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Black Hat SEO comes to Puna and Punaweb
In all fairness, if she is contracting out her webpage I wouldn't expect her to be able to get it changed instantly, although there is some sort of reasonable time frame within which I would expect it to be changed.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

still up ..... I call em as I see em - based on experience .... this is unfair to Rob who nurtures this site ...and to the rest of us users trying to enlighten our fellow users / posters

most of whom do not sell real estate or have an ax to grind nor do I appreciate being used by the other site

I wont descend into calling out the sock puppets trying to manipulate Robs site (and the sites users) into promoting real estate keywords - something smells here and it aint the fish.....

- one word from him or if the page comes down Ill delete the topic .... Im an observer here - not my fight - but I wont tolerate / will call out deceit - no matter where I run into it

added: why havent we heard from the site owner / broker?.... we are good enough to loaded into the site as a source - yet she wont come to the table to defend her site..... or link back to Robs, asking permission to use content generated by Punaweb users credit where it is due - or maybe even send up some cash for the leads Rob generates for the RE outfit

Checking the Wayback Machine, this was set up back in August 2011 when the site was first redesigned (it's in the archive Sept. 3, but not Aug. 3), so it was neither hacked nor likely to be a very big driver of traffic if no one on either end has noticed over that time. Oddly, if you go to "Resources and Links for making your move" at the bottom, that page has a link to Punaweb, but under the site map, it has the embedded version. I know the guy who runs Koa and I'm quite sure he wouldn't do this for black hat reasons; I suspect it was more about playing with coding tricks without thinking people here might not be happy about it.
Obie you are missing the point - its the title link that does the driving - and damage

its the lack of permission - links out from content - or a lack of credit due to the originator - and yes its embedded in this page as well

sure wish folks would have an understanding of the issues before making a call

ignorance being bliss - but does not change the facts - grin

soon as the title and content is gone - so will I - takes about 30 seconds to un publish a page in Joomla

note the use of The - to beat copy right.....slippery
Much ado about nothing, methinks.
If I ran a forum I wouldn't give two hoots who linked to it.
Isn't that the whole point of a forum - getting people to participate?
Not much worth copyrighting here.
There is no link from the embedded content to Punaweb - a red flag in our biz - it may not mean much to Punaweb - its worth a lot to a site usurping the punaweb keyword

this is big time stuff - many sites now spending in excess of 10k a month - because they are forced into pay per click to counter act this kind cr*p

prince was right
How does this hurt punaweb?
covered in previous posts
Increased traffic? So what, that's the goal of a forum.
That it somehow hurts search rankings? Unconvincing. And anyway, who cares? Especially if traffic is a concern!
Punaweb is a tiny non-commercial forum. The idea that someone would sue it because of an RE website is ludicrous.

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