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Health Dept Response To Dengue Outbreak Faulted
The Hawaii State Auditor today issued a scathing review of the Health Department's handling of the dengue outbreak on Big Island several years ago, citing them in part for a lack of proper commincations, delays, and missed steps in procedure. I believe this is quite similar to the findings we ourselves posted on Punaweb at the time the inadequate response occured:

"You all just got a lot richer." Donald Trump, Dec 23, 2017, speaking to friends, donors, and sycophants who could afford the $200,000 yearly membership fee at Mar-a-Lago.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
And don't forget that our state rep Joy Sanbuenaventura was totally clueless when asked about the dengue outbreak at a public meeting. Her excuse? She was too busy doing legal work on the medical marijuana bill. It's bad enough when the state agency in charge of something that dangerous is incompetent, but when the elected representative who should be watchdogging for us is also asleep at the wheel, it's a total mess on all levels.
She was too busy doing legal work on the medical marijuana bill.

Which was so important that we still don't have dispensaries on the island she represents.
I was really glad to hear about this Audit, especially after the DOH inept response to Dengue outbreak.
Having Press Conferences (while keeping their hands clean) wasn’t helpful IMO. I laughed when the DOH Rep. sent to Pahoa was obviously uncomfortable and swatting at mosquitos while at the Press Conference there. (despite being slathered in Deet)
Since I’m allergic to Deet, we had to do our own research to find an alternative which was actually more effective,less toxic, than Deet and recommended by WHO. (Sawyers Fisherman’s Formula- Amazon)
It is not the kuliana of Dept. of Public Works to inspect people’s property for standing water and other dangers but they did. Many thanks to Civil Defense and DPW for their efforts during the outbreak. Meanwhile DOH , who ARE trained in the area of disease prevention just talked .
Audit away!

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