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15th Ave in HPP
Hi all! We are hoping that our long search for a house in Puna is drawing near to an end.
We are eyeballing 15-1851 15th Ave in hpp.
Just wondering if anyone here lives close by and could tell me anything about that specific area? We did much driving around hpp when we were there in January, but of course you can only learn so much without actually living there.
My one question is about the mosquitoes. I had heard that towards the middle of hpp they are particularly bad.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
HAve a super groovy day!
Its a colorful life!
Hi Dreamoutloud,

I don't live in HPP now but I did at the end of the year, not to far from the house you are looking at. The mosquitoes were tolerable, at least for me, my partner says he got "eaten alive" but he tends to exaggerate. Smile The coqui frogs were loud but that never bothered me, nor did the neighbors roosters. It was all part of live in the country. I would say that the only problem we did have (other than the crazy landlord) were the fire ants. We were treating for them and they were starting to subside but it seemed like they were everywhere. I took a look online at the house you are eyeing, looks cute, needs a lot of work inside but still looks like a good deal. Anyway, good luck!
Also if you use a cell phone...better make sure you get a signal there. That area has many backout spots with no cell reception.
Did you happen to notice the GIANT agriculture operation just a few lots away? I can't imagine that being a plus?
Hey! Thanks so much for the thoughts! Yikes fire ants are no fun!
Cell phone reception would be nice to have too for sure.
Leilanidude, I did notice the greenhouse and nursery and was wondering what sort of impact that would have. perhaps many cars traveling down that road?
We are on a tight budget so we cannot be super picky but want to find something that will be decent for awhile til we can save and have a better income and then maybe we can get a nicer house Smile
Its a colorful life!
HI Dreamoutloud, Noticed your PP address is very close to a friend of mine who was renting very close to your address, who is now moving as we write. My friend lived on 14th right next to that nursery farm that is being referenced here. Look the area is loaded with the little tiny fire ants, they are in all the palms or any foliage for that matter. My friends wife is from China and she just got eaten up by the mosquitoes daily, leaving pizza looking legs regularly. Personally I am glad my buddy is moving because I was the one working on his yard monthly, hard to really keep up on the weeds unless you poison some.

The weather in that area was better than most of Puna, for many days that we have rain here in Leilani my friends place was usually dry and hot on 14th. The roads are not paved so it can get very dusty during the dry seasons, or have many puddles during the rain. One of the problems my friends had down there was dealing with loose dogs now and then. Some dogs use to come into his yard at night and fight with his dogs or get into trash and stuff. He really was not sure what it was until he put up cameras around his place.

Really you could do better than that if you rent for a few months and continue to look around. Most of the time it's the budget that helps make some of the choices to where we may end up living. Personally I think you can get more for your money in a subdivision like Leilani or Kapoho farm lot area. J.M.O.
Dreamoutloud you are welcome to take a look at our place here in Leilani, for we have out grown our place and will be putting it up on the market towards the end of summer (sep). If you would like to take a look just e-mail my wife to set something up. Good luck and welcome to the islands.
I live on 15th. the mosquitos dont bother me as I dont find them that bad. the plant nusery a few lots away has some worker vehicle traffic but its a wholesale nursery not open to the public so not much in and out type traffic and closed at night. If you are handy with fixing up, it looks like a good buy. the house is not that old. some neighbors houses are in the 200-300 thousand range so that is a plus!
if youre not from here, you will be eaten by mosquitoes at first (often with very visible welts and red spots all over legs etc.... then your body will adjust, sometimes to the point of never ever seeing a welt or red spot again, or even itching for that mater... I havent had a mosquito bit in many many years now, yet there are mosquitoes all around Smile...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
We live on 6th near Makuu.
Certainly the mosquitoes would be worse further away from the coast and more direct sea breezes.

Another matter re 15th:
if you are dealing with a realtor, ask about the likelihood that 15th (14th or 16th) will be used for an alternate route Puna-Hilo (i.e., whether a road, even a highway, would be built there).
The greenhouses contain orchids, so there is a regular spray schedule followed, probably weekly. Most of the what is sprayed will stay contained within the plastic and shade cloth buildings, but there could be a chemical odor from time to time depending on what is sprayed. It may only last an hour or so, but some people are more sensitive than others to that sort of thing.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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