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Haven't posted in a VERY long time. But I need "Punaweb's/Punatalk's help! Our beloved cat "Boo Boo" is missing! He is a BIG cat, male, chipped, neutered; medium length fur, white with reddish ears/ tail, blue eyes! The breed is known as a "Siamese Flamepoint. He is a TOTAL house cat. He has NEVER roamed free. We have a very large fenced/gated lani that he has NEVER left! We went to bed last night and he was snuggled-up, this morning GONE. We live in HPP on Ala Heiau Road (left off of Macuu). He is VERY lovable/friendly cat. Any information can be Emailed thru Punaweb or posted here.
Mahalo, J&B
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That's the one way down by the coast right? (I had to Google maps it.)
He may yet turn up on his own. One day absence isn't very long for a cat who decides to take a little vacation. It is unusual if he's never done it before. Good luck and I'll keep a look out.
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Mahalo Mr. Stoddard!
As you and several friends and neighbors told me: "He may yet turn up on his own."
My panic was caused because he had never taken "a little vacation" before in TEN years (guess it was time). Even last year, we went to the mainland and he never left the lani. Had a friends daughter look after him, it was her "first job"! Where ever he went, he had an adventure, was covered in "cinder sand"! Now that he has "tasted" adventure, will have to rethink our "relationship". Time to dig out his collar with name, address and phone number. His survival in the "wild" comes into question. He, along with his "housemates", loved a $1,000 couch as a "scratching post", no matter what we tried. Nail caps, tape, sprays; had "declawed" cats before I learned that the procedure was an "amputation" and not "just" a claw removal! So, they had a "new" procedure, a Tendonectomy, they then cannot extend their claws. Very successful, just need to clip their nails when necessary. His "housemates" have been gone for several years, so maybe he was following a new "buddy". Dogs, cars, pigs, cats, mongoose, along with "eating something" he shouldn't (almost lost him to liver failure from eating a "salamander") are all new concerns!
The ADVENTURE in PARADISE continues!
Mahalo to all, Aloha to all and while I'm here "HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!
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Make sure your cat, or anybody else who is reading this's cat, is current on FIV vaccine. FIV is pretty rampant amongst ferals. I know this is a cost to the owner of the pet, look for "low cost" clinics. Variable success rate on vaccine, but beats your cat getting it.
Are you a human being, or a human doing?
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Glad to hear he returned home uninjured.
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So glad Boo Boo is back! if you haven't gotten an ID tag, we found that printing the info directly ON the collar with permanent marker works well... main info needed is a phone #... plus side, small tags are harder to read & mean that someone must be able to get to the tag with your pet OK about it (we have had pets that would have been off by a stranger reaching for their tags!)