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hate van in hilo
surely there is a difference between freedom of speech and incite to radial hatred. as for 'trashing america' i was doing no such thing! I am not at all sure this would be allowed to continue in "america'!! By 'other countries', i am not talking about third world countries with less freedom. i think the freedom to incite racial hatred probably ended with the germans. and thank you orchidislander for ratifying at least a debate on the subject, otherwise i might assume that because i speak with an english accent that i have no right to criticize? anyway i am not sure i am criticizing 'free speech' but the hilo police departments interpretation of it. i find it genuinely upsetting to be faced with that garbage. as justthefacts said, he has probably been there a long time, but my ability to ignore political banners has prevented me from actually seeing it. now that i have it saddens and angers me each time i drive past.

I think I might try the Islamic prayer at full blast from my parked car...
The diffrence being : PERSPECTIVE...
Oh yes,.......and, most definetly your accent. LOL !!!
God save the Queen.
Originally posted by birchl

surely there is a difference between freedom of speech and incite to radial hatred. as for 'trashing america' i was doing no such thing! I am not at all sure this would be allowed to continue in "america'!! By 'other countries', i am not talking about third world countries with less freedom. i think the freedom to incite racial hatred probably ended with the germans. and thank you orchidislander for ratifying at least a debate on the subject, otherwise i might assume that because i speak with an english accent that i have no right to criticize? anyway i am not sure i am criticizing 'free speech' but the hilo police departments interpretation of it. i find it genuinely upsetting to be faced with that garbage. as justthefacts said, he has probably been there a long time, but my ability to ignore political banners has prevented me from actually seeing it. now that i have it saddens and angers me each time i drive past.


Can you tell us exactly which of his signs or what he has said in print that constitutes "incite to radial hatred". Whatever that means. This guy is criticizing the current President of the United States. God help America when this kind of behavior is prohibited.

-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
I'm surprised his truck is a Toyota. I figured him for a Buy American kind of guy...
I keep getting the urge to stop and see if he suffered an anoxic brain injury or is just an idiot.

life is short. enjoy it
life is short. enjoy it
there is no racial hatred. the signs are postings of his personal political beliefs , something we all do at some time or another.
freedom of speech allows everyone of us to do so. freedom of speech protects the private citizen from government intervention.
note : the same freedom that allows for free grant money and pays for the free teeth you use to speak openly.
Justthefact, as i have pointed out before, grant money is not free, it is earned, and so are disability benefits. please remember the vast number of other people that you are including in your attempts to insult me!
I finally drove by it today. I was sorry to see it right by the play structure. The signage about abortion murder seemed to me nothing a child in elementary school needs to see.

Parking there is always crunched for parents with kids, as I know from taking a disabled child there. Whatever the first amendment rights, it's selfish to take park access away from kids by hogging the parking every day.

I think that the Supreme Court has allowed hate speech ...
(Sorry, I had to post that before the thought was finished)
I would need to review this again and open to correction, but IIRC
Generalized hate speech was allowable under the first, but hate speech directed at an individual and inciting violence or other violation of an individual's rights is not. So it depends if the hate has a specific target or is about a class of people.
There is a Supreme Court decision on this but I can't recall offhand which one it is.

Public figures enjoy fewer protections than private citizens too.
thank you kathy. unfortunately i would have to stand there and read it all in order to find out exactly how specific it is. As i said, it is not the right to free speech i am questioning, it is the right to incite hate. it says a great deal for the tolerance of the people in hawaii that everyone has chosen to ignore it. i am pretty sure that where i come from hate is exactly what it would have inspired by now. much aloha to you all


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