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A bit of History about H.A.
Hawaiian Acres roadways do not belong to H.A.C.A. or H.A.R.C. - they
still belong to Tropic Estates Corporate Officers .The reason for this
is there were conditions put on the then sub dividers when they wanted
to develop Tropic Estates now known as Hawaiian Acres . One of those
conditions was that the sub divider retains responsibility for the
roadway until all lots have been sold and duly registered in State
Land Court . Except in this day some 57 years later there are still 8
to 10 lots that have never been sold or even registered in State Land
Court . Even lots that have been sold in the last 20 or so years have
never been duly registered in State Land Court . For this reason,
State Land Court has never produced a deed for the roadways,not even
with the County of Hawaii - i,e Rd 8.Without a deed from State Land
Court no one can claim possession a deed for the roadway lot ( 6213 )
. Technically the roadways lot is still in the name of NISHIMURA
MITSUSHI ( Trustee ) - ( This is who the County of Hawaii sends the
yearly tax bill to) - a big fat ZERO.
The law states if you improve someone's property it is theirs unless
they want to be nice and give it back in trade . The fact that our
deeds say we have an undivided interest in the roadways lot is a
technicality . State law says you can not sell land locked land in
the State of Hawaii . This is just one of the reasons why the State
Land Court will not approve mandatory roadways lot dues .The State
Land Court is the only entity to approve mandatory roadways dues .
The way is stands now - H.A.R.C. is spending members money on a piece
of property for which property ownership is questionable .
State law says you can not sell land locked land in the State of Hawaii

Yet, the Hawaiian Acres subdivision includes land-locked lots, at least one of which has NO road frontage of any kind.

H.A.R.C. is spending members money on a piece of property for which property ownership is questionable

To say nothing of the investment by Telcom, HELCO, and County.

Guess we'll add him to the class action lawsuit then?
State Land Court specifically stated that H.A.R.C or H.A.C.A. can not use the peoples voluntary dues to sue it's own members .
What State Land Court did say was that if a number of individual lot owners were going to file for any type of Mandatory Dues in Hawaiian ACRES via the State Land Court then and only then would the State Land Court consider the actions via State Land Court and would make a determination within 5 years to hear the case .It had to be individual lot owners in H.A. and not the lot owners dues from H.A.R.C . or H.A.C.A. .
I meant lawsuit against the county and developer, but thanks for the info all the same.

Not sure what's worse: the roads today, or a future where everything is paved and rich assholes move in and try to gentrify us out of our own neighborhood.

My deed says I own part of the road lot, so I'm going to act accordingly and do my part to maintain it.

Not the part where lot 6213 is zoned Ag, valued at $100, exemption for $100, taxed at $0, but that it's got a permit associated with it: EH2016-01987 for Telcom...
As we age and we all are - My husband and myself wanted to bring this to every ones attention so it is not forgotten .
There is a huge world out side Hawaiian Acres and this subdivision was approved when Hawaii the State was still a territory under the then Gov Burns.
The developer does not exist any longer.It is just a name in Japan.Like chasing ghosts long forgotten .
Actually H.A.R.C. was never officially recognized or recorded via the State Land Court system.
H.A.R.C. came to be with a lawsuit ( staged accident ) against H.A.C.A. and was settled out of court for 5K .
This was at the time when the P.E.A.R. was under construction at the time of the Yamashiro admin.
If any one wants the roads repaired - hui your $ with your neighbors and do it yourselves .We pay our dues and have done so
most of the last 50 years .
We also chip in for pavement repair on Rd 1 and gravel from Rd6 to 8 on D .
This subdivision was formed via volunteers and no board member is allowed to be paid for volunteering .
Any body in H.A. remember Mr.Frink on Rd 8 or Ruth Long on G Rd.
We do.

Randomg - H.A.C.A. retains easement rights to the road lot.
The agreement with the county in putting in the P.E.A.R. has not been followed and thus the county of Hawaii can null and void it's obligations to the P.E.A.R. lot section itself opening up a HUGE can of worms that will lead to many years of litigation .
In addition to this - some of the charter and bylaws of H.A.R.C. are highly questionable and being that H.A.R.C. was never recognized by the State Land Court - H.A.R.C. is a non entity .
State laws prohibit board members of H.A.C.A. or H.A.R.C. from being compensated in any way shape or form under the non profit status they both now utilize.
Ultimately it is the County of Hawaii and H.A.C.A. who are responsible for the road lot itself .
If you read the original charter of H.A.C.A. that was approved by the State Land Court in the 1960s you will see this as fact .
H.A.R.C. was never approved to exist by the State Land Court.
"There is a huge world out side Hawaiian Acres and this subdivision was approved when Hawaii the State was still a territory under the then Gov Burns."

John Burns was governor beginning in 1962.
If we're going to play "technicalities" I suggest the residents of HA simply claim "adverse possession" of Lot 6213.

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