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Tire repair at Lex Brodies ?
Has anyone actually got a tire repaired there? Every time I have gone there for a tire repair "their technician" determined that the tire can't be repaired for (insert bogus sounding reason) and the only option is to buy a new tire(s). Maybe the experience would be different if you bought their tire warranty and you were "only" on the hook for the mounting fees plus the amortized tread calculation that they determine (which is probably more $ than the wholesale cost of a tire), if it was early in the tread, would they then repair the tire when it suits them?

One time I was there I heard the customer service rep tell a customer that their tire was too unsafe to "let them" drive on it, and for "legal reasons" the only option was to buy a tire from them. The guy argued and lost, reluctantly putting his money down for a tire. I observed this practice at Les Schwab in Alaska too so maybe it's standard practice in the industry.

Lex Brodies pulled the same stunt on me today, but unlike the guy in the above paragraph, I had a spare. Not a real tire but a donut variety. They put it on for me but it was flat too, they didn't put any air into it and drove it flat into a parking space like sticking a giant vulcanized rubber middle finger up at me. Fortunately I have one of those air compressors that plug in the 12v which gives me the convenience of not having to do things like checking my spare very frequently.

This post isn't just about venting my frustrations, I'm wondering if anybody has got a tire repaired there. Free repairs is one of the perks they offer when you buy tires from them, but in my experience I've never seen that they actually do it. Today I drove out of there on the donut and fix the tire myself. A flat repair kit is only a few dollars and it's not hard to do. I've also driven for years on tires "repaired" with that "Fix a Flat" stuff that comes in a can.

ETA: I ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST PART! My tire wasn't flat, it had a small nail in it so it was losing a few PSI per day. It was 30 PSI when I pulled in driving it and 30 PSI when I pulled out with it in my trunk! So they couldn't "let me" drive away with a full tire "for legal reasons", but their crack legal team decided it's OK for me to drive away on a flat donut?
Had a similar experience at Sears; they would not repair a flat due to too many punctures. It had good tread though, and a can of fix-a-flat did the trick.
Buy one of the tire plug/patch kits at Walmart. They are great for emergencies. Takes a couple minutes to pull the nail or whatever out, ream the hole out and twist the plug inside. Later, you can always have the tire unmounted and have a real patch applied on the inside.
For what they quoted me for a tire, it would be cheaper for me to drive to Kona, go to Costco, and get two tires, inclusive of gas and my time. At this point I feel lucky to have got out of there on my flat donut and my wallet the same size as when I showed up.

"Later, you can always have the tire unmounted and have a real patch applied on the inside."

I've never had to get a patch. The plugs have always outlasted the tread.

If you use fix-a-flat or try to repair a tire yourself, it voids the Lex Brodie's warranty. Kind of makes the warranty less attractive.
Pretty much no one repairs tires anymore. It may be a repaired tire blew, had a bad accident and resulted in a serious legal judgement somewhere. The word went out.... no more repairs.... they make more selling new tires anyway.

Like Leilanidude says, buy a tire repair kit at Wally World and keep it around.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Try K and J Tire Center in Hilo. They are not far from Wicki Fresh. They will repair tires. And they have taken very good care of me and my daughter's van.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Whoever said plug repair kit is on it.

For less than $15 (and some compressed air) you can repair at least 5 leaks.

Dismounting the tire/removing the wheel is not necessary.

Never had a plug fail yet.
I had two flat tires caused by nail punctures in the last 2 years. The last one just a few months ago. Both were fixed at Lex Brodies in Pahoa. The last one cost me about $20 but the first was free since I purchased the tire there. If the tire is over a certain age they may not fix it even if it has lots of tread.
I second K&J. We have bought tires from them and replaced one where the sidewall was separating (i.e., non-repairable) and causing vibration.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Originally posted by terracore

One time I was there I heard the customer service rep tell a customer that their tire was too unsafe to "let them" drive on it, and for "legal reasons" the only option was to buy a tire from them.

Anytime you hear anything like the above - RUN FOR THE HILLS! Midas in Hilo is also known for that malarkey.

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