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The Peoples' Republic of Puna
Now that the plantation system political machine is officially dead, we Democrats REALLY need to do some grass roots organizing! That's great news for the Peoples' Republic of Puna, as Democrats in Puna have been labeled!!!

There's no better way to start than on the precinct level and precinct meetings are scheduled statewide for Wednesday, March 5. And Phil Barnes will be presenting a precinct and district officers training session tomorrow evening, Thursday, Feb. 27, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Kea'au Community Center, located behind the Kea'au Police Station. So let's build our progressive branch of the Hawaii Democratic Party. Please turn out for tomorrow's meeting as well as next Wednesday's precinct meetings, especially if there is something you want to get into the Democratic Party platform and/or rules!!!!

I'm reprinting this from the Hawaii County Democratic Party website:

Pursuant to the general Laws of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i, as amended, notice is given
that the Party’s Biennial Precinct officers and delegates to the State and County convention
will be held at the following locations on:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 beginning at 7:00 p.m.

#9679; District 1: All Precincts meet in Laupahoehoe Library Conference Room
#9679; District 2: All Precincts meet in Puueo Community Center
#9679; District 3: All Precincts meet in the Keaau Community Center
#9679; District 4: All Precincts meet at Pahoa High School
#9679; District 5: Precincts 1-3 meet at Ocean View Community Center, 92-8924 Leilani Circle
Precincts 4-8 meet at Konawaena High School Cafeteria
#9679; District 6: All Precincts meet at Kealakehe Intermediate School, 74-5062 Onipaa Road
#9679; District 7: Precinct 1 meet at Georgine Busch's house, 73-4615 Old Government Road
Precinct 2 meet at the Waikoloa School Library, 68-1730 Hooko Street
Precinct 3 meet at King's View Cafe, Hawi 54-3897 Akoni Pule Highway
Precinct 4 and 5 meet at Waimea's Historic Spencer House, 68-1158 Mamalahoa Highway

At these meetings, Democrats will gather in their Precincts to elect Officers at the District and Precinct level. The District Officers are Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer. Precinct Officers are President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and District Council Representative. These officials are the ones entrusted to organize events and programs of the Democratic Party, as well as to select candidates to recommend to the Governor to fill midterm state legislative vacancies that occur in their district.

Verify your District/Precinct at
For further information visit:

Thanks for posting this but the link to verify district/precinct doesn't work.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Sorry 'bout that, Carol. Yes, we keep complaining to HNL that their website links aren't functioning properly. However, everyone can look up on the state elections office maps to see exactly what district and precinct he or she is in since our reapportionment was upheld by the courts (no thanks to HNL!). I think you are in District 3, Precinct 2. You'll see a map of the whole island if you go to Elections website at

If you want to see your district closer up, go to their homepage and you'll see a link for MAPS part-way down the column on the right. Good luck!

Took me about an hour to finally get a 1.4 mb pdf link, which took some doing I tell ya -funny I had opened the link from the pdf above and 45 min later it still only had a few squiggles on it , but when I used the tools section on the Mozilla Firefox browser to download it it was near instantaneous - go figure!
Good to know, opihikaobob! I've found that changing browers works in similar situations. I quit using Firefox in favor of Safari lately but am unable to check-in online for HwnAir on Safari but am able to on Firefox....go figure!
o HNL that their website links aren't functioning properly. However, everyone can look up on the state elections office maps to see exactly what district and precinct he or
Now that the plantation system political machine is officially dead, we Democrats REALLY need to do some grass roots organizing! That's great news for the Peoples' Republic of Puna, as Democrats in Puna have been labeled!!!


Since there has never been anything but Democrats running Puna or the county or the state, how is this election any different? It is the Democrats that put this state where it is today.
Well, it was the Republicans running Hawaii until 1954. And it was Hawaii's first generation of ruling Democrats that had the foresight and leadership skills so lacking today that made Hawaii the most progressive place in the nation when it became a state in 1959. Unfortunately, two generations down the road, many elected leaders in Hawaii as well as those running but not yet chosen claim to be Democrats in order to get elected but in truth function more like Republicans. A couple of years ago, a current candidate told me herself she was a Libertarian but she now has a Democratic Party membership card. Brian Jordan never did as well in his previous campaigns as a Republican (in which he averaged about 4% of the vote) as he did running this time as a Democrat where he garnered 13.8% of Democratic votes cast, coming in third, behind the incumbent
and more than a full percentage point above Leilani Bronson-Crelly. Of course, this is just my opinion. You're welcome to yours too ;D
Overheard many, many years ago in Honolulu..."The smartest Republicans have been members of the Democratic party for years."

Sorry, but having to go back 60 years ago in order to lay something/anything at the feet of the GOP in this state is downright comical. Not that I would favor a GOP majority rule in this state.

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Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
The history is what it is.
Assume the best and ask questions.

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