontium-90 in a sample from a groundwater well about 25 meters from the ocean last September

Strontium-90, which has a half-life of around 29 years, is estimated to be twice as harmful to the human body as cesium-137, another isotope that was released in large quantities during the meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011. The legal limit for releasing strontium into the ocean is 30 becquerels per liter.

Tepco has been heavily criticized for its inept response to the 2011 disaster at Fukushima, including delays in releasing radiation data. The NRA's chairman said on Wednesday that Tepco still lacks a fundamental understanding of measuring and handling radiation.
Originally posted by Obie

You can maybe believe this.

And this

Why would the EPA not tell us if there was an issue ????

Here are a couple of links to show you , that reveal corruption in both the FDA & the EPA

As for the EPA You remember 911 and Pres Bush umm, and Carol browner The head of the EPA during the 911 event - Do you remember her assurance that : " The air is safe to breathe" Really? Every toxic thing possible was inthe air after that event as proved by the unfortunate fire- fighters who are now suffering the effects of that lie - not to mention all the people of NY who may have bought that bs.

url] [/url]
"Based on both the information currently available about radiation contamination from the Japanese nuclear 
power plant incident and on the control measures in place and monitoring efforts by the U.S. Environmental 
Protection  Agency  (EPA),  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Administration  (FDA)  and  the  National  Oceanic  and 
Atmospheric  Administration  (NOAA)  have  high  confidence  in  the safety  of seafood  products  in  the  U.S. 
marketplace or exported U.S. seafood products"

High confidence that your tuna safe to eat .....the official position that is all this document supports the way I decipher several pages of qualifications and general program notes.

How secure would you be if the airline sold you a ticket with "high confidence" you would arrive at your destination.

federalese can be tough to decpher
NASA Fukishima tsunami map , my first post on this at
My second post on this on
Here is a Tsunami debris map,An animation depicts the three-year path across the North Pacific of debris generated by the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
By two UH professors
seems "clownish" now a good descriptive word as to clean up management:

Each liter of the water contained, on average, 230 million becquerels of particles giving off beta radiation, the company said. About half of the particles were likely to be strontium 90,
You got those tin foil hats too tight again !!

The tsunami debris had set sail for the Pacifc Northwest long before the nuke plant blew.It contains no radiation.

Pentagon Denies Any Validity To Fukushima Lawsuit Brought By Sailors

I hate to say it , but this is no surprise - they will keep the truth hidden for their own purposes.
first line of defense is to deny everything - business 1a ..... in the meantime plenty of video on the web showing the decontamination of the vessel .....

in the meantime the good news is that there are some third party investigations going on - the woods hole guy crowd sourced a HNL test site and some schools in cali are checking the kelp

the main body of the plume has not arrived yet - much less the multiple (reported) leaks - the stuff they have concentrated and stored - kinda

good hard data needs to be in place before anyone can deny anything - grin
The lawsuits were filed by one ambulance chasing attorney.

Why not read through this.

"Radiation-induced cancer is not immediate. On average it will take ten to twenty years or more before cancer develops as a result of radiation exposure. Of course, that is an average of a range, so it is possible that some cancers may develop sooner. However, in a population exposed to high doses of radiation, one would not expect to see a noticeable increase in cancer for a period of at least a few years."

"An examination of the Claims Made By the Sailors:
The area where the USS Ronald Reagan was located did not have radiation levels sufficient to cause any health concerns. The levels did rise, briefly, but were generally only slightly above normal background levels. One might claim that the instrument data from the US navy and TEPCO could have been falsified, but that does not change the fact that the ship was more than one hundred miles from the incident reactor and, given the levels released, it would not be expected to be dangerously high.

None of the symptoms described seem to indicate radiation exposure. Two years after the incident, one would not expect to see cancer develop, and, indeed, there has not been an overall increase in cancer rates. Other symptoms cited include chronic bronchitis, thyroid imbalances, chronic vaginal or anal bleeding, lymphatic problems. Few of these are known to be associated with radiation exposure, especially at the levels the USS Regan crew would have been exposed to."

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