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Happiness in Hawaii is $122,000 a year.
I'd be happy with half that amount!
I'm not surprised. If you want to buy a house here, shop for groceries, pay for homeowners insurance in Lava Zone 2, have cable, phone and internet, and fly back to the mainland a few times each year - it costs a pretty-penny.
Sounds like they're talking about the "Hawaii" over on Oahu; I've gotten by in Puna with far less income.

The flipside: at $10/hour, you'd have to work 234 hours/week (out of a possible 168) to gross $122K.

This is complete bullshat.

Once your basic needs are met, house food clothing companionshipetc.. money doesn't make you significantly any happier than being without.

All studies on happiness, show 50% is genetic, 25% is what you choose to do daily (exercise etc) and the other 25% is what you choose to think.

There is a fantastic documentary on Netflix, called Happiness, which is about the study of Happiness.

Watch it.
Oneself, why is an opinion that is different than yours complete bullshat? I am going to suggest that you lay off the hyperbole and try to be, if you can, more respectful of other's opinions.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Its not an opinion, its a scientific fact based on study.

An opinion is, Jesus Christ is real and we were created by god from outer space as the only intelligent life for him to have.

A fact is, we evolved from monkeys and space is an expanding world filled with intelligent life.

An opinion would be, money makes people happy. A fact is studies show that it does not.

That's the great thing about science. Its true whether you choose to believe it or not.
One surefire way to create unhappiness is to disagree with someone or something.
And it's almost free. Certainly not $122,000 a year, even in Hawaii, even with our high cost of living.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Or you can just agree with everyone on everything and live fake, I guess that is an option for some people.

Personally, I couldn't sleep at night not speaking my mind. If I don't let it out during the day, it doesn't shut up at night.
The report is based on a study on the average family income to provide for "well-being" or happiness. the study then broke done the cost of these experiences by state: The news article stated that Hawaii, New York & DOC were the top three, and Mississippi had the most affordable cost of well-being.

Based solely on the states that have the highest and lowest average, I am going to take a wild guess that the AVERAGE cost of home purchase in each state may have been a factor in this study. (the article did not go into the factors of "well-being" or "happiness" that were studied, the article was reporting on the part of the scientific study that had to do with the cost of those factors.)
In our perspective - Money is just a tool to be utilized wisely .
Money does not buy happiness or good health .
The article seems more Oahu based than Puna based .
122K is more than we take in - in 4 years plus a few months.

122K is more of the main stream suit n tie work a day world types in our perspective .

And a note to 1self - our grandchildren read this forum as part of a school summer report project,so could you please be kinder in your verbiage as we do not care to explain to them such diverseness as to your choice of words.Thank you in advance.

Life is a blessing

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