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Originally posted by Rene Siracusa

@kathyh: Re how the questions were framed. I tried to keep the wording neutral.
Thank you so much, Rene. I will pass these excellent examples along to Donna Johnson. Definitely will be using neutral wording. Donna would never craft a loaded question.
Aloha Rene,
my friend who works for Na Leo 'o Hawai'i, Hawai'i Community Access Television, would be interested in providing video coverage of your candidate events if you would like that.

I emailed his request and contact info to the Malama O Puna address you put in the top post, but I am not 100% that is the best address for you, so this is to let you know to look for it.
@KeaauRich. Re: Tim Law. Noted, and I apologize if my comment made it sound like I thought you were supporting him. My overall feeling is still one of disappointment in the field generally. And on that point I think you and I agree.

Gary Thomas has been able to resolve his work conflict and will be attending the forum on Thursday for State House 4.

Still no word from Julia Peleiholani, but that doesn't necessarily mean she won't show up.

Bring your written questions, please.

mahalo and a hui hou,
Originally posted by kjlpahoa

I attended the District 5 forum Thursday night to hear and see the Candidates. It was a very interesting experience and I learned a lot about the candidates and their positions. I personally feel that this group of candidates are more in tuned with our needs than the candidates of District 4 who spoke the Thursday before.

I have been interested, and rather surprised at all the comments being made regarding the Dist. 5 candidates. Yes, some candidates did not come over very well while others performed brilliantly in staying to the point and articulating their positions. The one candidate that seems to be forgotten about with respect to her position statements is Roxanne "RJ" Hampton. She was one of the most poised and straight forward panelists. She showed her ability to research and familiarize herself with the facts and information and presented her position with thought and foresight. These qualities make her a very viable candidate and she would become a Council person with integrity and the ability to research all the facts and vote appropriately.

I completely agree with you, I found Roxanne RJ Hampton also to be thorough in her knowledge. Also I liked her interest to read and thus educate herself before making decisions which is crucial for a Council member.
To the Hawaii politicos: Keep Hawaii island politics local.

As for geothermal, get over it already. PGV has been operating reliably for well over twenty years now. The power outages have been almost totally due to falling trees, mostly albizia. This has caused breakers to trip and a steam emission.

There aren't any new geothermal plants planned for south east Puna. There is too much chance of a lava flow over Hwy 130, disconnecting the expensive main power lines. The technology is changing rapidly. Enhanced geothermal removed the need to find superheated brine auquifers, just pockets which could be dry, fresh water injected into easier to find hot spots. That is only two years old. Now, there is technology to inject liquid carbon dioxide into even easier to find hot pockets, injecting the liquid CO2 into the cavern, and using the superheated CO2 to directly drive turbines, making the system vastly more efficient. This technology is only about 6 months old.

These geothermal plants are many years design and fabrication, so none of this is going to happen very fast. The next geothermal plant will be west and south of Kilauea. The west side is where geothermal power is needed to displace oil burning plants, and it's obvious, all the power line upgrades are on the west side. It's almost certain to be on DHHL land.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Here's good news for those of you who will be unable to attend the forum: Na Leo will be videotaping it and it will be shown on Public Access TV!
it will be shown on Public Access TV!

Cable isn't available in my area. Will it be available as a broadcast and/or stream?
I was speaking to a person who, with an overly-intent gaze, boasted about speaking loudly out of turn and causing the forum to end. While this person, an anti-GMO zealot to the max, can be entertaining in small doses, I heartily agree with the idea of submitting questions 0n 3x5 cards. Retain control, Rene. My wife and I look forward to the forum Thursday evening. Let the games begin (just make them civil games). BTW, any thoughts, Rene or others, why the audience at the forum we attended was overwhelmingly older haoles (like me)?
Originally posted by Peter Easterling

BTW, any thoughts, Rene or others, why the audience at the forum we attended was overwhelmingly older haoles (like me)?

Just a guess, but 5:30pm is a terrible time for those who work until 4pm or later, in Hilo, to get home, change, eat dinner, etc, and make it to the forum. The time lends itself to older, retired people, not working people.

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