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Issues with Keaau Post Office
I'm having issue with getting packages at Keaau general delivery.

Some of my packages From amazon are being sent back to amazon for unknown reason.

Any one know what's up with this?
How were the packages being shipped to you addressed? If they were addressed using a street address - the post office sends them back. The only addresses that seem to work are addressed to c/o General Delivery and/or your P O Box or H C Box.

The above assumeing you live in an area like HPP which has no residential mail delivery.

Finding out how the packages were addressed to you is definitely the first step.
You normally can't get general delivery service from Amazon,
In Amazons FAQ's, it says that if you write out the words "Post Office Box" in the shipping address, their system will pick it up and automatically ship the package by USPS.

(Your Name, Post Office Box General Delivery, City, State Zip-9999)

*Found this info elsewhere on the net.
^^^^Alaskyn you are right. I was only getting half my packages because all packages that were being shipped FEDEX were getting sent back. Only UPS was making it.

FEDEX now says they will call me when they get stuff for me. Ill try the "Post Office Box" trick as well !

Mahalo plenty !
When ordering for delivery to Hawaii it is very important to find out how they will ship and make sure they are get the correct address for that method. I have done a lot of sitting on the phone to clarify that, while I am in the process of placing the order online. If they give you a box for extra information I always make a note "This is a USPS delivery address ONLY, if you ship by UPS or Fedex use this address....." The Fedex people also seem to keep physical addresses and phone numbers on file, when they got a mailing address labeled box they have brought it to us or called to see if we want to come get it.

Good luck, just another one of the vagaries of living in HPP.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
FedEx is such a pain to use. I try to avoid them at all costs.
I've had no problems with Amazon shipping once I broke the code and figured out how to trick their address form. Try this format next time:

Name: Your Name
Address Line One: Your physical address (1234 Main Street)
Address Line two: or Keaau PO Box XXXX (or, I assume, Keaau General Delivery)
City, state, Zip: Keaau, HI 96749

It's important that you use the word "or" before the post office box, because some online forms are trained to reject "PO" as the first characters of that line.

If your package ships by Fed Ex or UPS, they'll default to the physical address; if it goes USPS, they see the second line and deliver to your PO Box or General Delivery.

And, in defense of the Keaau PO staff, they have been nothing short of outstanding in serving us. In fact, we received a letter addressed to just our first names, with the wrong PO Box number and wrong zip code, and it still got delivered to us on time.
2nd that KeaauRich ... All of our postal employees are awesome. Got that 1SELF ? Already heard about you. If you don't know how it works, don't be a bitch and look to pass blame for your ignorance. Same same for DMV.
Fedex is GREAT in Hawaiian Beaches... UPS too for that matter.

All my packages sent fedex came with NO damage, the boxes in perfect condition. Can't say that for USPS.

Best way to ship... Find a really good friend that has a street address.


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Have to agree, I have never had any problems with FedEx or Ups for that matter. USPS in my area of Hawaiian Beaches is hit and miss. Numerous times I received other peoples mail and other people received my mail, other than that, its OK.

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