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Blue/Rust Dobie Pup wanted. ( I FOUND ONE )
I'm looking for a healthy male blue/rust colored dobie pup. If anyone has one, let me know, thanks.
Just curious Eagle you collecting all the colors or do you have one getting long in the tooth that's needing a replacement? I love dobies and always thought the good old black and rust looked best. You have a favorite?
Red and rust is my favorite, but I don't have the energy anymore to own such an awesome creature!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Black and rust is my favorite color. By I also have a red and rust, his name is Spike and a year and a half old. The three black & rust that I have are named Zeus, Apollo & Diesel, the oldest is four years old. I grew up with dobies and I once had a blue & rust when I was young, that's why I'm looking for one now. Got a tip that one is for sale on Oahu, waiting for them to return my call.
Obviously a magnum PI fan (Zuess and Apollo)as am I. A little trivia Eagle? On one episode the dogs were renamed by I believe a very young Shannon Dougherty what we're their new names?
I have no idea, what was it? I missed that episode. And FYI, I had a dobie in the past and his name was Magnum,he lived to be 14 years old.
Buster and Bobby K and Higgins was pissed because at the end of the episode they no longer responded to Zuess and Apollo just Buster and Bobby K.
OK, I saw the ending of that episode. Got a call from my nephew on Oahu, he checked out the dog for me, seems to be what I'm looking for,he put a deposit down and I will be flying to Oahu tomorrow to pick him up.
What does a dog like that go for here if you don't mind me asking
Don't really know, the blues are not really popular here in Hawaii. I'm paying $500.00 with papers tomorrow.

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