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Lavalava, I believe I have warned you before about calling people names. Grow up or move out.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Classic Bugs Bunny.
It is indeed time to end animal cruelty. The problem is that people tend to ignore cruelty when it contributes to their convenience oriented, consumer lifestyle.

There are many more cruel animal practices than dog fighting. I'm not talking about hunting, or even chicken fighting; I'm referring to how our food supply is produced. The treatment of domestic food animals is beyond barbaric, much more prevalent and filthy as well. It's a matter of numbers. For every mistreated dog in our country, there are a millions of animals that are tortured from their birth to their violent death.

So shame on you if you rail against dog fighting but eat at McDonalds, KFC, or the like; or buy cheap pharmaceutically infested products like Tyson Chicken. Changing the disgusting way we eat will be a million times more relevant towards fighting animal cruelty than preventing dog fighting.

I'm not vegan by any means; but there are many products that are produced more humanely than what goes into our daily "convenient and cheap" food supply.

End of rant, and my dogs are spoiled.
Oneself, I am sorry if I offended you. I do have a caveman mentality, had it my whole life.
My views towards dogs or other animals could have and should have stayed to myself. Now that its out there though, maybe I can try to explain my opinions?.
So often I see folks looking to push their beliefs onto others with no understanding or compassion towards those same folks. Turning people or neighbors in for what you think is wrong or for some reward money just does not seem right to me?. Some peoples beliefs, practices, way of life, or religions may be different that is o.k with me, especially if its on their property.
What also gets me a bit puzzled is how so many folks can love an animal or animals more than family, friends, neighbors, homeless, and strangers?. Really so many folks treat dogs, cats, goats, ext better than other humans.
You want to go around and turn your neighbors in from HPP, then go for it bra. If I see murder, rape, stealing, or abuse towards other people or children I don't turn my cheek, my mother raised me to know the difference between right and wrong. I am not a rat, nark, or really looking for trouble either though.
Anyway sorry to see differently, hope I explained my view without causing more headaches. For now I will miss those who have lived, I will love those who are here including my own children?.
There is no such thing as "dogs' nature before human interference", because there was no such thing as a dog in the sense that we think of it before humans domesticated wolves and bred them.
Genetically there is no difference between a wolf and a dog. Believe it or not a pug and a wolf have basically identical genetics, but yes selective breeding and human intervention has changed dogs drastically. Although there are some basic traits that are consistent through out the species. For instance, the pack hierarchy is instinctual for most dogs so if you are their alpha they will always look to please you and follow your command. That is why dogs are so loyal.

Anyway, life is life. If you see human life as more valuable than animal life you have no understanding of the value of life in the big picture. If you fight dogs you have absolutely no respect for life. In Brooklyn I would find headless fight dogs floating in the water because they weren't good fighters and then people wonder why pit bulls have become such a problematic breed. It is because they have been selectively bred to be aggressive towards other dogs and this is slowly ruining a breed that was used as a family dog a century ago.

Gypsy I think you are grossly generalizing dog owners. I think owning a dog enhances the appreciation of family. Dogs have the ability to heal people that is why veterans with ptsd can get service dogs as therapy. Dogs teach and remind people how to love unconditionally especially when a person is going to hard times. On the other hand I have seen people who don't like dogs avoid family members who own dogs. I have also seen people risk their own lives walking into traffic to avoid being on the same side of the street as a perfectly calm and friendly dog who wants nothing to do with them. What's the logic in that?

Anyway, I feel unless there is a reason to kill an animal (food, protection etc.) it is really sadistic and sociopathic to torture and terrorize animals in the way that dog fighting does. I would not want to live anywhere near someone like that. A person like that has no respect for life on a fundamental level.
I brought my two dobie pups to Oahu yesterday to have their ears cropped. I went to the Oahu humane society to see if I could make an appointment to have them micro chipped. While there I noticed an adult dobie about a year or so old in one of the kennels. I found out that this dog was abused/neglected by its previous owner,seems he was chained outdoors with no shelter and starved most of the time. I ended up adopting him and will be bringing him back with me when I pick up the pups from the vet this morning. Hopefully he will have a better life with his new playmates at home. I can't stand people who abuse these types of dogs. Hopefully its not to late to reverse the damage those people did to him.
There are a lot of people that would say cropping their ears is cruel!! Certainly it is unnecessary, leaves the dog open to immediate infection, and possible long term damage. Each to their own, and all that, but personally I could never understand why anybody would put their dog through that. Perhaps you could enlighten us?

Lucky number 7 should be his name eagle. Is he rust and black? I'm sure he will enjoy his new home and brothers. My guess is he will be Loyal and protective of his new home and owner. I reiterate your inability to help yourself Eagle. Good job on the adoption, I'd like to see you post a picture of the unruly pack!
Eating meat and fighting dogs is two totally different realms, in my opinion.

I am against hunting for sport, but not against hunting for food.

I am not a vegan, but I am a supporter of humane treatment of our livestock.

In the same vein, I don't get people who put their dogs in purses and carry them around either. I don't see that in Hilo, but did in every store in South Florida.

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