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Over-armed Deedy meets Ha'ole hating Elderts
Originally posted by kalakoa

This is why you don't want stupid people walking around with guns.

There, fixed that for you.

This is the most accurate statement I've ever read on Punaweb.
Many of you are posting without really knowing the situation.

The "situation" included an armed Federal agent who had been drinking.

I don't think that's okay, but apparently the court disagrees.
At what point does the beating stop when you "just take a beating"? Beat downs are a strange thing and so unpredictable. I've seen people killed with one punch and others just shake it off. Law Enforcement Officers have deadly weapons on them at all times. Firearms are not the only weapons carried that can kill. When an Officer is engaged in any altercation his first objective is to maintain control of his weapons. Once you have presented your weapon, you cannot at any point allow the suspect to gain control of that weapon. You do not have the option of simply "taking a beat down". You are trained that if the suspect gains control of your weapon, he will kill you or others with it and he can never gain control of that weapon. You do not have the right to attack anyone. Not at any point do you have to submit to a beating from anyone. That's like saying "ahh well, that woman should have just let her husband beat on her", wrong wrong wrong. You can take all the beatings you want and maybe you will survive but if you attack me? You will regret that decision for the rest of your life, however long that life is.
Yea Rene I agree with you. He was just following standard protocol. Also his drunkenness seemed to have little to do with anything. If he hadn't been drinking I think the same course would follow. He should definitely not do any "time" for this incident.
Agree to disagree with you Rene?. Many altercations or problems that are handled physically don't end up with folks losing lives only ego. Yet all to often when a loaded weapon is brandished the outcome is fatal. This situation Deedy knew could happen when he decided to Carry his weapon and go drinking. Jmo. He may have even acted cocky or in some way very disrespectful to the victim thinking he had a Gun, Called immaturity. Thankfully no kids were there to buy a few happy meals and then get extra ketchup and an officers lesson?. Could have and with that training should have preserved life not cost it,jmos.

P.S. those who have seen people die or especially when its caused from others should seek counseling or help if needed?. Rene sounds bad witnessing people dying from one punch, yet watching people die from voluntary shots from a weopon can't be good either, only more likely. The intentions are not the same either we fight for various reasons, we shoot to Kill.
What Rene says is true gypsy69. One punch is all it takes and death can be the result. It's not a fabled one-punch-death tale. We've seen it in the news around here. Usually it's a knock-out punch to the head and then an ensuing head to pavement blow from the simple gravity of the fall. Therefore fists are deadly weapons and the type of action that includes such individuals searching for fights the way Elderts and his friend did that evening, that action needs to be second-guessed. A trouble maker dying tragically may be what is needed to curb some of that type of action. Fists are deadly weapons and Deedy was simply defending himself with another, more-deadly weapon.
Elderts DID show rather poor judgement, bringing fists to a gunfight.

It seems like almost the same situation. Two drunk men fighting. I guess what I have issue with is the notion that someone can beat on you because they feel disrespected. Plain and simple, it's taught in pre-school "keep your hands to yourself". Maybe you missed that day or something but it's not that hard a concept to figure out. It amazes me that you suggest a person seek counseling if they've witnessed a battery that ends in a death. I suggest your thought process is flawed. Never at any moment do you have the legal right to harm another person outside of self defense. Period. We are an evolved society. We are not a pack of chimpanzees swinging around sticks and dropping hammer fist on each other to pronounce dominance. I suggest you evolve and become more civilized. Trust me when I tell you, I'm not the one to try that with and there are many more like me out there. Now you can submit to all the beat downs you want but I refuse to do that because I've seen what it can do. I'm leaning to the side of thinking you've never actually been exposed to any serious level of violence or had it perpetrated upon you. If you think that you have to accept another person beating on your skull, I'm here to tell you, you don't have to live like that anymore. If you engage in "beat downs", I suggest you retrain the way you think because one day you may find yourself at the business end of a concealed firearm. I'll leave you with this, "no real warrior wants war, what he wants most is peace because he has the most to lose in a war".
Well said Rene. Sadly, deaths from beating incidents are not rare. Permanent disability isn't that rare either. Blows to the back of the head or temple are very dangerous. If knocked down, a blow to the back of the head is likely upon meeting the ground. LEO training teaches that any blow to the head is considered a use of deadly force. Beat downs are only casual affairs to the beater. I agree with Rene, if you try to beat me down it may turn out to be a bad day for you. I won't mention the "G" word so maybe my post won't get deleted.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Well I need to protect my family now even at McDonalds in case Ronald mcdonalds or Deedys of the world decide they want more?. Maybe I should carry my 12 gauge shotgun or a quick acting acid or Ebola around in case someone stinkeyes?. Pretty sure Deedy made the first physical contact by kicking his victim in the ribs, then changed the rules and brought out the executioner after underestimating the local boy, r.I.p. This was very bad judgement by Deedy and in some ways premeditated?. J.M.Opinion though.

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