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Hilo coffee mill up for sale
I had an acquaintance in Mountainview (with a business) who was very upset at them. He said they got the bakery there closed (by calling complaints in) and were in general very competition unfriendly (as mentioned above).

I don't know whether that was true about the bakery. It is true that I was told that, but that could have been a misperception.
fair value - assets and 3X net?
That can vary. More often in today's market it's assets (including good will) and 2 to 2.5X net. However, when deciding the value of a business or company one also looks at the return on income (IRV). If someone buying wants to earn say a 4% return on his money verses someone wanting an 8% return on their money, the value of that property or business won't be the same. On assets, how much they've been depreciated (life left) and their condition will also affect the price.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
The "perception" is that their SUP application talks up a "community resource" ... meanwhile they exclude vendors from their Market, so apparently it's as tourist-focused as the real estate ads imply.

No problem, just another trip to Hilo...
An informal membership count comes to 4,095. If we each chipped in only $36,630, PUNAWEB COULD OWN THE HILO COFFEE MILL!

Is everybody with me?

p.s. I have two punaweb accounts, and want a third, but I don't think its fair that I get charged $109,890.00, so figure that out or I will vote no for the increase.
Uhhh, no thanks.

I live up the road from there. Stopped in a few times, it was alright. Would like to see more shops up here like that. I miss the fruit stand, which was more convenient than HCM.
terracore -
I think it's only $366.30 per Punaweb member. So no excuse, pony up for that third account.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Only $366.30 for a 1/4,095 share of the coffee plantation? Sign me up! [Big Grin] Seriously though I probably would do that.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

terracore -
I think it's only $366.30 per Punaweb member. So no excuse, pony up for that third account.

Yes, but most people won't pay the bill, and half is taken up by administrative fees, so it's 36k for those who do.
For those who do pay, they get a FREE COFFEE punch card, with maps printed on the side of the cups that show which roads to avoid when driving with your fresh, hot cup of coffee.

As to those administrative fees, I believe I would be qualified to cash checks and money orders. I'd like to submit my application.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Terracore said:
" An informal membership count comes to 4,095. If we each chipped in only $36,630, PUNAWEB COULD OWN THE HILO COFFEE MILL!
Is everybody with me?
p.s. I have two punaweb accounts, and want a third, but I don't think its fair that I get charged $109,890.00, so figure that out or I will vote no for the increase. "

HAHA!!! That was CLASSIC Punaweb! Thanks for the giggle!

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