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NHK: Fukushima responsible for “largest-ever” amount of radioactive pollution… “We did something terrible” — Scientist: Nuclear fuel “still melting down… there’s melting happening in the cores”
In the mean time just be prepared with your iodine or kelp pills to block that nuke crap from getting in your body.
Japan on highest alert for ‘once in decades’ typhoon — New forecasts show direct hit at Fukushima plant — Official: “Extraordinary situation… Grave danger approaching” — Record-level winds to 170mph, waves near 50ft — Military: “Can’t stress enough how dangerous… not just another typhoon” — Astronaut: It “takes up our entire view… Wow” (PHOTOS)

Who could imagine that it was possible to worsen an already unimaginably bad situation?
I know we don't fish for Salmon here but is this a sign of the times? locals believe that Fukishima radiation may be to blame - and you don't here about it on MSM . Our island will be effected in this way sooner or later - speaking about later, I think it is later than you think already.

Alaska Fisheries In Midst Of An Economic Collapse.

An extract from the above link
Other fisheries and species are also dropping off the cliff (herring, rock cod, ling cod, halibut, pollock) This is what is NOT being talked about in the so-called 'media' up here. Don't want the tourists to stay away. (does that sound familiar to us in Hawaii-)?

Bleak king salmon run predicted for Alaska's world-famous Kenai River this summer
Don't worry about this crap anymore,we will all be dead of ebola virus very soon !


I am not worried - hopefully, I got all my bases covered.
Bob - have you factored in El Nino?
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Bob - have you factored in El Nino?

Not exactly, what I mean is that there is much change going on in our Solar System and so the underlying causes for any expression of change on Earth is complex.
This VID has some reference to the changes going on and there are many others.

That being said, there is overwhelming evidence that is showing up in nature that may be related to Fukishima - which qualifies as the worst nuclear accident in history.
The plant blew because a tsunami took out the backup diesel generators to run the core pumps. You know, the generators in the basement where all the water wound up. All the plant managers had to do to avoid this catastrophe was to truck in diesel generators before the backup batteries running the plant ran flat. Instead the idiots sent workers home due to the 'safety hazard'. The rest is history. And you thought US leaders were stupid.

Brilliant analysis - and I'm sure they could have picked up a half dozen truck-mounted generators at their local 7-11 and driven them over non-existent roads and attached them to the giant extension cords that all the pumps were no doubt equipped with.

Even if you have little attachment to, or respect for, reality, at least try to show some respect for people who risked their lives doing everything in their very limited, post-disaster, power to keep those pumps running and prevent the disaster that Fukushima became.

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